Saturday, 21 July 2012

One Last Time

Yes, yes. This will be the last blag post before Trials. I'll come back when it's all over and tell you all about it. Hopefully, it will be positive. ...... Hopefully.

Anywho, let's start with BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. LOL it was good. I was a tad bit disappointed but all in all it was a good ending to the trilogy. I went to watch the midnight screening and there were a few cosplayers but not many. The beginning was, well for me, not the best. I kind-of cringed at it :O lol, as in, it was not good :\ But that's just me. And Bane's voice! Although it was cool and all, it was so hard to understand. He probably had a tonne of epic one-liners but I couldn't hear them. As in, when somebody says something, there's that dramatic turn that bane does to the other person, and then he speaks. It sounds like it's something cool, but you just don't know what it is. Ugh. Darn. But, in the end, pretty amazing, what with the twists and fanboy moments and Gordon-Levitt Jones. Or Joseph Levitt-G. Or Gordan-Levitt. ...... Is that how you spell Levitt? LOL Oh, and Anne Hathaway! Goshy goobers, she was cool! I loved how she'd go from the innocent act to the whole yeah, whatevs, I'm Bad tone in seconds when she was caught out. Oh my lord. But I felt as if her fight scenes could've been cooler. All the fight scenes could have. Oh, and the crowd was eh for this screening. Because it was the premiere, I expected the usual comicbook fanboy crowd and they were there. They just weren't loud. Which I guess was okay, but I'd rather the cheers. Like in Avengers, there were cheers and claps every time an Avenger did something amazing or said a really cool line, like the Hulk's "I'm always angry." So, although it was not as good as the Dark Knight, Rises gets a 7.8 out of 10 on my count.

Oh, and I've figured out some of Nolan's styles. One thing is that when he wants too show something that happened earlier, he gets a character to recount it, and as the character talks, he shows the scene of what they're recounting happening. And another thing he does with all his movies like Inception and The Prestige, is when he reveals a plot twist, he takes these scenes and changes them to show what really happened. As in, it's exactly the same thing, except the person is different or something. Like, say Batman talks about Catwoman stealing an All-Clear diamond, and so the screen shows Catwoman breaking into the diamond's safe. But, later in the movie, we find out that the Catwoman, is in fact Bane. And so, Nolan shows this same scene of Catwoman stealing the diamond, except this time, we see that the face is actually quite manly or something. LOL not the best example but oh well. And in case you're wondering, that didn't actually happen in the movie :L

And it's these director styles that I love! They're so cool. Joss Whedon tends to have a lot of fanboy moments and he likes to make you fall in love with a character and then kill them off. And there's Edgar Wright who has that fast-paced action thing. LOL that was a bad way of saying it. As in, like to show someone making milk tea or something, there'd be quick action shots of slamming a mug down, a steaming kettle and like sugar pouring into the mug, and there'd be that quick transition sound AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT. LOL But yeah. LOL just watch Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead and you'll see what I mean. Great movies by the way - very funny. And Shaun of the Dead is by far my favourite zombie movie :) I wonder what my style will be. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to have a style. Oh, also, I want to make tragedies. As awful and a bad idea as it sounds, I want to jerk tears. I really do. Okay, I probably won't make too many tragedies but I need a really sad movie that is in turn, also really good :L Oh my god, I want to mindscrew like Nolan does. But, other than being a writer-director-mindscrewer, I don't see myself being a Nolan sorta director. Because, well, he's really an action movie guy. I'd rather take the path of Amelie, 500 days of Summer or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. All amazing movies by the way. OH MY GOD, I WANT TO MAKE MOVIES :'( I want to write and write and write and WRITE! I want to be up there with the big guys. I want people to aspire to be like me. I want to inspire the waking artists, the budding directors and the newborn tear-jerkers. I want to be amazing, just like so many people I look up to. I wonder if I ever will be.

Anywho, moving on, SHOWCASE. LOL, so after dark knight was over, I headed home with my brov on the night bus from city to ffld and got home at four. I slept at five and woke up at seven to get ready for showcase. I was so nervous! We were still choppy and we really needed to get our lines and cues down. But, in the end, we prevailed and it went well. There were a few mistakes but luckily, they weren't too noticeable. Yay. And the other groups were really good too. LOL "I don't want to kill people and I don't want frizzy hair!" "We're almost at the sushi!" and "Shut up, pawn, nobody cares!". lol, all were hilarious and really cool. I enjoyed them. And the monologues, oh the monologues :') I wish I had done a monologue. But I probably would've been really cocky, written my own, and then there'd be a trainwreck :L EVERYBODY WAS LOVELY. lol, but after the group performance, I had that same-old stomach ache :( It was terrible. But oh well, it went away. Oh, and my script was performed. Well, the opening and Venusian's scene. Here it is, by the way, Venusian's scene:

Barman: Hey, V.
Venusian: [Startled] Barman! I didn’t see you there.
Barman: Yeah, I never really see me either. Where are you off to?
Venusian: Oh, I’m just looking for the bathroom.
Barman: Well, it’s actually in the other direction.
Venusian: Oh, well thank you, sweet-cakes.
Barman: But you probably don’t want to go that way.
Venusian: What do you mean?
Barman: I mean, isn’t that the direction of what you’re running away from?
Venusian: No, no, I’m not running away from the bathroom.
Barman: But what exactly is it that you’re leaving behind?
Venusian: I’m running to the bathroom.
Barman: Is it home? Those girls who overshadowed you?  Yourself?
Venusian: I’m confused as to what we’re talking about…
Barman: Aren’t you tired? You can’t run forever, V.
Venusian: And why not? I think I’m allowed to do as I like. It’s freeing, this running, Mr B. I could do it for a lifetime.
Barman: Can you, V? I mean a lifetime is a long time.
Venusian: It’s amazing, what it can do. Running so far you lose your troubles behind you, running so far your heart begins to beat out of your chest, running so far you can fall off the horizon.  I could go forever. I could leave this dimension, and enter a new universe, free of shame, free of pressure, free of mind.
Barman: You’re not doing it right – dealing with your problems.
Venusian: But what if I don’t want to deal with them?
Barman: That’s the only way you can lose them, V. They’ll always catch up to you. Only you can relinquish them. Stop running. Your heart, your lungs, your brain – they’re going to implode under all this pressure. Stop for just a minute, V, and breathe. And vent. I mean, these could be your last moments. Might as well liberate yourself. It’s not like I’ll have time to judge you anyways, this building could come down any second now.
Venusian: There’s really not much to talk about. I’m only running away from home. I mean, it was terrible back there. Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and of course, beauty. Have you seen the girls from there, B? They’ll break your heart with a glance. Flawless, infinite, incredibly beautiful. I can never live up to them, Mr B. I mean, they’re goddesses, and I’m just a girl underneath their clouds. Every child is born perfect in Venus, you know. Maybe it’s the water, but for some reason, I  wasn’t. In a crowd of Venusians, I’m just a stain. A stain on my own fucking race.
Barman: You know prettiness isn’t all that. You’re beautiful exactly the way you are now. As corny as it sounds, inner beauty is the new blue, V, and it’s much more valuable than appearances.
Venusian: Not when you’ve lived like me, it isn’t. Do you ever look in the mirror and hate what you see? I do. And not only that, I look at every single part of me and despise. There’s so much revulsion in me, Barman. And it’s all aimed at yours truly. I want to be pretty, Key-Lime. And I know what you’re going to say. ‘But you are, V!’ Please, I am not pretty. Not yet at least. I still need a wider thigh gap, protruding ribs and a stomach so flat that it resembles a black hole. I need to get a different nose and I need to speak with a different pair of lips. My hair will never be the right length, the right shine or the right curl. I’ll always look wrong. I’ll always be the Venusian who didn’t quite turn out right. And this mirror, Barman. It’ll never leave me. Everywhere I look, every corner that my gaze falls into – all I see, is me staring right back at me, disgusted. And… I can’t live like that. I can’t look at myself. It makes me sick, who I am. And that’s not normal is it? I don’t want to live like this anymore. I just want to run away, but like you said, I can’t run forever but I’m trying so hard. I’m just- I’m too tired, Barman. I don’t know what to do.
Barman: V, look me in the eye.
The lights dim down and a spotlight shines on both Barman and Venusian whilst Barman stares into Venusian’s eyes and Venusian falls into some sort of a trance.
Barman: Currently, on this here universe, there are approximately three hundred and sixty trillion people living in it. About seventeen per cent of these creatures are Venusians, and only 0.01 per cent of these Venusians are decent, loving people. You are one of these. And you are so much more than the rest. You’re one of a kind, V, there’s no denying it. When you look into the mirror, look into your eyes. Go past the amber iris that shines so brilliantly in the sunlight, and into your soul. That’s the true beauty of Venus. And nobody has it as lovely as you do. You rise higher than the others, Venusian, you just don’t know it yet. You plague yourself with all this self-loathing and contempt when really there’s nothing to dislike at all. You’re much more than what you give yourself credit for. Put down that gun in your mind and release the tension on your stomach. And don’t break the mirrors that follow you. Look right at your reflection every time, and do what everybody else does. Admire.
Venusian: [Still sort of in trance] I still need to go to the bathroom.

It's not a comedy. I just thought I'd stress that :L I just have a feeling that people expected a really funny piece and I didn't do that and when I asked people how it was, all they could say was it was funny, and I was a bit devastated because nobody got the sad part or something and so my script was a complete failure. Well, not completely, but I don't know. It's not completely or even mostly a comedy :( But some people liked it so I'm happy. I'll keep writing it and I'll see where it goes. And the Fej hesitated answering when I asked him how he liked it. Lol, the bastard. Wow. I just realised. I'll probably never see him again. ... OH, AND THE ACTORS. I had year eleven drama students act it out and they were lovely. Henry was a great Barman. He had the quirks, the cheer and the tone down very nicely. And oh my god, Patricia. She was the host on Eday for the seniors. Her rendition of Venus top-notch. She did it very well and I commend her. If she doesn't do a monologue I'm going to be very upset. I was gonna say punch a wall but that's a bit extreme and it would hurt my knuckles. It probably wouldn't affect the wall but lol, i don't want bruised knuckles. Who wants bruised knuckles. LOL, anywho, thank you very much year eleven students, Patricia, Henry and Jonathon, and that student teacher :)

Anywho, after showcase, everything was a bore :L I had nothing to be excited for. And better yet, trials is in a week and here I am blagging. Hm. 

And, oh god, I am not going to finish these past papers by tomorrow....

LOL, oh well. I'll see you in a few weeks. Bye guys! 

Monday, 9 July 2012

Dear Emily:

Let's go to Summershine Cafe, that same cafe that we go to with Timmus, Burton and Christopher Nolando every day to get a cup of a double frappo deluxe quartet chocco. It's that same cafe that all the so-called hipsters, us hipsters, from NIDA go to for a break from all that drama. You ask for the opinions of your friends on general topics like should a gal wear make-up and what do you think of so-n-so? You collect their answers in your handy pocket diary filled with fun typos, inside jokes and little quirks. We often reflect on these fun little features every time we pass in the halls of NIDA. Over the years, the jokes, lines and crazy memories pile up and before you know it, you've finished three pocket diaries. How crazy! We've both finished out degree, and I go into my post-graduate for play writing. Our paths separate but both still have fun. You start with small shows, and I start writing like crazy. A year passes and where at the same stop. Where do we go on from here? We need time to think. We need a place to think. But where? You wander tiny Sydney, through the crowded towers and bustling people, until you come across. That same alleyway with the same record-playing, suspender-wearing and blog-crazy students of NIDA. The memories start flooding and your left with an ear-to-ear smile. You think, I have time. Why not have a cup of double frappo deluxe quartet chocco? And there I am. With my cup of double frappo deluxe quartet chocco. We meet and talk about our exhausting past year and all the friends we've made and the things we've done. And then I ask about your pocket diaries You proudly declare six diaries finished. And then we continue to chat about all the little things that people did all those years ago. Remember Timmus's need to rub his head, always behind the ear, to think? Or Chris' love of leaving teeth marks in the foam coffee cups? And then an idea pops up in my head. You agree completely. After weeks and months and pretty much a year of planning, writing, acting everything. There it is. Our first creation - "Summershine". A play composed of all the little jokes, the strange quirks and the funny laughs and smiles that gathered up over the years in your six pocket diaries. The life of two aspiring teenagers unsure of what they want to do in life. So lost and stuck and confused, they decide to take risks but are too afraid. Two kids who are too tired to think of the future, so they observe the world around them. They watch random people with their random fidgets and dimples and chuckles. How strange and wonderful the world can be when you just stop and look. Worries are for the paranoid - it's time for some Summershine.

Saturday, 7 July 2012


lol, so I wrote a poem, you see, and I thought I'd test my SPEAK INTO THE PHONE AND I SHALL WRITE IT DOWN FOR YOU feature on my phone. Yayyyy- no. LOL Here is the vid:

Anywho, this is the original poem:

I love the way you love me so,
You take my hand and you never let go.
I love your stutter, your stare, your glow.
But there’s a pain you’ll never know,
For you live the life of non-existence.
And you only speak words of precious silence.

Although not true, I wish you would stay.
You make me strong, you make me brave.
But you’re only a shadow, a figment of nothingness.
You are a faux love, a distant, blue star.
Forever in my heart, but never in my sight.
You are the candle not yet lit, the soft, un-shining light.
And if we are to part, please don’t say goodbye.
Just let our memories fade, and our lingering touches die.

And this is the perfect version:

Love the way you horny song,
You take my hand and never let go.
I love you photo hipster your glass.
Idaho is happiness will never know.
For you live the life of non-existence,
can speak words of precious islands.

Balloon true I wish you would stay.
You amke me strong, you make me break.
Vaginia cider a segment of nothingness.
You are a I love a disc.
Florida in my heart never lies.
Your dick and will not let the soft and shiny.
Nfl odds park even say goodbye.
Just let our memories fade in a lingering taxes. 

lol, and oh my god, I am terrible at sad acting :L

Friday, 6 July 2012


I think I'd wear that in the future. Not every day, but on dates and stuff. LOL When I'm all grown up, filthy rich and at least a tiny bit dateable. Anywho, can't seem to get American Boy by Estelle out o' my head. It's fun. I like it. .... I had more to say, I know it. Hm. Well, Snezzywezzy's birthday was a lot of fun. Twas twas, twas twas. Anywho, get ready for more future fears. Or is it future... realisations? Okay, so maybe getting straight into film is a bad idea. Maybe, I should take the sensible path and dance my way into- sorry. Got distracted. Maybe I should get some sort of an engineering degree first and then get into film. That way I have something somewhat reliable to fall back on and my parents will look at me. But, then again, I can't shake the feeling that I will only ever achieve unhappiness, regrets and crapcrapcrap, but then again, it's just, in a way, merely, delayed happiness, ya see? My desire can wait. I wonder what Christopher Nolan or Joss Whedon did. I wonder how they lived their lives. Did they know they were going to be great? Or did they take a leap into the unknown (but slightly known) pit of futurism, satanism, dancedancedancedancedance- apologies again. Goshgoshgosh, this is so hard! Ugh. Flergenbergen, I'm so confused. Okay. Okay. Cool head, calm tits, clear mind. I WANT TO BE A STARRRRRRRR. OH! I booked tickets to go see Batman Begins + The Dark Knight at the cinemas, and then when those two finish - the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. Ahhhhh, so excited. Triple dose of Batman AND Monsieur Nolan. Yay. Of course, I don't deserve it with the amount of study I've been doing. The amount being near zero. Estelle once said to me, cool down down, don't act a fool now now. lol. I think it's time for a new paragraph.

I think I need to get my script read out again. Not acted, just read out. Hopefully, I can get a few friendly peeps from drama to help me out. Also, I want to ask a certain someone to ze Formal but I'm too shy, I'm very sure he'll say no, and lol, rejectionnnnn. But everybody else is doing it :( I wonder what it's like being pretty. LOL I've been meaning to exercise lately but there's just always that one thing killing me, weighing me down. LAZINESS. LOL I'm just too gosh darn lazy to move the whole treadmill into the way. There are too many crapses in the way to move and worst of all - spiders. I know, I know. I should be better this, I can help myself, the only person standing in the way is myself but oh my god. I NEED A MUSCULAR, SHIRTLESS MAN TO HELP ME MOVE THE TREADMILL AND FEND ME FROM THE SPIDERS. Any burly readers, feel free to volunteer. LOL I just saw Michelle Po pop up on msn and her dp was of a man. I'm assuming it's a celebrity she admires. Hm. LOL I remember that time Jess linked me to a vid titled cute and handsome guy and it was just some 22-yearold who was in love with himself, silently laughing and smiling at the camera for forty seconds. ..... LOL He was pretty cute and handsome, but his douchiness kind of got in the way. Cut to next paragraph.

Whenever I'm faced with a difficult decision, mainly between doing something crazy or saving myself the possible chance of embarrassment, I always have this one thing that pushes me towards doing that crazy thing. And when I say crazy, I just mean something like telling a boy I like him or taking a chance yayaya. And when it comes to these horrible decisions, I always tell myself: William, do not forget, if you don't do it, you never will. And when that happens, you might have to face that same horrible question for the rest of your life - What if? And of course, I guess that applies the other way too - where I could regret actually doing that crazy thing, but I try not to think about it. So in the end, I guess I should ask that boy to the formal. But I get this feeling that he's got eyes for someone else, what with his I LOVE YOU, LOVE ME BACK posts :\ And he might not be comfortable being with a boy in public. And then there's the whole issue with my face and blahblahblah, too many factors to consider. But hey, no regrets, bro. None.
Anywho, back to my script. Mr.... I still don't know how to spell his name. Adrian [since he is no longer our student teacher (I'm talking about the Fej, by the way, our drama student teacher)], while he was still in Canley, said that he really wanted to read the ending of my script before he left. And lol, he never did, but I guess I could give him a copy at showcase or something. Anywho, he got me thinking - how in the world do I end my script. I mean, I had always thought I would just end it with one last crash and the bar coming down but like, it's only a fifteen minute play. It is a tad bit quick. So I thought and thought, and alas, I could not think of anything cool. I really want to Nolan it and mindscrew the audience but of course, I'm not quite up to that status yet lolol but fear not. I'll have something. I hope.

The future is waiting, bobs. Jump before it's too late. Or fall.
