Saturday, 27 October 2012


I'm not one to make a christmas wish list. But. Here goes LOL

So, like:
So, like, this list was just a personal thing that I wanted to make, but, you know, if you were thinking of making me very happy or you got me for a secret santa sorta thing, then, well, feel free. Go for it. Spend a lot of money on me. I don't mind. I really don't.


LOL, this is such an asshole post hahahaha

Also, I have no idea as to what my sizes are. I could go check but I don't know how and I think my ass is glued to this chair. Or I just really can't be bothered to get up. It just takes up a terrible load of effort LOL So, um, goodluck and let's hope you're good at guessing sizes. And no, I am not size elephant but size angel (A) Bye again.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Oh my god.

Oh dear lord.

Oh sweet mahogany jesus.

ohhhhhhhhhhh angelcakes.

My gaga phase was so goddamn embarrassing I want to die.

Oh christ's molasses.

Ohohohoooo no.


No more.


Is nothing like pancakes.


The Green Light

So.. I went to livo today to return books and that was okay. I went with maria and we shopped for an hour or two. Probably two. Or three. Anyways, I love rdx. It's got all the clothes I want. All of them. All. Of. ... Honey-worker. Anywho, we then went all the way back to cabra to study and hardly did anything at all. I think it's because there's such a big gap between now and my sciences and I'm starting to slack off and I know I shouldn't be taking these precious study days for granted but oh my goodness gracious me. LOL, no worries, bro, I'll get stuff done tomorrow. But enough about boring old study. LOOK AT WHAT MARIA DREW ME!!!

Okay, so at livo lib, there was a comic book store and so we went in, looked around, had fun, made fun and then we noticed something. That there was no such thing as a flat-chested super-heroine. And they all have freakishly muscly thighs. My god. Ah. It's like, Emily times 1.5! [I mean, Emily is crazy enough but dude, super-emily. SUPER-EMILY.] Anywho, here she is:

Okay, so after Maria drew and coloured her in, we decided that since she was so green, we would call her 'The Green Light'. It was named after that famous symbol in that Fitzgerald book and from there on we created her superpower. Okay, so you know how the green light represents the future in the great gatsby, to some extent? Well, what about a woman WHO CAN FORESEE THE FUTURE :O LOL, jokes, she can't kick ass with a power like that, no siree. Well. ... Actually. She could learn martial arts or something and how to skillfully dodge attacks and then she could like focus her power really well, and use it to predict her opponent's attacks. So like, she can foresee the next few seconds and dodge her enemy's punch before he even attempts to throw it. It can be tres useful.

Aaaanywho, so her real powers are based on, well... traffic lights. LOL. So, like the green light, go, is her unitard. It gives her the ability to run at superspeeds. As in GOOOOO. And then she has the balls on her belt and stuff. They are amber, and she can detach them and throw them at her enemys, slowing them down. Like the yellow on traffic lights which mean SLOWW DOWWNNNNNN. And last but not least, she has her 'kiss of death'. The red of her lips mean STOPPP, as in when someone experiences the soft touch of her lips, they stop immediately. As in everything stops, including their heart :O:O:O:O:O ZE KISS OF DEATH!!! It's supposed to be tragic because she can never kiss the man she loves without harming him. It's like rogue from the x-men except it's worse for rogue because she can't actually have any skin-to-skin contact anywhere :\ And yeah, that is the coolness of THE GREEN LIGHT!

Oh, and also, she can totes be the Green Lantern's girlfriend, because you know - a lantern is nothing without it's light :O Yeah. Just though of that, babycakes. LOL, I apologise for calling you all Babycakes. Goodbye now.


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Unit III

So, like, um, it was fair and the questions weren't too terrible, but um, like, no, you know? I'm a tad bit tempted to mark my work on bored but then I remember how crap I did and ughhhh, sadness. Yeah, the biggest thing that pissed me off was the time. THE TIME. I knew that the test was gonna end at 11:25 when it started, but I somehow forgot, and as I kinda-cruised through the last part of the last 3U maths question ever [even though I didn't have the time, what with the questions I had skipped], I was nearing twenty-five but my head was all like, duuuddeeee, relaxxxx, it ends at eleven thirty, maannnnn, take a chill pilllll. And I could do the last question, and it was easy and then BAM. Pens down. PANTS DOWN, I SAY. Ughhhh, and lol, I love how hated the senior marker is. I mean, I know it's just her job and she's only trying to keep a crowd of students who are strangers to her from cheating, but like, duuuudeeeee, relaxxxxxxx, and stop making up your own rules, holy crap. LOL But if there's one thing that I cannot forgive her for, it is her rudeness to her colleagues. I mean, she ridicules them and when she tells them to do crap, she has no manners, and humiliates them in front of all of us. How terrible can she be, I mean, oh my god, you "stupid hoe" - which is apparently quoted from another supervisor herself :O

But yeah, 3U could've been better if I had put the effort in but you know me, lazy, lazy, lazy.

OH. Before, I was thinking about post hsc, and I thought about all my shows and my games and then I thought about bike-riding all the time with jessie and getting all active and crap like that and I started to get really excited and happy. I swear I almost teared up, oh my godddd :') I can't wait, I say, I CAN'T WAIT. Which reminds me, I should check when the next time I can audition for NIDA is.

Oh, and my future is looking bad and then better and then even worse than it was before. Oh lord, I have no idea where I'm going. I might as well be blindfolded. Which reminds me.

So I went to see the year eleven drama class' play thing today and it was pretty interesting. I enjoyed it. And like, I could totes recognise all the absurdist aspects and I felt very proud during the performance. But, lol, everybody else probably got it too so ummm... Oh well. It was a good play and a good performance. Well done, year eleven [but I liked small poppies better because I was in it lololololol and catrina tripped on stage hahahahhahahahahahahah, oh how I miss my drama class already. But no worries, we're coming back together soon on the sixth. I CAN'T WAIT TIL THAT DAY I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T AH.]

Bye now.

Monday, 22 October 2012


Forgot to blog about 2U but don't worry, I am here :O Anywho, it was okay. But, like, you know how you count the marks you lose and realise what the highest mark you could possibly get is and then you take more marks away to account for the tonne of silly mistakes you probably made? Well. ..... LOL, and like Jessie J, I too am pissed at the lady for her lies and trickery. You said it was warm, lady. I took my jacket off for you. SEVERAL PEOPLE STILL HAD THEIR JERSEYS ON, BOY OH BOY AM I ANNOYED. But oh well. I could Photo: Grizzly bear resting on a log it. Oh, and during the test, there was a revelation. The word 'minimum' is like 'tiny mother'. ... I know. It's god-damn crazy. Oh, and to those of you who are feeling down in the dumps, here, have two of my happy songs. These are songs that make me feel instantly happy and their both by Regina Spektor.

This is my happy song with Frenchy frenchness:

And this song makes me feel all gooey inside because it's so cute!

And I hope they bring up yo spirits. Work hard, best of luck and au revoir, mes amis.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Dear Jessie

So right now I'm drinking 76 cent Pasito and blawgin'. Just for you, J-J-Jessie J. But really, since I didn't have an eggs-ham [exam] today, I don't quite know what to say. OH. I had pho today, jess. Again. Without you. I was going to call you, but you left me, jay. You left me. I went with Nita and we had a nice conversation about our futures. New possible plan, by the way. Okay, so, I could take an arts course, right? And I could major in psychology. That way, I have something to go into a playwriting post-grad with, or I could go into psychology as a safety net. Yeah? Perhaps. Um. I really don't know what to say, man. Oh, LOL, you should've seen maria today. She came in with lashes, winged-eyes and with her belly + leg out. It was hilarious because she stuck out like crazy in the lib but she looked nice. It was Cartina D's clothing by the way. Umm... Oh right, Huyners. So I noticed something today. He seems to be nicer or at least less ass-holy (:L) and more happy when he's studying Maths. I think maths makes him happy and he should follow something dependent on it in his career. That way he can be super-rich and happy. But it's only a theory, and maybe he's just been sleeping right. Who knows, xiao wa. Ummumumumumum, the love of my library life hasn't been coming to the library. It's very saddening. I miss his tight sweater and how our eyes never meet, and the way he is completely oblivious to my infatuation and so the way he's not weirded out by my obsession yet. Oh, cherishings of my study times, please come back into my warm, two-table-away embrace. Ummmm, yeah. I can't really think of anything else to talk about. OH. I think once 2U passes, I will fall into a pit of sadness, because all my relax exams are dead. I mean, they shouldn't have been relax exams [or relaxams] because I'm not super at the subjects, but I felt very okay the past week. I didn't freak out or anything. I think I was saving it for the sciences or the results-day. Who knows. But oh well. Au revoir, Jessebelle. And Goodnight. OH. And you know my character, Dr Vol. I think I got her name from the french word for death or something. Like, when I found out that Voldemort's name was some sort of version of "Flight from death" in french, I thought I'd call my doctor 'Vol'. Yeah. Bye bye, Jessticiar [], and work hard. I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Tension in the drama exam

There wasn't actually any tension form us, it was just in the question. The test was actually pretty relaxing. LOL I cruised through the whole thing. I mean, I didn't really get to finish my essay and I'm actually disappointed in myself which is strange, but I'm not quite dying either. I don't know, it's... yeah. I wrote a lot about Ruby and Stolen though. I went over time by a lot but lol, Ruby Moon is a  really good play. I really enjoyed it. And now it's over. And I was really happy too because me and maria's veronica performance really fit the question. It was delicious, and remembering back to that performance made me really happy. Drama made me really happy. Many times. Like my class is so cool and we're so chill for theory and yet we tend to freak out for practical exams. Like our practical hsc. Maybe because it was worth more but I loved that thrill that came pre-performances. And then there's the post-performance clappin'. That's cool too. I wish I could do both script-writing and a mono. That'd be so cool. Or there was a choice to write your own mono and perform it. You can do that for the normal mono project anyways, but it seems stupid and everybody tells ya to just get one written by a pro. Oh well. Goodbye, drama. And don't forget. It may have gone once, CVHS, but that was just a warning. There will be a Real Robot Robot Revolution [RRRR], and it'll be a virus you can't dance out. Beware the software.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Egg Mr Gutwev Global Financial Crisis + N Fig Wid Honour, hot hen's club + Boyfriend Because F*ck

So those were my quotes lol, as in EGMRGUTWEVGFC, NFGWIDHnrHHC, BFBCFK. But, dammit, I could've swapped the B and F at the start of the last set of quotes to make FBBCFK, and that could've been F-Bomb BeComes F*cK. ... BECAUSE IT DOES. But if I did go to that, I wouldn't have been able to make my really cool narnia-like book title, The Burning Feet, the Bombed Child and the Fabled Kitchen. Anywho, that was my pathetic quote rant for the day. I'm going to miss Gatsby. Twas a good book. I never finished it but I finished the movie. OH MY GOD, ROBERT REDFORD, YUM YUM YUM YUM. Aaanywho, the test was okay. Module A was a little bit iffy because I didn't say anything about the novel form........... And Module B, aiight aiight. I panicked a little because they didn't specifically say refer to other people's perceptions of the play, so that killed my whole paragraph of critic quotes but i wrote it anyway loool But jessie and DannYouwin said that it's okay because what they said could've altered my perceptions. But I didn't say that myself. ... Well, that's two essays down the drain. Module C module C. Pretty alright. During the test, for some odd reason, I though that the thing would end at 11:10. So I rushed. But I actually looked at the board halfway through C and saw that it was 11:30. So instead of continuing to rush it and then taking the remaining time to check and fix up my other essays, I decided to cruise hahaha :L Also, I did not write enough for the module B :( Umm, so that was paper two. Next up, drama. Which I should be writing practice exam answers for. Buut, I really can't be bothered... Which lol, is like every drama exam and like in every drama exam I fall. I fall very deep. Deep, dear silence. ....... BYE NOW. Lol, that didn't even make sense.

Monday, 15 October 2012

English Enlgish Englkdshjgflksdg

So like, Belonging is dead and gone and shall never rise again. Hoorah. The exam was okay. I feel like I'm too relaxed. I feel as if I should be more disappointed but what's done is done and I will go into shock when my results come in, yes? Yes. The short answers were a bitch because I had some sort of understanding of the texts, but I just couldn't find enough techniques to back up my arguments :L I think the one I had the most trouble with was surprisingly the picture :S The story was dandy. The time thing was a little hard to push in but the stimulus picture was lovely. Although, the picture wasn't really the central idea, but it related to it. Which I don't think is too bad. ... And um, lol, the essay. Section three was always my downfall and LOL I used exactly the same argument from my trials, hahaha. Except this time, I wasn't being a smartass and using two related texts. Phew. But in the end, I didn't write enough and yeah... Hopefully, it'll be that kind of essay that doesn't say much, but says enough. ............ Hopefully. I guess that's all today. I threw away my quotes today and I'm saving the exam paper so I can burn it to ashes, along with all the rest. But then I don't want to bug the atmosphere with my problems so maybe not. Hm. Bye now. Also I'm really annoyed that they didn't spice up the text type. My test paper was too bland AND I NEEDED SPICE. lol, byeeee.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Hello there

Just a short post. I should be getting ready for the english paper one tomorrow but this is my break. Well it's my break in a break. Well, post-break breakinabreak. It's also a pre-break, and a post-break. So breaks all around today, yayyyyy, and then a failed hsc, whoopah. Anywho, what did I come to say? Well, here's part of a song from the naked and famous, called "Young blood". When I first heard this song, I though it was an mgmt song but nope. Aaaanywho, this part of the song is a nice way of showing young love. I really liked it and I thought I would share it with you. Yeah, bro? Yeah.

We lie beneath the stars at night,
Our hands gripping each other tight.
You keep my secrets hope to die.
Promises, swear them to the sky.