Friday, 27 January 2012

Skyrim + Doctor Who + Skins

LOL So I spent my holidays playing skyrim, studying and watching skins. It was pretty good. LOL Let's talk about skyrim! Yaayyyy....

So, like, LOL, like with all games, I am horrible at it :L It's not that I die a lot, it's just that I get lost very easily, leave too many markers laying around and I steal too many things for my own good. But hey, I'm having fun. I'm also very slow ... LOL I'm a nord mage by ze vay. It's very fun spiking people with icicle thingies :) LOL I also have my beautiful companion Marcurio. He is amazing. He has luscious locks and the most amazing spells. He's kind of a dick though. Always standing in my way or making loud SHINNGGG sounds when I'm trying to sneak around. Bastard should get a quieter dagger :@ And once, when I was riding away into the sunset with my horse, he was just running behind me, not keeping up at all. So I got off my high horse (Ya see what I did there?) and I tried to direct him onto my horse, but instead he shot the hell out of it and killed it. .... So I killed him back and loaded my last save file :L LOL I don't like it when Marcurio dies. It gets very sad. And dramatic. LOL I don't even notice when he dies. I just find his body on the floor and scream MARCURRIOOOOOOO!!!! LOL It's weird but it's this thing we have. I also get very angry because he's holding all my dragon bones. They're very heavy. LOL So I just load my last save file :L Okay, enough about Skyrim.

Now, Doctor Who. LOL So lately I've been thinking about Dr Who and a marathon. LOL We really need to make one :L Okay, we don't but it'd be nice :) Okay, after year 12. Anywho, here is a list of episodes that I especially want to watch:
  • The two vashda nerada ones (My favourite episodes ever. Oh my god, I love Donna Noble.)
  • The one with the fob watch and the doctor thinks he's human and dreams of himself when he was the doctor and travelling through time. You know, the very sad one. It may or may not have been the one with the creepy family and the scarecrows. Or that was a different episode. Hm.
  • "Midnight" LOL Screw you, Jess, I actually think that was a really good episode. It showed how easily people will turn on anybody but also how brave and good people truly are :L Okay, it sounds sappy but LOL WHATEVER, JESS, I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU :L Even if it was a really low budget ep :L
LOL Yeah, that's all I can think of right now :L But yeah, they're all Tennant eps :) Honestly, I don't really like Matt Smith. He's cool and all, but I miss Tennant. Sure he was the sad one but I miss all the sadness and the apologies. It was so good :') And I miss Donna. LOL I don't mind Amy and Rory. They're nice and all but I MISS DONNA :L I bet more than half the whovians in the world disagree with me very strongly but oh well :L I'm probably not keen on watching the Matt Smith eps though because I've watched them more recently :\

Now: Skins. LOL I love love love Skins. It's so good. The first gen was amazing. The story-telling was tres magnefique (:L Yeah, I have no idea what I'm saying). It's a good show. To those who haven't watched it, give it a try. It's good :L Although the new gen isn't all that great. I think it's because the show has been redoing that same type of story-telling and crap over and over again. It is their style and all but it's getting kinda old. But the characters are still top notch. It's just that they really need to make it a little different this time. It's getting overdone :O Yeah :( Also, they kinda ruined Effy's character. She was so cool and quiet in the first gen then by the next she started speaking :L Like Jess said "Why did she have to start speaking for?" LOL Okay, not exactly what she said but something along those lines :L

Okay, that is all. Bye, guys! Until the next time :)

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