Wednesday, 11 January 2012

LOL Yeah, I made another blog :(

So, like, I have two new blogs. LOL Well, one I can give you now, but the other is secret and I don't know when I'll share it :\ It goes really deep into, well, me :\ LOL Not like that! <-- This is for all those with sexual tension and whatnot :L I don't even know what sexual tension is :L ANYWHO, this new blog is pretty much a dream journal. LOL So none of you should care, but if you're interested in the mind, you can try and work out mine :) So yeah. I had a weird dream today. So I made a new blog. And the blog... IS HERE :O !

Yeah. Enjoy :L :) By the way, one day, out of all randomness, you just might appear in a dream. Like my most recent one had Alexandra and Linda Nguyen :O Okay, BYE! Oh god, I forgot about the new year videos! LOL Darn :\

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