check it
Kate Miller-Heidke everybody.
Anyways, can't wait for the ARIA's because vaaaaaance joooyyyyyyy <3 <3 <3 is performing and so is flume.
I am living my life completely ignoring my problems and I guess there's nothing I can really do now but they are eating me alive and I want to bury myself.
I want a beautiful boy!!! I want someone superficially beautiful. I mean, yes, the insides are important - looks are nothing in a relationship when they're void of personality but I want a beautiful boy!!!! I came across this picture on tumblr:
Look at dat mess of a doily, wtf mister. |
Wouldn't it be nice to be with that? I would take pictures all the time. And I'd have a whole collection. I would take them right before he'd be able to smile or pose, it'd be sorta candid. He'd just look up at my camera lens and before he can react, I would have already taken the picture and I could make an album.
Anways, dear diary,
These are the blandest mangoes I have ever tasted. They ain't sweet and they ain't sour. They're just bland.
Yours sincerely,
Isaiah Dill-Pickle [xD PaNcAkEs]
LOL I'm trying so hard to not sound like a TB but I either end up sounding like one or being realllyyyyy pretentious hahahahaha wow
Dear Cynthia,
What a beautiful Zedd cover.
With admiration,
Will Pickle-Ezekiel
[***EDIT*** I would like to clarify that the following paragraph was not aimed at Cynthia. It's just that the subject matter reminded me of this one time I tried so hard to look for a guy covering Summertime Sadness without changing the lyrics.]
I know it's stupid but I just hate it when people cover songs and they change lyrics as to show that they're a man singing to a girl or a girl singing to a man, like it's some sort of discreet way to sing "no homo". I mean, yeah, I know that they're probably doing that because they're relating it to someone they knew and they're changing the song a bit to make it more their own because after all, it is THEIR cover. But please understand that I'm not saying that these people aren't allowed to do this, I just can't stand it LOL Like, sound gay, you aren't gonna lose your sexuality and start sucking dick, NOBODY CARES IF YOU'VE DONE YOUR HAIR UP REAL BIG BEAUTY QUEEN STYLE. But LOL, I've got no argument if you are making the song about your life... BUT UGH.
Although, I have absolutely no problem when people do it to sing about someone who died. Idk why, but I always imagine that Birdy is mourning someone when she sings "when you let him go" whilst covering Let Her Go by Passenger [] LOL she's probably not, and I'm probably being sexist and gayist (???) when I don't mind this whole lyric-changing thingo when a girl like Birdy does it hahahahaha......
Anyways, so excited for stereosonic!! Gonna kiss an ad-lay oday-tay! jaykay.
Don't you ever say "I just walked away",
I will always want you.
I like how Miley Cyrus didn't go for I will always love you. The word 'want' seems to add something so much more and it seems like it's more of a miley lyric,in my opinion.
Okay, I'll end this post here :) With love and ecstasy, [so cool, I know!]
Pretentious, annoying TB.
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