Friday, 19 October 2012

Dear Jessie

So right now I'm drinking 76 cent Pasito and blawgin'. Just for you, J-J-Jessie J. But really, since I didn't have an eggs-ham [exam] today, I don't quite know what to say. OH. I had pho today, jess. Again. Without you. I was going to call you, but you left me, jay. You left me. I went with Nita and we had a nice conversation about our futures. New possible plan, by the way. Okay, so, I could take an arts course, right? And I could major in psychology. That way, I have something to go into a playwriting post-grad with, or I could go into psychology as a safety net. Yeah? Perhaps. Um. I really don't know what to say, man. Oh, LOL, you should've seen maria today. She came in with lashes, winged-eyes and with her belly + leg out. It was hilarious because she stuck out like crazy in the lib but she looked nice. It was Cartina D's clothing by the way. Umm... Oh right, Huyners. So I noticed something today. He seems to be nicer or at least less ass-holy (:L) and more happy when he's studying Maths. I think maths makes him happy and he should follow something dependent on it in his career. That way he can be super-rich and happy. But it's only a theory, and maybe he's just been sleeping right. Who knows, xiao wa. Ummumumumumum, the love of my library life hasn't been coming to the library. It's very saddening. I miss his tight sweater and how our eyes never meet, and the way he is completely oblivious to my infatuation and so the way he's not weirded out by my obsession yet. Oh, cherishings of my study times, please come back into my warm, two-table-away embrace. Ummmm, yeah. I can't really think of anything else to talk about. OH. I think once 2U passes, I will fall into a pit of sadness, because all my relax exams are dead. I mean, they shouldn't have been relax exams [or relaxams] because I'm not super at the subjects, but I felt very okay the past week. I didn't freak out or anything. I think I was saving it for the sciences or the results-day. Who knows. But oh well. Au revoir, Jessebelle. And Goodnight. OH. And you know my character, Dr Vol. I think I got her name from the french word for death or something. Like, when I found out that Voldemort's name was some sort of version of "Flight from death" in french, I thought I'd call my doctor 'Vol'. Yeah. Bye bye, Jessticiar [], and work hard. I'll see you tomorrow.

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