Sunday, 15 January 2012

Stop that motion - right. now. >:@

LOL So I was gonna try really hard to get rid of my gut for the bay, but then my mum bought icecream and I thought screw it, I can wear a shirt :L YAY FOR INSECURITIES! Anywho, I think I want to do an anti-anorexia (or just eating disorders in general) video for tropfest. But the thing is, I don't know anybody anorexic, and if I did, I don't think they'd want to participate. I guess that's a good thing, but yeah. So, maybe I'll do some stop-motion but when I was thinking of it in my head, I started to think of all the hard work and effort it would take so, like, LOL, so much effort. Maybe after HSC :\ Although, I guess I could use someone at a healthy weight to want to become skinnier. Someone who dreams of those hideous, eversovisible spines and the gaping thigh gaps. And then yeah, it all turns around somehow? :\

There are a lot of anorexic, hip-bone-wanting people on tumblr. It's so horrible that this is what they want. The pictures they reblog are of the skinniest women. It's freaky. It's not attractive. If the appearance makes you feel better, LOL, it kind-of shouldn't, since it's so, well, unhealthy. There's this one girl I know who is at a fine weight, but keeps on reblogging these pictures, wanting to become these plank-lanky women. She follows me, so I've been reblogging anti-anorexic pictures in hopes of reaching out to her, but now I feel like a nosy person. But, the things she wants! They're bad for her. But the subliminal reblogs that I make do seem somewhat not-nice. Am I pushing it down her throat? Oh dear. BUT SERIOUSLY. There was this one picture of before and after. The before was the anorexic one, taken during february, and the after photo was of a later time in the year, where she was at a healthy weight, and she looked pretty good. And this girl reblogged it and said she wanted the feb one! I mean, LOL, what about the message? The lady was happy and she wrote good recovery over the after picture. GET THE MESSAGE, GIRL. But maybe it's not her fault. Darn. What should I do. Maybe I should mind my own business. But when I do, I feel like an ass. I just feel like that outside person who sees what's bad, but just stands there. Then again, I don't really know her at all. Well, she's really nice in person. Hm. Okay, I'll take my nose back then. But I'll make the video. And post it on tumblr for the public, not her specifically. If I ever get around to it that is :L

Oh, and on Tuesday, maybe I'll shimmer. LOL Okay, that sounded really stupid. But I'm still shimmering. Well, my arms shall. BYE! :L

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