Saturday, 23 June 2012

It's Just the Darndest Thing

So, LOL, ugh. Chem and physics are dead, yayyyyy! (until ze trials). But hey, I’m free of Warragamba yam and generation generator (look how creative I am…). Anywho, the last two days have been a simple hell. Really, all I had to do was research and generate but alas, I waited until the very last minute to do so. LOL, I really need to start things early. I should actually start prepping for English now. ….. ANYWHO, on with the blagging. So chem was pretty easy. I mean, the research part. The test was okay, but winging things is very bad. Do not wing things. It is bad, stupid and ohmydearlord, not what it seems like. It looks like it’s gonna be absolutely fine. You stand in confidence, hands on hips, staring so gallantly at the sky and declare “I. Am. Winging it.” And then your just-as-lazy friend agrees and high fives you. LOL Dawnt. Don’t do it. It ends horribly. You laugh it off in front of everyone else but trip on your way home and in one rush of disconcerting truth, you break down in the middle of the footpath, in broad daylight with beyonce looking down on you. …. What? Anyhwo, I know I got one question right so whooo. If you got the concentration of solution A as 0.88ppm or something like that then congratz, brah. Congratzulations. Anyways, after the test, I went home, wasted time for an hour and went straight into physics :L I finished my model at 11 pm and stayed up doing the report. I have this very strange but certain feeling that I will fail the report part because oh my lord, it is horrible. I mean, yuck. I mean, I put too much work into the model and now that it’s time to state theory, I combust and failfailfail. I’m sorry if this post is too ridiculous to the point where you just can’t be bothered with its nonsense ways of bullocks. … But yeah, I don’t know. I am currently eating blue berry flavoured jelly. Anywho, let’s go back to the making of the model. Oh dear lord. My back must’ve gone through hell. And oh my lordylordyloo, the sawing incident. LOL, so I needed a small platform for my brushes to sit on and I didn’t have anything at the ready except for a big cock of wood [block*] and so I had to saw something out of it. And of course there was an easy, safe way of doing [FUN, INTRUDING, BUT SOMEWHAT RELEVANT, FACT: “Safeway is what they call woolworths’ in Melbourne] it, but of course I did not see that safe way and I chose to do it in a more horribly dumb way. LOL I’m not going to describe to you how I did it, but I ended up scraping my finger with the saw and LOL It was not pretty. Like, I had a flap of skin flopping on my finger and you probably don’t want to know this but oh well. :L It was bleeding and LOL I panicked like crazy. I tried to keep calm so my mum wouldn’t overreact and I just put detol on it, band-aided it and continued panicking upstairs. LOL I don’t know if I was just being super-dramatic and experiencing some sort of placebo but I started feeling woozy so I sat on my bed in case of fainting. But I didn’t faint. I tumblr’d a bit and went back to work. I found there was a better way and lol, phew. Anywho, after all that hard work, I connected my LEDlight, turned off the surrounding lamps and anxiously turned my crank. …

So I just flipped everything. In my head because otherwise there’d be a big mess and I don’t want to clean up, I have a report on a failed project to do. Anywho, in the midst of my infinite sadness, I told my brov that I should’ve just gone with Lynana’s idea of buying a multi-meter, but there was just no time to go to jaycar again. By the by, cute jaycar guy was there my second time ‘round from the other week. I’ve probably already mentioned him once but he was cute, tall, pretty fit, white and smart :) Anywho, I was wallowing in self-pity when my brother was all like “hey, dad should still have the multi-meter I bought him”. I spat out my strawberry milk in surprise and excitement (in my head because strawberry milk is a good thing that should never be wasted). And lol, IT WORKED. The volts produced were minute and just oh my god. LOL I really wanted to have my project shine but at that point I was ecstatic with it working at all. I wrote a half-assed report and went to painting my EDAY mask. And lol, even though I had the whole night, I managed to be late for eday. It was just the most horrible morning. My mask was not ready, my printer was not printing my report and my generator broke! I KNOW. I was rushing like crazy to get my crap together, and there it was. Without its handle. And I have a very strong feeling that it was my brother. I mean, he said as he walked out the door, “I’m leaving now!” and left really quickly. I mean, he NEVER tells me when he’s leaving, HE JUST LEAVES. But this time. Something was different. And when I walked in to take my generator, there it was. It was on the table, not on the chair where I left it, with its crank broken off. Now, I know what you’re thinking. I mean, I did leave it on the chair and people sit on those. It probably wasn’t entirely your brother’s fault BUT HEY. I put it on the second chair, which was covered in books, paint and my generator! He could’ve sat on the perfectly empty, spotless first chair. And so he probably did. And it was while he was sitting on the first chair that he knocked my project off of the second chair! Anywho, I tried to glue it on and try to let it set as I got all my other crap together but LOL It did not hold. So I put blu-tac on and hurried to the car. Ugh.
Anywho, EDAY!!!! WHOOOOO! What fun. The concert was amazing. Snoop A – you were Snoop A-mazing! :D And Mulan was just marvellous. I mean, Danny, bravobravoBRAVO and Phoenix, what a yell! BigJetPlane people, loved you guys. And lol, it was just really good through and through. OH! I loved the dubstep fighting scene in mulan. It was really cool! Anywho, I loved how our grade went all out with the costumes. It was really cool, and I loved all of them. Let me name some of my favourites :D The Spartans were cool. Kollinchin, I would kill to tear that robe off of you. Jenny, you deserved first prize. Jess&Mars - STRAYA, M8. Ruth, you looked thainamic. Mai, the kimono worked out well. Teaemzy - very pretty in chinese pink. LOL A lot of nipple from the basketball boyz. James, you looked very kawaii in that big, winter hat. Tiahn, Mexican high5 (we should’ve done a cultural dance – ie, the Mexican wave). And lol, nobody understands me :L I tried to make a mexican day of the dead mask but no…. LOL like the ones below:

But I only made a half mask so I could breathe on the day but I ended up making it too big for my face and glasses anyway and without the teeth, nobody even got that it was supposed to be a skull :( But hey, I had a poncho from my dad’s monking days and a sombrero. Although, I really should’ve just gone with my brother’s idea from the start. I should’ve gone as a farmer and said that my culture was agriculture. ….. Yeah, I know, what a great idea and I should’ve gone with it BUT WHAT.EVAR. LOL.
And so, it was just the darndest thing. Even though I stayed up half of one night and the whole of another right after, I was not at all sleepy during eday. I was surprised that I could stay up the whole night but even the day following it? And then, of course, I broke down during tutor. LOL Oh my god, it was horrible. I spent more than half the lesson going in and out of sleep. I had to keep my head up and whenever I closed my eyes, I was in danger. I was constantly falling asleep and waking up in shock from my heading tipping forward. I was too sleepy to copy down things on the board properly and I ended up with the messiest theory, writing the random-est things down. I mean oh my god. During the moments when I was actually pretty awake I’d look at my book and there’d be scribbles and words that never actually existed on the board. It was crazy! LOL I wonder how weirded out the girl next to me was :L Halfway through I asked monsieur Mai if I could go to the bathroom and I just spent the whole bathroom break yawning out all my yawns and washing my face. When I came back there were only twenty five minutes until the end of class so…..
Anywho, I came home, laid down and downloaded a game on my phone called “Fantasy Town”. LOL I waited for it to download and fell asleep. For 15 hours. LOL It was a nice nap but I was almost late  to English tutor :L And yet, I’m still sleepy now. Hm. Oh, and fantasy town did not work out. It ended up lagging to the point where my phone completely froze. What a disappointment.
Anywho, I shall leave you with a thought. LOL You know in Taylor Swift’s “Dear John”? LOL whenever she sings the line “And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand” I just imagine John Mayer, sobbing and rocking back and forth in a dark corner, holding onto a big book titled “Traitors Who Don’t Understand” :L Just, yeah :L BYE!

1 comment:

  1. If it helps, I knew what you were going for with the mask. Tian and I went to a Mexican themed party once and there were people walking around with facepainted-on Day of the Dead masks :DDD
