LOL, okay, so this post is pretty much a bunch of pictures of mementos that represent 2011 :) Enjoy. LOL, by the way, if I'm using the word memento wrong, please tell me. Because it's my title. And yeah. LOL Okay, just for the sake of clarity (am I using that word right too?), when I say memento, I mean objects that represent or maybe bring up certain memories. ... LOL
This is the calendar that Maria got me for xmas in 2010. So, I spent all year filling up each and every square of that damn calendar with what I did that day ie: "Last Day of Badminton" or "Gave birth to a squid today." |
These are the albums that I bought in 2011. The first albums that I've ever owned :) Brand New Eyes was the first of these firsts :O |
The book that La' Trinhdra got me for my birthday. I have yet to finish it..... LOL |
The diary that Maria got me for my birthday. Apparently, it's supposed to be a journal-like version of my memory box. I'm going to fill it with lovely memories that include me and Maria :) |
This is the journal that Jessica got me for my birthday :O I love it to bits and it's super creative because it's actually a variation of River's journal from Doctor Who :O LOL It's my life recorded by someone from my future. I'm The Doctor and Jess is River. So yeah, I pretty much spoiled the rest of my life for myself :L Jess has one too :) |
LOL this is Maria's card for me. That person is supposed to look like me ... :L Psht. This is one of two cards that has someone who looks like me :\ Jun has a picture of the other :L |
This is the product of my mind and Maria's typewriter. LOL I love this one because it reminds me of that day where me, Maria, Jess and Huynh decided to bake a cake at Maria's house but before baking, we decided to just hang in Maria's room. It was lovely. We just layed/laid (:L) on the bed and listened to old music on Maria's radio and record playing in one! LOL, and I decided to typewrite :L |
This is the tinsel bow that I made for the xmas party at Huynh's house :) The same day that we headbutted hanging ornaments :) More on that later :O |
The sticker from the charity man. This represents the big walk to the co-op bookshop with Jessica. Where Jess died and made out with a rock named Tibald. ... No, wait- |
The nice little play with the sheep LOL Well, that's all that I remember. And DAT ASS :L LOL I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. When I become PM, I'm going to ban shirts and pants and leave coins everywhere. And I'll make all the models live in one place. ... My place :L Okay, I am calming my hormones down. Anywho, yeah. The petals are from the stage itself. Their Arden was really cool too. |
Oh, the decision! And the waste of money :L Oh well. |
Ze bow that I wore to The Whyknee Phanclub Xmas Party. LOL It's also the first complete bowtie from Jess' awesome gift - my bowtie making kit! xD |
My ticket from the Christchurch charity concert. A lot of great performances. It's also where I saw the Hayley Williams and Taylor York like people :L |
RUBY MOON! So mindblowing and lovely and eerie and amazing. Loved watching and reading it in 2011 :) |
LOL Halloween. That was cool. Mai had devil horns :O Yeah. Oh my god, okay, I'm going to rant now. To all those people going "Ew, Halloween. We're in Australia. Stop being so f*cking American." LOL um, no. It's fun. Why don't you forget about that and think about how fun and happy it makes people. Kids love trick 'r treating. And it's cute. Also, it may seem American, but it was actually originally done in Europe. LOL, okay, whatever :L |
SMALL POPPIES. LOL this is the badge Diana made for me, Eeh and herself. LOL It's so cute, I love it. I tried drawing a T on it. And Diana tried to make an N. It didn't work out :\ |
VICE CAPTAIN! I made it! LOL Imma make this school an even better place than it already is, Canley. You just wait. LOL Well, keep waiting, it's coming. Damn. LOL, I need to step it up a bit :\ |
The Paramore bracelet my brother got for me for my Birthday :D He gave it to me in December though. LOL Just a tad bit late, brother :L |
The Caps from Mai and Maria/Emily's birthday :D Fun days, both of them. |
Candy Canes! :D Good day, good day. |
LOL The butterfly from Huynh, the ribbon from Mai and the badge that I bought from my brov for a dollar :L Don't know why this is here :L |
And at last, the whole thang. Yeah, quite a bit of time in one box lid :\ LOL, bye! |
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