Monday, 9 July 2012

Dear Emily:

Let's go to Summershine Cafe, that same cafe that we go to with Timmus, Burton and Christopher Nolando every day to get a cup of a double frappo deluxe quartet chocco. It's that same cafe that all the so-called hipsters, us hipsters, from NIDA go to for a break from all that drama. You ask for the opinions of your friends on general topics like should a gal wear make-up and what do you think of so-n-so? You collect their answers in your handy pocket diary filled with fun typos, inside jokes and little quirks. We often reflect on these fun little features every time we pass in the halls of NIDA. Over the years, the jokes, lines and crazy memories pile up and before you know it, you've finished three pocket diaries. How crazy! We've both finished out degree, and I go into my post-graduate for play writing. Our paths separate but both still have fun. You start with small shows, and I start writing like crazy. A year passes and where at the same stop. Where do we go on from here? We need time to think. We need a place to think. But where? You wander tiny Sydney, through the crowded towers and bustling people, until you come across. That same alleyway with the same record-playing, suspender-wearing and blog-crazy students of NIDA. The memories start flooding and your left with an ear-to-ear smile. You think, I have time. Why not have a cup of double frappo deluxe quartet chocco? And there I am. With my cup of double frappo deluxe quartet chocco. We meet and talk about our exhausting past year and all the friends we've made and the things we've done. And then I ask about your pocket diaries You proudly declare six diaries finished. And then we continue to chat about all the little things that people did all those years ago. Remember Timmus's need to rub his head, always behind the ear, to think? Or Chris' love of leaving teeth marks in the foam coffee cups? And then an idea pops up in my head. You agree completely. After weeks and months and pretty much a year of planning, writing, acting everything. There it is. Our first creation - "Summershine". A play composed of all the little jokes, the strange quirks and the funny laughs and smiles that gathered up over the years in your six pocket diaries. The life of two aspiring teenagers unsure of what they want to do in life. So lost and stuck and confused, they decide to take risks but are too afraid. Two kids who are too tired to think of the future, so they observe the world around them. They watch random people with their random fidgets and dimples and chuckles. How strange and wonderful the world can be when you just stop and look. Worries are for the paranoid - it's time for some Summershine.

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