Friday, 27 January 2012


Okay, so I've written out most of my monologue for drama. I don't really need it yet, but it's for when my script fails. Hopefully it won't. But it most probably will. It's kinda iffy though. Because I took lines from Effy and Cassie from Skins and Maria and Jenny did one of those characters for their mono in yr 11 and miss did not approve :O Also, It's kind-of angsty :L And so cliche for a teenager. What with the broken heart. But it's got hints of crazy and anorexia, sooo... Also, I've come to this horrible realisation. I've been thinking. And reading. And I suck at writing :L As in, I can make nice sentences here and there, but they can never ever connect properly. My pieces have no flow! And I started freaking out about my future and how bad this was for my dream. I was terrified LOL And now, I think it's starting to get a little bit better. I mean, I read my first attempt at piecing the quotes from Skins together to make a monologue but it was horrible and all over the place! So I started over again today, even  though I should've been studying space for physics :\ And it started to work. It's still angsty but the flow is alright. So yay :) I guess there's nothing else but to improve from here :\ Okay. That is all. Ah, I'm glad I blagged about this. I feel all better now. Okay. LOL Sorry if I bored you :L Enjoy the rest of your holidays. I just realised that last night was my last night to stay up late. Damn. Damn damn damn. :\ Oh well. BYE! :)

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