Monday, 30 January 2012

Timetable [Warning: This post is going to do nothing but waste your time. I don't even know why I'm publishing it. Gosh. I should do homework. ... Okay, enjoy :L]

Um, so, like, LOL, I dislike this new arrangement. I liked it when maths was all nice and spread out. Now it's all clumped and stupid >:( LOL And there's so much chemistry! LOL Okay, there's the same amount of chem but still! I dislike it :L And I don't end the week with two periods of drama no more :( And  I know Thursday will be my most hated day. Mondays are okay now. I kinda like single periods of English more than doubles too. They're fun without taking too long :L OH, and I get to leave at recess on Tuesdays now! Yaayyyyyyy. LOL I guess that's all I had to say :\ Hm.

SO LET'S TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. LOL So I don't know if I've talked about this yet but I quite like my back-up monologue. It's a story made from the lines of Cassie from Skins. Oh, and you know what? I just checked my blag and I did write about this. Well I like the look of it so far. ... Okay. Do I have anything else to talk about? Hmmmm..... OH! I helped welcome the year 7's this morning. I had this whole sentence planned out and I said everything in the wrong order :L Oh well. And I lead a bunch of boys to the toilet :D And then I came in after and shut the door tight. Very tight. .... LOL Just stop reading here. I bet what I'm gonna write from here on out will be absolutely meaningless. Eggplants make great potpourri when you fly them close to the sun. Until your wings burn up and you plummet. You panic like crazy, flail about and scream your lungs out. Until you reach the surface and continue falling. Down the rabbit hole you go into another world. A strange world. A mad world. Yes, that's right. You are high as a motherf*cker :L Excuse my french.

LOL Oh my god, blogger didn't accept the word rabbithole, so they tried to correct me with 'rabbi thole' ...... Oh blogger spell checker, you make my day. Bye, guys.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

OH, and about other stuff :L

LOL, okay, so I really cannot be bothered studying which is really really bad but... okay, no buts. I'll study. ... right after this :L So I finished the first season of Awkward. and it's pretty alright. It's not the funniest show out their but it's not the worst. I like it. The main character is really cool. She's not tres nice and a good person. Although, I just can't shake the fact that she lost her virginity at 15. And how it's so normal in America LOL I mean, FIFTEEN! LOL Guys, teen pregnancy and stuff... Unless it's actually normal to lose it at that age in Aus too and I'm just missing out :\ Who knows :L But yeah. The show is quite alright. There's also a nice little twist at the end of the season :O LOL She turned 16 in one of the eps and I'm just sitting there thinking about how old all her friends look. LOL And Matty is so lush :L He has a weird bump in his nose but he looks pretty good. AND I'M OLDER THAN HIM LOL White people grow so fast! And they look so good! :L Western TV always makes me feel so alone :L Like in Modern Family, Alex was being shamed by her sister for not losing her first kiss even though she was already 14 ... :( LOL, I wonder how my first kiss will play out. Yeah, this post is only going to get weirder. New years is a good time to have a nice kiss. ............................. Yeah, LOL, you have no idea how much I think of this stuff :L I'm a sucker for first anything's :L I always want my firsts to be really good LOL Like first pancakes and crap :L It's weird, but it's a thing I have :L And Buffy. Good show but Buffy looks so much older than 16 when the show starts. 

Okay, let's talk about Buffy the vampire for a sec. I feel awful for saying this, but I don't quite like Lily from HIMYM as Willow :L Well at the start. Because I watched the unaired pilot which had different actors here and there and I liked fat willow. She was cool. And I just kept on seeing what the show missed out on when they cast Lily instead. But now it's okay. I started to like Lily as the cute Willow. So innocent and crap :L I love how she's a Wicca. Okay, I don't know how to spell that. Let's just say she's a witch. She's cool. Okay, Buffy rant over.

Hm. Study? ..... Study :( And yeah, since I'm on the laptop, no colour. Much too lazy :L

To Cynthia: LOL

Okay, so, after reading Cynthia's blog, I just thought I'd say: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I MADE IT INTO ANOTHER BLOG. I'VE BEEN MENTIONED IN A TITLE BY SOMEONE WITH QUITE A FEW FOLLOWERS. I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY ARE A LOT BUT SHE HAS WAY MORE THAN ME SO YAYYYYYYYY!!! :L Okay, caps lock over. And yeah, lol, she seems tv be further than me in the game :\ A lot further :L Whatever, Cynthia :L Little miss goody two shoes. Hehehe, I remember this one time, in this old kids show about vampires, a vamp was colled goody two fangs. ... hehehe, it was funny at the time :L ANYWHO. LOL Like with all my games, I like to be evil and a massive bitch. And a lesbian if I can be. (Mass Effect, whoo.) LOL I should've been a stereotypical black woman from the ghetto again though :( Lafonda to the max! But no, I'm white and old :L OH WELL, still evil :L Yeah, I guess there's no point to this post but I felt as if my Skyrim post was somewhat lacking. Yeah. I should be studying for physics. ........ Okay, time to go, bye! Also, I had no idea there was a bards college. Unless that's the thieves guild. Hm. OKAY, LOL, STUDY, VILHELM! Yes, mother. .... Wait, can you say that when you're speaking to yourself? It sounds kinda weird. ... OKAY, LOL, I'M OUT. Au revoir, blaggers. And happy gaming and not trying to do time-wasting activities. Cynthia! (Skyrim does not waste time by the way :L)

Friday, 27 January 2012


Okay, so I've written out most of my monologue for drama. I don't really need it yet, but it's for when my script fails. Hopefully it won't. But it most probably will. It's kinda iffy though. Because I took lines from Effy and Cassie from Skins and Maria and Jenny did one of those characters for their mono in yr 11 and miss did not approve :O Also, It's kind-of angsty :L And so cliche for a teenager. What with the broken heart. But it's got hints of crazy and anorexia, sooo... Also, I've come to this horrible realisation. I've been thinking. And reading. And I suck at writing :L As in, I can make nice sentences here and there, but they can never ever connect properly. My pieces have no flow! And I started freaking out about my future and how bad this was for my dream. I was terrified LOL And now, I think it's starting to get a little bit better. I mean, I read my first attempt at piecing the quotes from Skins together to make a monologue but it was horrible and all over the place! So I started over again today, even  though I should've been studying space for physics :\ And it started to work. It's still angsty but the flow is alright. So yay :) I guess there's nothing else but to improve from here :\ Okay. That is all. Ah, I'm glad I blagged about this. I feel all better now. Okay. LOL Sorry if I bored you :L Enjoy the rest of your holidays. I just realised that last night was my last night to stay up late. Damn. Damn damn damn. :\ Oh well. BYE! :)

Skyrim + Doctor Who + Skins

LOL So I spent my holidays playing skyrim, studying and watching skins. It was pretty good. LOL Let's talk about skyrim! Yaayyyy....

So, like, LOL, like with all games, I am horrible at it :L It's not that I die a lot, it's just that I get lost very easily, leave too many markers laying around and I steal too many things for my own good. But hey, I'm having fun. I'm also very slow ... LOL I'm a nord mage by ze vay. It's very fun spiking people with icicle thingies :) LOL I also have my beautiful companion Marcurio. He is amazing. He has luscious locks and the most amazing spells. He's kind of a dick though. Always standing in my way or making loud SHINNGGG sounds when I'm trying to sneak around. Bastard should get a quieter dagger :@ And once, when I was riding away into the sunset with my horse, he was just running behind me, not keeping up at all. So I got off my high horse (Ya see what I did there?) and I tried to direct him onto my horse, but instead he shot the hell out of it and killed it. .... So I killed him back and loaded my last save file :L LOL I don't like it when Marcurio dies. It gets very sad. And dramatic. LOL I don't even notice when he dies. I just find his body on the floor and scream MARCURRIOOOOOOO!!!! LOL It's weird but it's this thing we have. I also get very angry because he's holding all my dragon bones. They're very heavy. LOL So I just load my last save file :L Okay, enough about Skyrim.

Now, Doctor Who. LOL So lately I've been thinking about Dr Who and a marathon. LOL We really need to make one :L Okay, we don't but it'd be nice :) Okay, after year 12. Anywho, here is a list of episodes that I especially want to watch:
  • The two vashda nerada ones (My favourite episodes ever. Oh my god, I love Donna Noble.)
  • The one with the fob watch and the doctor thinks he's human and dreams of himself when he was the doctor and travelling through time. You know, the very sad one. It may or may not have been the one with the creepy family and the scarecrows. Or that was a different episode. Hm.
  • "Midnight" LOL Screw you, Jess, I actually think that was a really good episode. It showed how easily people will turn on anybody but also how brave and good people truly are :L Okay, it sounds sappy but LOL WHATEVER, JESS, I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU :L Even if it was a really low budget ep :L
LOL Yeah, that's all I can think of right now :L But yeah, they're all Tennant eps :) Honestly, I don't really like Matt Smith. He's cool and all, but I miss Tennant. Sure he was the sad one but I miss all the sadness and the apologies. It was so good :') And I miss Donna. LOL I don't mind Amy and Rory. They're nice and all but I MISS DONNA :L I bet more than half the whovians in the world disagree with me very strongly but oh well :L I'm probably not keen on watching the Matt Smith eps though because I've watched them more recently :\

Now: Skins. LOL I love love love Skins. It's so good. The first gen was amazing. The story-telling was tres magnefique (:L Yeah, I have no idea what I'm saying). It's a good show. To those who haven't watched it, give it a try. It's good :L Although the new gen isn't all that great. I think it's because the show has been redoing that same type of story-telling and crap over and over again. It is their style and all but it's getting kinda old. But the characters are still top notch. It's just that they really need to make it a little different this time. It's getting overdone :O Yeah :( Also, they kinda ruined Effy's character. She was so cool and quiet in the first gen then by the next she started speaking :L Like Jess said "Why did she have to start speaking for?" LOL Okay, not exactly what she said but something along those lines :L

Okay, that is all. Bye, guys! Until the next time :)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

It's a new year!

LOL Yes, I am aware that I am incredibly late. But oh well :L So why don't we look back on the year known as 2011

Ah. 2011. What a dandy little year. It was quite an interesting year. In fact, I think it was one of my better years. I accomplished quite a few things, I think, and in the end, I had fun. And that's nice, isn't it? Fun. Yeah. Anywho, it was most definitely a year of grand funnery and I guess it just had those "moments". You know, those times when for that one second or however many, you were truly happy. Whether it be dodging ornaments on a spinning clothes hanger, skyping with your best friend and doing the weirdest things, rocking out to Ignorance with your mates, laughing your ass off when you're not supposed to and laughing even harder when the other performer is trying to cover up the laugh by pretending to cry, being accepted and being applauded. And who could forget Catrina's onstage fall? Dammit, Clint, you better watch your forking back for hurting my redhead, koala kid. ... Wait, what? Talking about Clint, or Eeh rather, you were also a very significant part of my 2011. Let's hope it doesn't stay that way, yeah? :L  There was also the vice captain gig. Yaayyyy. There was discovering skins and doctor who and misfits and Buffy. There was the nice-smelling businessman on the bus. There was "So the pig was in the back seat?" and Iceicebabygurl/BobinaCity/Eloping and Kaptain Kapow. And there was hanging out in a room with friends, old music and a typewriter. 2011 was an amazing year, but it's time to move on now. The memories will forever stay with me, but it's time to make new ones. AND RESOLUTIONNSSSSS :O:O:O:O:O

My New Years Resolutions:
  • I shall try and look good. LOL As in work out and crap. .... It's probably going to fail because I'm a lazy little bastard though :\
  • I shall work so much harder than ever have. LOL I'll study, I swear! And not just because I have to :L I've also been trying this thing where I take fish oil pills every day. I haven't been very good at this but lol, I'll try. Maybe I should bring the pills upstairs so the obstacle of me having to go all the way down stairs to get a pill and then walk all the way back up stairs will be gone. Or I can stop being so lazy ... NAHHH :L
  • I shall get rid of these god-awful pimples. Yes. Yes I will.
  • Lol, and yeah, I did realise the selfishness of my resolutions. So I came up with a new one. I shall do small things to help people. Maybe it'll come through to them and change everything, help them, or they'll disregard it. But I shall try. Although, sometimes I think my methods are a little nosy :\ But I don't know, I'll try not to shove it down their throats :L
And that's it. LOL By the way, I loved my time with skins. It's been amazing and the story-telling is tres increblarhghsafkjsdfkls. Here, read my most favourite line from my most favourite character of the first generation, Jal:
"I keep stepping on mines, Cass."

Okay, maybe it would sound better if you watched it and heard it and knew what was going on with Jal. Who knows :L Anywho, that's it. This is my 26-days-late new year post and I hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm ever so sorry for not posting any videos. It's just that I don't get a lot of time on the computer anymore so I can't really edit any videos. And raw videos suck. Also, I'm really quite lazy :\ Yeah, sorry, guys.

Welps, until next time! BYE! :)

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I had a dream/

:O New post in my dream blog. Check it out, guys. And yeah, I apologise for not blagging lately but I'm so goshdarn lazy. But yes, I shall get my act together soon. ... hopefully. Anywho, link to the post: 

The following people were in the dream:
  • Mai Le
  • Trinh Duong
  • John Ho
  • Miss Bremert
  • Danny Huynh
  • Miss Rogers
  • Mr Georgiou (Please tell me how to spell his name lol)
  • Harley Something
And yeah. It was an excursion to a strange place that made no sense. Enjoy!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Stop that motion - right. now. >:@

LOL So I was gonna try really hard to get rid of my gut for the bay, but then my mum bought icecream and I thought screw it, I can wear a shirt :L YAY FOR INSECURITIES! Anywho, I think I want to do an anti-anorexia (or just eating disorders in general) video for tropfest. But the thing is, I don't know anybody anorexic, and if I did, I don't think they'd want to participate. I guess that's a good thing, but yeah. So, maybe I'll do some stop-motion but when I was thinking of it in my head, I started to think of all the hard work and effort it would take so, like, LOL, so much effort. Maybe after HSC :\ Although, I guess I could use someone at a healthy weight to want to become skinnier. Someone who dreams of those hideous, eversovisible spines and the gaping thigh gaps. And then yeah, it all turns around somehow? :\

There are a lot of anorexic, hip-bone-wanting people on tumblr. It's so horrible that this is what they want. The pictures they reblog are of the skinniest women. It's freaky. It's not attractive. If the appearance makes you feel better, LOL, it kind-of shouldn't, since it's so, well, unhealthy. There's this one girl I know who is at a fine weight, but keeps on reblogging these pictures, wanting to become these plank-lanky women. She follows me, so I've been reblogging anti-anorexic pictures in hopes of reaching out to her, but now I feel like a nosy person. But, the things she wants! They're bad for her. But the subliminal reblogs that I make do seem somewhat not-nice. Am I pushing it down her throat? Oh dear. BUT SERIOUSLY. There was this one picture of before and after. The before was the anorexic one, taken during february, and the after photo was of a later time in the year, where she was at a healthy weight, and she looked pretty good. And this girl reblogged it and said she wanted the feb one! I mean, LOL, what about the message? The lady was happy and she wrote good recovery over the after picture. GET THE MESSAGE, GIRL. But maybe it's not her fault. Darn. What should I do. Maybe I should mind my own business. But when I do, I feel like an ass. I just feel like that outside person who sees what's bad, but just stands there. Then again, I don't really know her at all. Well, she's really nice in person. Hm. Okay, I'll take my nose back then. But I'll make the video. And post it on tumblr for the public, not her specifically. If I ever get around to it that is :L

Oh, and on Tuesday, maybe I'll shimmer. LOL Okay, that sounded really stupid. But I'm still shimmering. Well, my arms shall. BYE! :L

Friday, 13 January 2012

Memento :)

LOL, okay, so this post is pretty much a bunch of pictures of mementos that represent 2011 :) Enjoy. LOL, by the way, if I'm using the word memento wrong, please tell me. Because it's my title. And yeah. LOL Okay, just for the sake of clarity (am I using that word right too?), when I say memento, I mean objects that represent or maybe bring up certain memories. ... LOL

This is the calendar that Maria got me for xmas in 2010. So, I spent all year filling up each and every square of that damn calendar with what I did that day ie: "Last Day of Badminton" or "Gave birth to a squid today."

These are the albums that I bought in 2011. The first albums that I've ever owned :) Brand New Eyes was the first of these firsts :O

The book that La' Trinhdra got me for my birthday. I have yet to finish it..... LOL

The diary that Maria got me for my birthday. Apparently, it's supposed to be a journal-like version of my memory box. I'm going to fill it with lovely memories that include me and Maria :)

This is the journal that Jessica got me for my birthday :O I love it to bits and it's super creative because it's actually a variation of River's journal from Doctor Who :O LOL It's my life recorded by someone from my future. I'm The Doctor and Jess is River. So yeah, I pretty much spoiled the rest of my life for myself :L Jess has one too :)

LOL this is Maria's card for me. That person is supposed to look like me ... :L Psht. This is one of two cards that has someone who looks like me :\ Jun has a picture of the other :L

This is the product of my mind and Maria's typewriter. LOL I love this one because it reminds me of that day where me, Maria, Jess and Huynh decided to bake a cake at Maria's house but before baking, we decided to just hang in Maria's room. It was lovely. We just layed/laid (:L) on the bed and listened to old music on Maria's radio and record playing in one! LOL, and I decided to typewrite :L

This is the tinsel bow that I made for the xmas party at Huynh's house :) The same day that we headbutted hanging ornaments :) More on that later :O

The sticker from the charity man. This represents the big walk to the co-op bookshop with Jessica. Where Jess died and made out with a rock named Tibald. ... No, wait-

The nice little play with the sheep LOL Well, that's all that I remember. And DAT ASS :L LOL I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. When I become PM, I'm going to ban shirts and pants and leave coins everywhere. And I'll make all the models live in one place. ... My place :L Okay, I am calming my hormones down. Anywho, yeah. The petals are from the stage itself. Their Arden was really cool too.

Oh, the decision! And the waste of money :L Oh well.

Ze bow that I wore to The Whyknee Phanclub Xmas Party. LOL It's also the first complete bowtie from Jess' awesome gift - my bowtie making kit! xD

My ticket from the Christchurch charity concert. A lot of great performances. It's also where I saw the Hayley Williams and Taylor York like people :L

RUBY MOON! So mindblowing and lovely and eerie and amazing. Loved watching and reading it in 2011 :)

LOL Halloween. That was cool. Mai had devil horns :O Yeah. Oh my god, okay, I'm going to rant now. To all those people going "Ew, Halloween. We're in Australia. Stop being so f*cking American." LOL um, no. It's fun. Why don't you forget about that and think about how fun and happy it makes people. Kids love trick 'r treating. And it's cute. Also, it may seem American, but it was actually originally done in Europe. LOL, okay, whatever :L

SMALL POPPIES. LOL this is the badge Diana made for me, Eeh and herself. LOL It's so cute, I love it. I tried drawing a T on it. And Diana tried to make an N. It didn't work out :\

VICE CAPTAIN! I made it! LOL Imma make this school an even better place than it already is, Canley. You just wait. LOL Well, keep waiting, it's coming. Damn. LOL, I need to step it up a bit :\

The Paramore bracelet my brother got for me for my Birthday :D He gave it to me in December though. LOL Just a tad bit late, brother :L

The Caps from Mai and Maria/Emily's birthday :D Fun days, both of them.

Candy Canes! :D Good day, good day.

LOL The butterfly from Huynh, the ribbon from Mai and the badge that I bought from my brov for a dollar :L Don't know why this is here :L

And at last, the whole thang. Yeah, quite a bit of time in one box lid :\ LOL, bye!