Saturday, 13 April 2013

Let's talk more about me.

Okay, so first up, I would like to apologise for Andrew. If you scroll past his crap then you can see Maria's post on my blag. Anyways, my daaaaayyy.

First up I woke up at like a decent-ish time. Okay, I woke at noon and felt like crap but so did everybody else on whatsapp so it's all good. Anyways, eeh picked me up from my house and we went to the library where we met ems and maria. I tried studying but I didn't. Afterwards, we went to Jay's where we sat and talked and then we went to Maria's house to continue studying. We did not. Instead we blogged and checked out maria's room which is super roomy and lovely now. That was fun. And then Maria's mum came in and was like "Wanna go to the temple??" And we were like yeah! And so we got ready for the temple. Well, Maria did. Also, Maria's mum calls me 'Bob' and I like that. Maria's parents drove to Andrew's house so he could follow us to the temple and then we templed. I met Tony, Maria's uncle, and his son, Victor, who is already so handsome. I mean, he's a little half-cast boy (white and cambo) and you know he's gonna grow up into something beautiful. I also met Vincent their other kid and he is so super-duper goshdarn ADORBS, YO. He had the softest hair and when they were taking photos of him his little legs were kicking about and ughhhlkhdsfajlkjsdafjl. Later on, we found Annida. Maria and I cambo danced and apparently I looked stupid-as. We then found Emilee and she asked her parents if she could stay with us and they agreed so long as Drew could drive her home safely. Anyways, we played little kid games inside the temple room like coconut crack and stuff and then we went to get food and I bought a duck egg. Errrrrr, then we said our goodbyes to Annida and went to Emilee's house and hung there for a bit and it was so big and spacious, holy moley. And then we dropped emily off and then drew, Maria and I went to my house where she blogged and we did pretty much nothing. Oh, we looked up doof doof music for andrew. That was it. That was my day. Bye.

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