It's already happened twice. I asked two dudes (who happened to be tall, lanky white nerds) what their taste in music was and they both specifically said 'Armadeus' by that band. Now I'm not saying this is some sort of crazy conspiracy or something but if it happens again, I'm calling it. This is either some code, like a secret handshake that they use to establish who's part of their kind or it's a telltale way of finding out who you should avoid. It creeps me out. Please comment if you like to describe your taste in music using that one fking song and then stop reading my blod, #jk #despforviews. LOL funny thing, I didn't particularly like the first lanky white dude who said it because he was kinda douchy and pretentious. But then he also cleaned my glasses with the disposable wipes he keeps in his wallet. ... He has single packets of spectacle-specific wipes in his wallet. What a douchebag LOL
Anyways, I don't really have a topic for this blog post. I always have things to say and I always fit my passing thoughts into a blog post sorta structure just in case it sounds interesting to write about, but they're never really interesting enough for me to physically type up or I'm just always so plain lazy that whenever I do get around to blogging, I forget it. And this is one of those times. So, really, why am I still typing? Why are you still here? By now, you should've figured out that this blog is absolute garbage lol
Anyways, I run a sensitive blog so I should stop dissing it. I wish I had pictures to post lol No wait, I have like two, here goes:
This is ruth, we're eating at The Pavilion |
This is her taking a Ig-worthy pic of her eggs |
This is us having tea at the small cafe stop within the gallery of nsw's pop to popism exhibiton where the cute barista said he liked my shirt. |
And the following photos are of meeeee:
"At his lips' touch, she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete." lol look at dat nerd trying to be the merrican dream |
Bye. | |
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