Friday, 27 April 2012


So, like, REALISATION. LOL So I've been thinking of Whedon's work lately, and something else hit me. He is also really good at character dynamic. As in, all his characters interact with each other really well. They all vary in personality quite largely, yet they seem to fit together quite nicely, when it comes to Whedon. And it creates this really nice flow throughout his works. And then there is my script. LOL Nope, none there. I thought about my own work, and yeah, my characters do not talk to each other. Not really. My script pretty much revolves around the bartender, and all the characters talk to him, even when they're all in the same room. Okay, so here is an outline of the structure of my script. It starts with the intro, which is pretty much where the complication occurs, and the characters try to work it out. And it ends up that they have to wait. And in this waiting time, they all have their own talks with the bartender, telling their stories pretty much. And yeah, the only time they actually talk altogether is at the beginnning and end but they only ever actually speak to the bartender, not amongst each other. So, like, I have to rewrite the altogether scenes my script :( And I'm going to try to get the characters talking to each other, rather than to the barman when they can. And I'll try to fit in a alltogether scenes in between each one-on-one convo with the bartender somehow. Buuuut, I may end up writing too much :\ Darn. This is getting harder, and it's due in week nine! Crappp :\ Oh well, let's just see how this plays out. And LOL I'm falling behind on my science studies also ==' I hate you, physics and chem. I hate you so much. Okay, that is all. BYE!

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