Da svidaniya, mein
winterlich Freund.
Find me down in the
mokusei burrows.
If I am breathing,
light me a candle.
Let me sleep, in my
own little cell,
Cradle me in your
Drown me in the well.
I’ve let go of my
My life is but a
Bring down the
it at the seams.
I’ve held on for too
And my knuckles are délicat.
They can’t hold me forever,
They can’t hold my past.
I’ll fall apart in seconds without you here.
So please. Let it be.
The crutches of my burdens have given way.
And I know I’ll be alone.
And I know loneliness is meine größte weakness,
Und meine größte fear.
But I must succumb to my fate,
I must rot,
I must fall,
I must never wake.
Sayōnara, il mio amico
Anyways, so on Friday, Jess and I drove around after Maria and I went to the city to study. Ooh, let's talk about that first. So Maria and I met up at cabra and ate breakfast at Rise Cafe. I then said, why don't we just save money and time by studying at Cabra. This was around 11:30, by the by. And then inside the library, I was like.... This sucks, let's go city :L So we went to the customs library at-
oh my god, rn I'm at huynh's house with jess to study (it's a sunday, the libraries close early and huynh's house is super-quiet and we made salmon pizza AND IT WAS DELICIOUS.) but right now we're on a break and all three of us are blogging. We made a blogging triangle...
Anyways, customs lib was aiight. Got a bit of studying done. The cute white boy in the short shorts sitting across from us was doing exactly the same maths courses as me and apparently, he was exactly the same boy who maria met at the same library back in the hsc. What a coincidence. Eventually, we took a food break. We bought chips and apple pies at maccas and ate them by the harbour. It was almost five so the sun had set but there was still the faint glow left by the day and it was beautiful. LOL On the way back to the lib we decided to get our bags and walk around the harbour :L We walked, talked, talked and walked. I bought hot chocolate at Guylian's and maria bought this one piece of expensive chocolate. She looked so excited, it was too adorbs. Anyways, so my hot choc was too hot. I decided to take the top off to let it cool faster, and maria held it so I wouldn't drop it but after a while I took the lid back and then I dropped it. And the hot choc was still a bit too hot and the cup was too full so I couldn't walk to the station because it would spill. So we spent like ten or so minutes walking back to Guylian's. And on the way there, I spilled the drink twice and we got really excited and laughed too much at the choc, afraid that it would keep spilling. And LOL some waiter guy or something at this restaurant tried to get past us but he might have noticed that we were very vulnerable with our topless hot choc and he swerved and said helloooo. And then I got to Guylian's and I had to explain why I didn't have a lid anymore.
Anyways, so after, I went to Maria's house and I got my present. She got revenge on me for always buying her dresses that were too tight by buying me a very over-sized jumper. But idm, it ups the hipster :L I'll fit in more at USYD. Anyways, I met up with Jess and we went for a drive. And LOL we saw a sign for camel burgers and we drove in to check it out. And right as we drove in, we just saw a bunch of middle-eastern men just stare at us through the car. It was so awks!! LOL Like right away, Jess and I were like noppeee, okay, let's leave, we don't belong. Zero belonging. Anyways, I went home and that was my friday. Okay, let's end this now.
The blogging triangle finished long ago and now I'm the only one doing work. But, little do they know after the pizza lunch, I youtubed for half and hour and actually I've done zero work since. Okay, bye guys.
Au revoir.
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