LOL Yes, I am aware that I am incredibly late. But oh well :L So why don't we look back on the year known as 2011?
Ah. 2011. What a dandy little year. It was quite an interesting year. In fact, I think it was one of my better years. I accomplished quite a few things, I think, and in the end, I had fun. And that's nice, isn't it? Fun. Yeah. Anywho, it was most definitely a year of grand funnery and I guess it just had those "moments". You know, those times when for that one second or however many, you were truly happy. Whether it be dodging ornaments on a spinning clothes hanger, skyping with your best friend and doing the weirdest things, rocking out to Ignorance with your mates, laughing your ass off when you're not supposed to and laughing even harder when the other performer is trying to cover up the laugh by pretending to cry, being accepted and being applauded. And who could forget Catrina's onstage fall? Dammit, Clint, you better watch your forking back for hurting my redhead, koala kid. ... Wait, what? Talking about Clint, or Eeh rather, you were also a very significant part of my 2011. Let's hope it doesn't stay that way, yeah? :L There was also the vice captain gig. Yaayyyy. There was discovering skins and doctor who and misfits and Buffy. There was the nice-smelling businessman on the bus. There was "So the pig was in the back seat?" and Iceicebabygurl/BobinaCity/Eloping and Kaptain Kapow. And there was hanging out in a room with friends, old music and a typewriter. 2011 was an amazing year, but it's time to move on now. The memories will forever stay with me, but it's time to make new ones. AND RESOLUTIONNSSSSS :O:O:O:O:O
My New Years Resolutions:
- I shall try and look good. LOL As in work out and crap. .... It's probably going to fail because I'm a lazy little bastard though :\
- I shall work so much harder than ever have. LOL I'll study, I swear! And not just because I have to :L I've also been trying this thing where I take fish oil pills every day. I haven't been very good at this but lol, I'll try. Maybe I should bring the pills upstairs so the obstacle of me having to go all the way down stairs to get a pill and then walk all the way back up stairs will be gone. Or I can stop being so lazy ... NAHHH :L
- I shall get rid of these god-awful pimples. Yes. Yes I will.
- Lol, and yeah, I did realise the selfishness of my resolutions. So I came up with a new one. I shall do small things to help people. Maybe it'll come through to them and change everything, help them, or they'll disregard it. But I shall try. Although, sometimes I think my methods are a little nosy :\ But I don't know, I'll try not to shove it down their throats :L
And that's it. LOL By the way, I loved my time with skins. It's been amazing and the story-telling is tres increblarhghsafkjsdfkls. Here, read my most favourite line from my most favourite character of the first generation, Jal:
"I keep stepping on mines, Cass."
Okay, maybe it would sound better if you watched it and heard it and knew what was going on with Jal. Who knows :L Anywho, that's it. This is my 26-days-late new year post and I hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm ever so sorry for not posting any videos. It's just that I don't get a lot of time on the computer anymore so I can't really edit any videos. And raw videos suck. Also, I'm really quite lazy :\ Yeah, sorry, guys.
Welps, until next time! BYE! :)
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