So I guess it's time to grow up. Well, really in a year, but it's time to decide. No more under17, indecisive kid with no idea what he's doing. It's time to buck up and pick a path. And now that I've decided to decide... what happens next? LOL I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. :\ I guess I have been brooding over one choice though. You know, my future career path. And I guess my main goal in life itself is happiness. The truest of happiness'. A happiness I can keep. And so, if I were to follow that path, I'd go into acting/writing. Of course it'll be tough, there are risks and not everybody will be happy with my choice, but it's what I want to do. I just have no idea how to go on about it. LOL I also just realised that I have quite a few issues that are similar to Santana's on Glee. LOL Which is... not that strange. I mean, Glee was designed to hook teenage kids in with mirroring their own problems so they have something to relate to. So, really, that just makes me somewhat typical? D: Also, if I were to pursue my happiness, I'd be letting quite a few people down. Well, three. And people will judge me, and they'll judge my parents and they'll look down at me. And there are all these expectations. I mean, all my family friends were expecting my brother to fail the hsc, because of all the mucking around he did, and then when he got a good uai, people were astounded. What are they going to expect from me? The angel of the family :L LOL I joke, they probably don't remember me, but still! So, I guess the only thing I can do now, and make everybody happy, is follow my dreams, become a star and make a tonne of money. Hm. Okay. LOL But seriously, I think I will follow my dream. I will not grow up and regret living a life I only lived because of 'expectations'. Don't forget me, guys. But, if you do, I'll be sure to jog your memory in the coming years, with you know, the series of ads and billboards about my new, awesome movie. Just you wait.
BUT ON ANOTHER NOTE: I wouldn't mind just acting on a small stage either, watching school kids marvel at my mad skillz :L That'd be nice. Or I could write like Matt Cameron (ofrubydoobymoon) and make hundreds of HSC students study my works :L
Also, on a completely separate note, remember when I fell in love with the lyrics of Florence's I'm Not Calling You A Liar? Probably not 'cause you weren't there, but guess what! I found a live video of her performing it and she is AMAZING. I love it, I love her, I love the words and the notes she holds. I love this song! Okay, LOL, that is all today. I shall now end this post, and bid you adieu, with the performance:
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