Thursday 22 January 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

The beginning of 2015 felt a lot different than any of the other years because basically, like I've told many friends, I'm actually, truly looking forward to the things to come this year. If my recent posts haven't expressed this enough, I'm so excited to start my course at AFTRS. Anyways, I've made a list of things I want to stick by. There not necessarily things I want to achieve, persay. They're just things that I want to do, without set rules and restrictions or too much emphasis on the fact that if I don't do them, I would've failed 2015, because that's not what I want it to be about. I just want it to be about developing as a person. As my own person. I want to be someone I designed. Here's the list:

  • Read more. I bought a book the other day, I mentioned it in my last post. It will not be the last of this year.
  • Watch more films. With my brother overseas and so the computer all to myself, I've been able to hook it up to my TV to watch movies. I've been watching them one after another, the list in to the right. Basically, I want to be more cultured. I'll try and reach more foreign cinema too. I've only seen English and French movies, let's try to expand that. I like European languages so I'll probably start there without even realising, but I'll try to get into Asian films too and others. If you have an recommendations, please share. Thanks. 
  • Art Galleries. Go to them. I should get more into art. I don't think I'll ever really fully appreciate them any time soon. Whenever I see art, I never really take into account the meaning or purposes behind artworks, I'm the type to wow at pretty colours and skillz lol Really, this year, I just want to get more cultured.
  • Get good grades. That's been the goal for as long as I've known. But throughout highschool and uni, I did it for myself but not really. I tried to get good grades so that I could have a good future but only so I wouldn't disappoint my parents. You know what I mean? I didn't study because I wanted a nice, stable future, I studied because I wanted my parents to approve of my nice, stable future. I really want to do well at this new school, guys. I tried really hard to get in. I want to try harder to make it, to get further and further in whatever the fuck I'm going to do. I just can't keep disappointing myself anymore. I can't.
  • That's it for now LOL Thanks 4 reading.
But before I leave:


WHERE THE HELL IS IT??? IS THIS ITS AUTUMN?????? I WANT TO GO TO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Look how pretty, guys, really. It has deer!!! DEER!!! Anyways, here's the source.


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