Monday, 12 May 2014

How Vicious

Self-confidence, cockiness, humility and insecurity.

Be cocky to your lovers, but be humble to your friends.

Find balance. Don't be that guy.

Just another life lesson from a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Anyways, let's move on to a bunch of photos from the 9th of May.

This was my skin back when I decided to keep the flash on. Also, that's Vic.

This is my skin after turning off flash - good product, would recommend, 10/10

New name, it's short for Gay.

Who dat, who dat, that do dat, do dat



We went to eat Korean

And that's the name of the place we went to. I think it means, Buckwheat Noodles, but idk

They are OBsessed

When one smiles with teeth, they other shall not

Spent the first hour of uts uni thingo with this loser. At one point I came to the conclusion that we have nothing in common, and he mentioned glasses then we started talking about contacts. That pretty much sums up our relationship.

We stumbled across this little doorway at Ambercrombie's.

Lookin' mysterious.

G'd up.

Being straight tastes weird.

So does being gay.


A photo of the CC who kindly took a heckload of photos of us.

Ambercrombie's is his fave bar and they are so cute together.

I'm super bad at taking photos.

He cute and she pretty.

Maps, Part IV - the final segment - coming soon. Thank you, stay tuned and good night.

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