So, I went to NIDA Open Day today, and gosheth it was fun. But before I go on, I'd like to make a big apology to Mai Le. If I had known, I would've... known :L I just assumed you didn't want to go because you didn't really say anything about going when you were talking to Tea about it :\ But okay, moving on.
SO MANY WHITE PEOPLE. GAY WHITE PEOPLE. LOL But, the cute gay guys only ever looked at the cute straight guys :L :( But many pretty people. And a lot of pretty white girls. Gosh, I felt so short :( :L So, okay, recap of ze day.
Maria met me at my house, we walked to ffld station. Train, train, train, ride, ride, ride. And, oh my gosheth, thank the lordyloo, not only did we not get lost, we came early. Who0o0o0o0o0o0o!~ ... We waited outside and the clothes, oh my god. I felt soooo underdressed. Everybody was just waiting outside looking all white and so darn hipster! They dressed so nice, and I was just standing there in my jeans, tardamask shirt and pacman jacket LOL So many maroon and tan chinos. LOL, oh dramatic people. So many individuals, looking the same, all in one building :L
We started the day with Acting, whoo! We shook our bodies out, made tableau's and just played theatre sports. One game was doing an action and then when someone was asking what you were doing, you'd tell them something completely different and they'd take over and do whatever action you told them. Mine was feeding my pet dino and Maria's was doing a quadruple back flip :L The girl just looked at her and started leaning backwards repeatedly :L Anywho, the main game was about a party. One guy has to be the host, and there are guests coming! He must be a good host! But the thing is, whenever a guest enters, the guest must say something like, it's super-cold in here, and everybody must act cold with him/her, and so on, and the host will stive to keep the party lively and well under these conditions, providing guests with ways to cope. LOL, first guest started with "gosh, the gravity sure is strong in here!" And they were just dragging themselves across the floor :L And there was a weird smell, a cold and loud music and Maria's was ... I should remember this... LOL But, like, she wanted to do the grav one, but the other guy already did it :L WHAT DID SHE DO? LOL
So after, there was the Directing Course Talk and that was pretty interesting. Although I have horrible organisational skills, I do love brandy in the morning. ... Brandy is a drink, right? Like Sunkist? :L Obviously I'm joking but anywho - The guys talking, apparently, got to direct quite a few things like music videos :O And I love how for their projects, they worked with other people in the building to produce something. That was cool. But they have to juggle a lot of things at once, and produce around 14 pieces a year! Crazy! And yeah, directing :L
NEXT! Was unworthy sausages in rolls, and then Comedy! Oh my god, so fun! And funny! LOL Of course. We started with the infamous "Me, You." game about the pointing and eye contact :L Yeah, dramdram people should know it. And then it was the main game, which was: There are four people involved in the game, and they are to one by one, normally, walk into a train carriage. They walk in with their suitcases or luggage or whatever, open the sliding door, sit down and do normal stuff. But, of course, there is a catch. All these normal people have tics. Weird tics. As in they have these involuntary actions that they do and they are completely unaware that they do them. Like, they just scream and flick their legs without realising and go back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened :L And yeah, they all come in one by one with their different tics and just at random times, they'd do that same weird thing and the other people would react. LOL One girl just sniffled like, to the extreme and reverted back to normal. One guy did this weird alien thing which was hilarious and Maria, lol, she just screamed in the middle of conversation. LOL, and another guy was like THERE ARE SNAKES ON THE TRAIN :L Oh my god, the alien guy and the snake guy -> SO fine :L I should've gone up more :( Regrets and mistakes, they are memories made :'( I would've taken off my glasses, seen a stain and then yelled into them like crazy, and then normally wipe off the stain with my sleeve :L Oh, there was this one other Asian guy and he was weidddd. He's just, he's... weird. He wanted to be the conductor because five people came up and he was just so... not in control :L Just, not the best :L Okay, that is all. I will stop being an ass in 3... 2... 1... (never)
NEXTT - PLAY WRITINGGGGG Course Talk. It's a one-year post grad so I think I have to do something like acting for a few years before I can do playwrighting. But oh my god, it sounds so fun and amazing and ugh. I really wannaaaa! You have to send in your works and they will judge whether you're worthy or not in an interview :\ And only six people can do it a year :O But it sounds so cool to write things for theatres and have a bunch of writers in the same room, doing stuff :L Just writing, all the time. And yeah, all the people including actors and directors do their own thing with your writing to put on a show :L It sounds so cool! You spend a night writing - all night! - and then you send it in, and the actors, designers and directors work together to get it up. It sounds so cool! Also, I found out that writing my own mono for my NIDA audition is strongly discouraged so sadness :( But I really wanna do that playwrighting post graduate course. I do, I do, I do! but it's really intense apparently :O I wonder what life I will lead. I wonder where I'll go.
NEXTY-NEX-NEXT!: Screen Acting On Set. That was cool. But that was it. It would've been so fun to go up and act all dramatic but nooo - white people up front got chosen. But, pretty much, it was a set area, like on TV, and they showed us what it was like on television. And the camera angles are pretty cool. Some kids acted out a scene, and yeah, they had to show different things and act different situations with the same lines. It looked cool but yeah. I didn't get to act. Not that I put my hand up but still :L Regrets and mistakessss.
Anywho, Voice! EH. LOL It was okay. Just general voice exercises, dancing, feeling your voicebox vibrate, blah blah blah. Why don't I use this paragraph to talk about WHITE COLLIN! WHAAAA? LOL Collin Khin was there but he was white :O And his name was Jordan. He looked so much like khin with his glasses, and adorable little smile, but he had better features and was a million times more attractive :L So long, Collin. I've ridded myself of your spell and moved on. I've moved on to another boy I will never meet again. I really wanted to get him and Maria talking though :L I wanted to do the have you met Ted? thing but I was too shy :( But, lol, very pretty boy. If it's meant to be, we shall meet again. And I will push maria into his collin-like arms. He is also very skinny :L And possibly homosexual 8)
NeeeEEEeeeeEEEEExt: Improvisation was right after and this was pretty fun also. Oh, and it was our last :O We started off going around in a circle, doing the following: Say your name, make the sound your pet makes (if none, make a sad face), do your impression of a siren and then tell a lie :L Many funny ones out there like sarcastic dogs, and lies like I'm a Japanese fighting fish. There were also mysterious ones like "I live in Australia" :O!!! Anywho, mine was William, ruff, WhooooOOOPi Goldberg, and "I'm totally wearing red pants, they're just under my jeans." (because the lady was like, again, many red pants, and I thought I'd make a joke about it too but nobody laughed :( ). Maria's was Maria, "give me back my DS!" [her brothers :L], don't remember her siren and "I died three times this morning" was her lie. Yus, yus v. orig and v. laughworthy. And then we moved on to the main game. Several people are to line up horizontally across a stage on chairs. At first, they are on the "zero setting", where they are to remain neutral. The instructor will then tell them a certain emotion that they must express and, as told, they will have to increase the intensity of that emotion with the increasing numbers, told by the instructor. The first group had to be really sad and they had to cry like crazy, like they did something really bad or something, and they just had to become more uneasy and distressed as the numbers went up. By six, people were already on the floor and by ten, people were kicking chairs, crawling under them and going crazy :L Then there was the second group. Part of it was me and Maria :D I was really hoping it was the same thing but they changed it to laughing instead. I should've seen it coming. I was all preparing to scream out STELLAAAAAAAA and cry out Someone Like You :L But, instead we laughed and yeah. I did okay :\
And thus, it was over.
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