Okay, so it turns out what I planned to blog was exactly what Maria did LOL On the train back home today, Jenn and James were like "Ending August with a bang, aye?" And from there I thought, that's what I'm gonna base this post around. And when I came through the door, I was thinking up titles and I literally thought of Goodbye August and The Ending of Augustus (Idk why, I think I read an extract of the faults in our stars on tumblr the other night). And so I go on blogger, full pumped to blog and bam - "Goodbye Augustus. Mars at Nostalgic" Dammit, Maria!
So here's the post:
Let's go backwards.
Actually. Imma sleep. I'll do this tmr :L Night, guys...
Okay, I'm back. And it's as if no time has passed at all for you folks at home. Let's not go backwards.
Actually, let's LOL Idk why I can't just backspace but LOL Here we go, cowboys:
Between the lines are the photos I took between when I started this post (ending of august) and today, the ninth of the ninth.
The Summer Burger thang. It was aiight. |
Taking selfies at sunset. |
Hotdogs or legs? lololol ... I'm late to the party, aren't I? |
My Lychee Rose and Maria's Black Sesame |
Jap food |
yummmmmm |
Nini shirt extra big. |
Nini shirt too big. |
Glow Clit |
Met this beauty on the train. It was so nice to see her, I missed her so. |
SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MAN WITH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE. He was so good, I fell so far in love! |
I loved so much when he started riptide on his ukelele and everybody cheered and I recorded it on my phone and I get so giddy every time. And then everybody yelled the michelle pfeiffer part and ahhh. I legit think Riptide is my happy song now. It makes me smile so much. Even though it's sorta sad, I love how happy the melody is and that's the best ain't it? When a sad thing is disguised to look happy. |
Salted Caramel, yum yum. |
I thought it was white :( But it has the cutest collar! |
Korean |
Korean and Chinese |
I successfully curled my fringe. |
I made a burger at home and it was delish. |
And I blended frozen watermelons. |
We excavated an alligator at Brighton Le Sands |
Dessert with cute little cones! |
Mango Magnificent |
Pho Night for VSA :) |
Rainbow eye scar, very badass. |
Rainbow. It felt so good eating this, it brought me back so bad!! |
Masterchef: Mumma style. |
We tried to make brownies with cookie dough inside but noooope. The brownie wasn't even baked all the way through :L |
I went to this guy's concert and he was pretty good. I liked his rendition of Cyrus' Party in the USA. |
Oh, and we chased down this ice cream truck LOL We just really wanted a cone. |
Jess and I went flower browsing after a big breakfast. |
Was at the Harvest Cafe. Jess had the eggs benedict and I had ze big breakfast, yum yum |
Maria enjoying a peach schnappes with pineapple juice after doing no work. |
The moon was really close today. We were up to our hips in the ocean's tide.
Cakes and coffee. [Chai Latte, mocha, strawberry tart and tiramisu) |
I would love these kinds of things in my home. The whole shop had nice decor. |
My brother fell off the bed and took it with him hahahaha |
Vsa had an Oz Tag day |
I pierced my ear with the gang! |
I met Dick and Colleen on the train and there was a big delay and we caught up. It was nice. |
This was the only well-lit photo I took of my mexican food because I thought my phone was stuffing up.That's a taco, btw :L |
I want that cactus pinata. |
The bar was a shack with flowers all around it. I loved it. |
Meet |
the love |
of |
my life |
LOL I remember being really into him at the thai restaurant. I don't know, it was just something about him. I think it was just that he was super cute and he had that kind-of you know, older man experience sorta thing going on. ...
Maria and I went to take caps and we were taught the how to rule of kawaii. |
Apple strudel, yum yum |
The engineers made a tower during Tracey's birthday party. This is the first photo I took with my new phone and it is of Andrew trying to fend off the child. They were very protective of their creation. |
And look, I got a new phone. I put this pic on instagram and it is now equal first in likes for me hahahah Yeah, I'm loserly enough to keep track of that.... |
Maria drew a lady in the sand at the beach in the gongs. |
Haha, sorry, em, I'm just terrible at timing jump shots.
And now, we step even further back in time.
November, 2012:
Maria came over and we made art in sims. |
I'm still laughing, guys, I look Egyptian hahaha |
October, 2012:
"Studying" at livo lib |
Made this at Jess'. Look how dramatic the angle is :L |
September, 2012:
Female formal backs. |
Getting our hair did. |
omg eeh in the background looks a million times younger than he does now :L |
1... |
2... |
3 :) |
Gross, jess. |
Guten tag, herr Mackenzie. |
Celebrating the last day of class. I'm so sad now. |
Last performance in drama :) |
August, 2012:
July, 2012:
Hahaha, look at me trying to get some physics study done. |
June, 2012:
Japan, China and Mexico |
April, 2012:
Jess helped me buy new clothes to where at my bday picnic :) |
March, 2012:
February, 2012:
January, 2012:
Ironman before he got all the money. |
LOL I'm the only one smiling at my camera... |
December, 2011:
xmas party shenanigans |
November, 2011:
hahahaha, dis me discovering the special effects on my camera phone. |
On our way to halogen. LOL I remember waking up late to this hahaha my bad. |
Bonnie's shining photo op during Whyknee Phanclub's 11/11/11 dinner |
Cooking chicken and baking cake gansta style. |
LOL bacon and cheese melted on oysters. |
I'm still laughing. |
Hahaha, my pants tore in drama so I wore these tardis blue pants home.Kinda wish I kept them... |
The Drama Fashion show, 2011 |
October, 2011:
Meet the tool, Catrina LOL I joke. Anyways, look how good we look with red hair on. |
The exorcism of Maria Chachacha |
And here, we have the first photo I ever took on my first smart phone. |
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