Saturday, 14 May 2016

Life Update

  • I got an allergic reaction to a new facial cleanser and my acne came back as a result and that just shits me. I tried to improve myself and I forked out a few extra dollars for a natural range of cleanser because why not, good for me, good for the environment -WRONG. I broke out in hives and my face peeled and my acne is back, in full force. I also got the flu or something right after the hit too? And I missed out on school and Old Boy was being screened for history and I MISSED IT and I'm so sad because I've been meaning to rewatch it and I could've on the big screen but I was SICK. Anyways, I hope Jess makes good use of the cleanser. If you're reading this, you better be using it everyday. The pump is good because one push and you have plenty to clean your face with because it lathers so well. Anyways. Enough complaining.
  • Romantic advances? No. But whenever he comes to Coles to shop and he says hi and we talk, my work shift brightens up like a lot. Probably because I like him but also because it's nice to have someone to talk to but mostly because I like him.
  • Jeff texted me but I was sick but once I recover and I get rid of a bit of acne, I'll let him know. I think the next time will be the last time I see him. It's gonna be SO GOOD. We've known each other a surprisingly long time.
  • I've so much uni work dear lord. So basically, we have this essay due which is okay, I'll get it done. But I have a cinematography and design assignment coming up soon too but like myself and Lou, who's my partner for the coming cine assignment, didn't realise how soon it was?? And we chose a hard script to do because it's set in a convenience store?? And we don't really know anyone who would let us into their store for a shoot? So now we're gonna try and replicate it in a studio and that's gonna be so fucking hard. Anyways, we needed actors for our assignment so I asked other groups to help and I'm like trading my body for theirs? Essentially, if I act for one thing, the person I helped will act in mine. And that's fine and all but it takes time and I've so much shit to do!!! I'm trying to finish this essay early but work makes me tired and idk, idk idk idk.
  • I'm in love with this duo called HONNE, their lyrics are sorta basic and too damn hetero but I just love their sound. Their kinda funky, kinda jazzy? techno and it's just nice to groove to. Warm on a Cold Night is great, I do recommend them for some easy breezy listening. And Baby Please just feels like a lazy Sunday morning.
  • I'm doing an essay on Lars Von Trier's Dancer in the Dark and it's just so great.
  • I've run out of things to say.
  • Oh!!! I went to the doctor's today to get my blood test results and I'm allergic to grass pollen!!! That is all.

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