Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Egg Mr Gutwev Global Financial Crisis + N Fig Wid Honour, hot hen's club + Boyfriend Because F*ck

So those were my quotes lol, as in EGMRGUTWEVGFC, NFGWIDHnrHHC, BFBCFK. But, dammit, I could've swapped the B and F at the start of the last set of quotes to make FBBCFK, and that could've been F-Bomb BeComes F*cK. ... BECAUSE IT DOES. But if I did go to that, I wouldn't have been able to make my really cool narnia-like book title, The Burning Feet, the Bombed Child and the Fabled Kitchen. Anywho, that was my pathetic quote rant for the day. I'm going to miss Gatsby. Twas a good book. I never finished it but I finished the movie. OH MY GOD, ROBERT REDFORD, YUM YUM YUM YUM. Aaanywho, the test was okay. Module A was a little bit iffy because I didn't say anything about the novel form........... And Module B, aiight aiight. I panicked a little because they didn't specifically say refer to other people's perceptions of the play, so that killed my whole paragraph of critic quotes but i wrote it anyway loool But jessie and DannYouwin said that it's okay because what they said could've altered my perceptions. But I didn't say that myself. ... Well, that's two essays down the drain. Module C module C. Pretty alright. During the test, for some odd reason, I though that the thing would end at 11:10. So I rushed. But I actually looked at the board halfway through C and saw that it was 11:30. So instead of continuing to rush it and then taking the remaining time to check and fix up my other essays, I decided to cruise hahaha :L Also, I did not write enough for the module B :( Umm, so that was paper two. Next up, drama. Which I should be writing practice exam answers for. Buut, I really can't be bothered... Which lol, is like every drama exam and like in every drama exam I fall. I fall very deep. Deep, dear silence. ....... BYE NOW. Lol, that didn't even make sense.

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