Thursday, 22 January 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

The beginning of 2015 felt a lot different than any of the other years because basically, like I've told many friends, I'm actually, truly looking forward to the things to come this year. If my recent posts haven't expressed this enough, I'm so excited to start my course at AFTRS. Anyways, I've made a list of things I want to stick by. There not necessarily things I want to achieve, persay. They're just things that I want to do, without set rules and restrictions or too much emphasis on the fact that if I don't do them, I would've failed 2015, because that's not what I want it to be about. I just want it to be about developing as a person. As my own person. I want to be someone I designed. Here's the list:

  • Read more. I bought a book the other day, I mentioned it in my last post. It will not be the last of this year.
  • Watch more films. With my brother overseas and so the computer all to myself, I've been able to hook it up to my TV to watch movies. I've been watching them one after another, the list in to the right. Basically, I want to be more cultured. I'll try and reach more foreign cinema too. I've only seen English and French movies, let's try to expand that. I like European languages so I'll probably start there without even realising, but I'll try to get into Asian films too and others. If you have an recommendations, please share. Thanks. 
  • Art Galleries. Go to them. I should get more into art. I don't think I'll ever really fully appreciate them any time soon. Whenever I see art, I never really take into account the meaning or purposes behind artworks, I'm the type to wow at pretty colours and skillz lol Really, this year, I just want to get more cultured.
  • Get good grades. That's been the goal for as long as I've known. But throughout highschool and uni, I did it for myself but not really. I tried to get good grades so that I could have a good future but only so I wouldn't disappoint my parents. You know what I mean? I didn't study because I wanted a nice, stable future, I studied because I wanted my parents to approve of my nice, stable future. I really want to do well at this new school, guys. I tried really hard to get in. I want to try harder to make it, to get further and further in whatever the fuck I'm going to do. I just can't keep disappointing myself anymore. I can't.
  • That's it for now LOL Thanks 4 reading.
But before I leave:


WHERE THE HELL IS IT??? IS THIS ITS AUTUMN?????? I WANT TO GO TO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Look how pretty, guys, really. It has deer!!! DEER!!! Anyways, here's the source.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

So lonely trying to be yours.

I'm so excited for the things to come! I'm excited to start my classes. I'm excited to introduce myself over and over and meet new people. I hope I don't get too intimidated. I'm excited to read more books this year. I bought a Murakami today and I like it so far. I'm a very slow reader. I'm excited to finish classes and meet friends in the city. Chances are though that work will ruin that. Oh well. I'm excited to sit and to learn. I'm excited to see Jeff again. I'm excited for the boys at AFTRS. I'm excited to start anew.

Do you ever have those really good days. Those days where good things keep happening in succession?

My really good day was the 28th of November, 2014. It was the day before the Stereosonic '14 weekend and that too was a good two consecutive days to the really good day - but let's stick to just talking about the really good day. It started with the small road trip to the beach with Will, Bao and Nini. We just listened to music and went to the beach for VSA's Beach Volleyball event where we had fun and mucked around. Then, on the way home, as soon as I said goodbye to Nini and hopped onto the train, I got the email. The one with the offer to enrol into the AFTRS BA of Arts (Screen). I was so happy. I was ecstatic. I got home and went to work after that and it was nice and quiet. No stress to ruin my gleeful mood. And as soon as work finished, I replied to a message from Jeff and he proceeded to invite me over to his home where I had quite a pleasant time lol Good things just kept happening that day and in retrospect, it was a really, really good day. That is all.

Anyways, I recently watched My Neighbor Totoro, Blue Valentine and The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Totoro was gorgeous. Ghibli rocked it and provided a beautifully whimsical and yet simple story. Not as magical as Spirited Away but still so gorgeous and classic. I enjoyed it. It was also very cute :3

Blue Valentine was okay LOL It was a bit boring to start and Ryan Gosling's character was pretty annoying. But the story eventually improved and the difference between the past and present was clear and effective, but the icing on the cake was the slight twist in the story that turned every aspect of the story around. Pretty moments here and there but rn, I'm thinking I could live without it. But I'm also thinking that my mind will change the more I think about the film. I guess I'll just leave this paragraph with 'It's definitely not a bad film.'

The Grand Budapest Hotel was great. Classic, bright and a work of art in its own Wes Anderson way. It was funny and the story was told well enough to keep me intrigued but also appreciative. I don't really know what that means but basically it's definitely worth the watch, a very well-written and well-directed film.

Okay, bye!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

I get filthy when that liqour get into me

First off,

Look at this great cast for a bond movie!!!! Imagine lucy liu as a villain!!! Already can? That's because she was one in Kill Bill LOL I just really love Lucy Liu. I don't really care about Viola Davis doe. Is she the one from how to get away with murder? Oh! Just did some research and she was the main maid in The Help and she's going to be a villain in Suicide Squad. Aaaaanyways, I just really like this because lucy liu!!! Lupita Nyong'o is so gorgeous and idris elba is such a daddy. Suraj Sharma? Idk who that is, let me imdb him.Oh, he's Pi from Life of Pi LOL Never watched that.

AAAAAAAnyways, enough of that - Let's talk about the 1975 in bullet points:

  • Drummer: hot a what bahabiat, gotdamnnnnnnnnn.
  • They added a saxophone to the band!!!! Was very good!!!! Good job, boys!!!!!
  • Girls was really fun to dance to, so was chocolate.
  • Robbers!!! You look sooooooo coool.
  • When they played Choc I was so sad because I thought that was their last song because no. 1 on spotify page and they didn't play Sex :( Sex so nostalgic for me, you know? I found it back in HS youtube surfing and I really liked it and The 1975 weren't even called The 1975 back then and I found it again on Cynthia's blog and :((((
  • But then they did!!!!! And it went off!!!!!!!!!!
  • That was the 1975 for me, thanks Trinh & Jacy for making it such a nice night. Also, we had very fancy and nice jap food, yum. 
Thirdly, I implore everybody reading this to watch the US version of Shameless. It's a quality tv show, I swear. Thank you for listening.

I'm so excited for AFTRS!!!!!! I'm so excited because I logged into my account and looked at my course and I'm enrolled in the following:

  • Cinematography & Design sounds pretty standard lol I think I'll enjoy it. 
  • Directing Performance?? What dat?? IDK BUT I'M SO FKING EXCITED FOR THAT SHIT, HELLS YES. 
  • History of Film I'm probably gonna hate. History subjects are not fun for me but I've accepted that I'm always going to have to do them :( 
  • Story & Writing, now that's where it's at. I'm so stoked for AFTRS, guys omg I'm so damn excited. Wish me luck. I hope I make a few friends that'll talk to me even outside of class.

Anyways, I'm collecting photos for now for one last photo post before I leave for VN in a couple of weeks, so get excited for that lol Otherwise, I'm out.

Oh! And I added a thing to the side listing the movies I've been watching. I'll try and comment on them whenever I add. Today, I watched Blue is the Warmest Color and Dallas Buyers Club. BITWC was okay, it was very long and a bit tedious but it was nice to sit back and watch. It was three hours long but I didn't want to stop watching. I just kept watching it. It was mad slow but the emotional scenes hit hard and that was good. As for Dallas Buyers Club, me likey. It was funny and emotional and all in all, it was a good narrative. I liked it a lot, actually. Favourite movie so far, lol. Also grew a newfound appreciation of Matthew McConaughey. I never really liked him because he was only really ever in rom coms and bad action movies. He was just a pretty boy, he didn't seem like anything more than that. TBH, watching interstellar, I was pretty upset that Nolan let him star in it because I didn't think he deserved to star in a Nolan movie? But it ended up being a nice movie and he was pretty alright lol Then I watched True Detective and I was still a bit bitter for some reason, just thinking lol, look at matthew mcconaughey trying to be serious and shit but it was actually pretty good. I think he co-produced it? Anyways, props to him. And in Dallas Buyers Club, ofc he won my heart. He's a good actor, I give him my seal of approval. Ofc, it's a worthless seal but oh wellllllllls, just take it, matty. Also, Jared Leto, you too won my heart.

Okay, I'm done. Night!

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Bucket List

  • Learn German.
  • Memorise a rap song lol (freaks and geeks? some kanye? idk lol).
  • Have a threesome with two mad hot guys.
  • Have a onesome with a mad hot guy lol.
  • Get mad hot (should this be here? I'm gonna put this here idk LOL *never finishes bucket list*).
  • Tour Europe, go to one of them really reflective lakes by the mountains.
  • Sky diiiiiiive - I'd say bungee jump too but I will never bungee jump.
  • Go on one of them hot air balloon rides.
  • Go out to really remote place to star gaze? Where? Idk, maybe somewhere in NZ will be my goal.
  • Go to a drag party.
  • Get a proper new years fucking kiss.
  • Get a nipple piercing!! Pierce dat nipple!!!!!!!!
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Own a damn record player.
  • Holiday in the states? Maybe move there??? lol.
  • Get a full-on manicure, gotdamn.
  • Eat at a very expensive, high-end restaurant - three courses, fancy wine (idm skipping the fancy wine and going for something more me).
  • Bake something beautiful and super complex/intricate.
  • Attend Coachella.
  • Attend a full moon party in Thailand.
  • Attend Tomorrowland.
  • Visit the MoMA.
  • See a musical in brooooooadwaaaaaaaaaaaay.
  • So Cleopatra's temple was like destroyed because of an Earthquake a long long time ago right? And like, it disappeared but they found it underwater, statues still intact, among other things. Anyways, they plan to make an underwater museum for it and basically, I would like to visit that museum, tenQ (here's my shitty source lol).
  • Learn to rollerskate.
  • Rollerskate in Florida. 
  • Trip on acid.
  • To be continueddddddd............

Friday, 9 January 2015


I can't sleep. I had a coffee at 10 and I guess that was a bad idea lol Realising that I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon I sat up in my bed and turned the light back on. I spent a few minutes scribbling in a book anything that came to mind, hoping some profound, deep shit would come about but I ended up drawing silly cats with big eyes, swirly collar buckles and tubby legs. They had human eyes, the drawings were not accurate at all. You would think I had never seen a cat before but instead, I had a five year old describe one to me. Tonight's not one of those interesting nights, I guess. So instead, defeated by my own mind, I took a cigarette and a lighter to my backyard. I opened up The 1975's SoundCloud page on my phone and listened to Sex remixes, smoking with the menthol capsule broken and trying to take dumb selfies. They didn't work out, the smoke wasn't thick enough and the lighting was terrible. Defeated yet again, I came back into my living room and here we are now, blogging on the couch. The lights are off except for two lotus flower shaped lamps on the altar. They're on every night. Is there a timer? Or are they always on, day and night, I just never take the time to notice? Or perhaps my parents turn them on before they sleep as a goodnight ritual? Seems like something my dad would do after coming home from work.

I'm afraid this isn't one of those 3am rants that question the meaning of life nor are they the type that ramble about crazy things like where the moon sleeps or what would happen if pinnochio said "my nose grows when I lie". I literally just googled 'philosophical raptor meme' for an example lol It's just a quiet night and I'm just some kid who's legally an adult but mentally a highschooler who had coffee at a misadvised time of day.

I always regret cigarettes when I'm sober. My mouth tastes awful.

I'm very excited for The 1975 next week and Vietnam. I wish Jeff wasn't so busy. But he's right, the wait is always worth it. When we meet again, when I step into his house, I won't hesitate to kiss him. It's getting pretty hot down here. As in the living room is pretty humid right now. I should get to bed, I set my alarm to 10am and I have a 9hr shift tomorrow. I absolutely love the young ruffian remix of Settle Down. I really want them to do that version live but I know, you know, we all know that they won't lol I didn't get bitten once outside in my backyard, but there's this one hungry as fuck mosquito in this living room. Fuck you, mozzie, leave me alone :( Okay, one selfie and then off to bed. Goodnight/good morning, readers. Thanks for sticking w/ me. Lol, I'm on my phone so the selfie might appear at the top of the post... Bye!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

From the past, from the past and they'll summon right before you like the ghost of Christmas Past.

It's already happened twice. I asked two dudes (who happened to be tall, lanky white nerds) what their taste in music was and they both specifically said 'Armadeus' by that band. Now I'm not saying this is some sort of crazy conspiracy or something but if it happens again, I'm calling it. This is either some code, like a secret handshake that they use to establish who's part of their kind or it's a telltale way of finding out who you should avoid. It creeps me out. Please comment if you like to describe your taste in music using that one fking song and then stop reading my blod, #jk #despforviews. LOL funny thing, I didn't particularly like the first lanky white dude who said it because he was kinda douchy and pretentious. But then he also cleaned my glasses with the disposable wipes he keeps in his wallet. ... He has single packets of spectacle-specific wipes in his wallet. What a douchebag LOL

Anyways, I don't really have a topic for this blog post. I always have things to say and I always fit my passing thoughts into a blog post sorta structure just in case it sounds interesting to write about, but they're never really interesting enough for me to physically type up or I'm just always so plain lazy that whenever I do get around to blogging, I forget it. And this is one of those times. So, really, why am I still typing? Why are you still here? By now, you should've figured out that this blog is absolute garbage lol

Anyways, I run a sensitive blog so I should stop dissing it. I wish I had pictures to post lol No wait, I have like two, here goes:

This is ruth, we're eating at The Pavilion
This is her taking a Ig-worthy pic of her eggs

This is us having tea at the small cafe stop within the gallery of nsw's pop to popism exhibiton where the cute barista said he liked my shirt.

And the following photos are of meeeee:

"At his lips' touch, she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete." lol look at dat nerd trying to be the merrican dream


Saturday, 3 January 2015

You. Stars. Open arms. Pharoahs. God. Kings & queens.

First thing's first, I cannot believe I missed The Kite String Tangle again LOL Like legit, I was just sitting around in the heat and I FORGOT. Smh. Anyways, post field day and it's 2015 and I am absolutely obsessed with SBTRKT. I looooooooooove their music and they were so good live! They're playing again on the coming wednesday but I have work lol also I need to saaaaaaave holy hell. My brother asked me how it was going then he calculated a rough estimate of how much I would make by the time the VN trip hit and lol, I did not think anything through and I'm gonna be the poorest come VN. Anyways, the sun is shining on 2015 and it is hot as ever. Very excited for the things to come, but also, all my friends are leaving in Jan & idk what to do LOL Although, this does mean more leverage to save. But I'm gonna be so bored LOL

Anyways, I wrote a poem for the new year but it wasn't that great.

Here's photos of new year's eve and new year's day (and also summa mike's bday + touring w/ nick lol)

HBD, micky

Hey, birds

Scrolling down, you will see a sequence of photos that look like I'm being swallowed by the ocean:

But scrolling upwards, you will see the true meaning of this photoset - the day the sea gave birth to my soul.

Lol can y'all spot Jess on the left? Also das Nick - Jess, cole and maria's English friend.

Hey, gurl

Anyways, that's all lol, stay tuned for the rest of the year <3