Wednesday, 10 April 2013


But I'm into you (I'm into you)

Hello, boys, and hello, girls, welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome.... Yeah, lol, I'm just stupid-bored tonight and I should be doing my pre-lab quiz or getting at least a little bit ready for my chem quiz tomorrow but let's have a very healthy distraction. Okay, so what to talk about. I cannot stop listening to Still Into You by Paramore from their new album. It's so funky and fun and catchy, I love it.

Not a day goes by that I'm NOT INTOO YOUUUUUUUU. I love that part. Love it.

Anyways, engo sucks sucks sucks. I hate being tested on what I'm learning because all tests do is show me that I ain't learning a darn thing. Ugh. Moving on.

And after all this time, I'm still into you.

Let's have a poem.

I've been weighing the two possibilities in my head,
Over and over, inside and out.
And I've come to three conclusions.
I miss you; kinda like how the ocean misses the sky.
I loathe you; like black licorice.
And the third conclusion involved the secret,
the one that you and I had kept, between secret smiles,
And secret stares, we kept it in,
And held it in our own little jewellery boxes,
Pasts drawn, like blinds and curtains,
Maps and art.

I tied a rope around your waist and you promised to tug,
When you were done and ready to come home.
But I've been tempted, and I've been wanting,
To drag my body, to pull against the rope, to find myself and bring it,
To you. And I did. But all through the time I dragged our love,
And only found myself carrying rope.
And so, after careful decision-making, I chose to stay.
And in these years, I've held my ground, but so did

- Waiting for Rose Petals.

Just spillin', nothing authentic :L No paramours or flames or flings, just stringing words together, hahaha, I wonder what it's like to be loved... After re-reading that poem, I've come to two conclusions: I miss writing & I wish I wrote nicer =='

Dear Maria, this is me mentioning you on my blog.

I've more to say but I'm too lazy to say it. Everybody's giving the new bioshock game rave reviews so I really want to try it. Also, my birthday is in a week. I'm thinking gay bar on the Wednesday night, then Lawson the night after with Snez and Jess and then on the weekends, I take me first shots in the face. Hahaha, I'm gonna get shot-faced lolololol Get itttt??? Anyways,

I need to learn about a prac about gases. Jokes, gonna do that in the learning hub tomorrow.

You're as beautiful as daylight, but as terrifying also.

Goodnight, my dear deer readers. Au revoir.

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