Monday, 30 September 2013
YAAAAAAAY, I'm finally there! Omg. Omggggg. Okay. So. I'd like to thank myself and my viewers for this. Um, I'd also like to thank Jesus for letting me write letters to him, even tho it's super offensive, but I never mean harm when I do it. Thank you for understanding, Jesus. Arigatou gozaimasu. Anyways, to celebrate:
A Music Video:
It's such a beautiful song with beautiful harp stuff and singing and ahhh. I'm liking this man, this active child.
Something I wrote about Katy Perry a while ago on my phone LOL:
So let's talk about Katy perry. So like a few months ago, she released a tiny video of her burning her iconic blue wig and I guess that signified the end of an era, and the start of something new. But, with the release of roar, the wig seemed to have been burned in vain. I, among with many others, was disappointed. It was the same shit. It was nothing new at all and even her first performance of it at the VMAs was crap. But, after hearing dark horse, hope. I like dark horse. It's got a great thing going for it, and it really shows a big change. Perhaps its drop is somewhat almost outdone, that animals-like drop that's slow and low (is it called trap?), but it works. Not many pop songs have done that at all, and so Katy perry took the opportunity and ran with it. I'm glad she did. Although, I wish she went with a better rapper or at least lyricist than juicy j. Fuck juicy j.
And guys, ah! The other day, on the radio, la la la was finishing up, then applause came on so I sang to that, clapping, and then stay the night, so I sang to that, going hey, this station knows me well and then ahhhh, riptideeeeee. What a perfect string of radio songs.
Anyways, so last but not least, to celebrate, what I have so far with my 1secondeveryday video. For those who don't know, 1sec errday is an app that takes a second from videos recorded every day and compiles them. So it's like a little journal where every page is a one second video, and altogether, you can create a 365 second video that represents your whole year. Here's what I've got so far:
Alright, guys, I'll leave you with that.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
LOL Retrograde by James Blake is a great song. But apparently, it's not hip, it's "suddenly, I'm hit" which I guess is more poetic... LOL Anyways, check it out. Danke schon to Maria for showing me this song.
Anywho, does anybody else think that Lana Winters from American Horro Story: Asylum, Lana Del Rey and Pam from True Blood look alike?
I mean come on:
Anywho, does anybody else think that Lana Winters from American Horro Story: Asylum, Lana Del Rey and Pam from True Blood look alike?
I mean come on:
LOL Okay, so Kristin Bauer van Straten (pam) looks very diff because of hair and stuff, but trust me, she has a huge lana vibe about her. And btw, fun fact, pam is my most fave true blood character <3 <3 [LOL very fun fact, I know]
But yah, in the show, Pam's hair is just like the other two's.
So I made this too hahaha:
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I call her: PALAMALANA |
LOL her face is wonky because pam was sorta facing to the left :L
"Can't tell a verb from a noun, they're the nice kids in town!"
"They'll never get to college but they sure look cool!"
I love Hairspray so much. I'm losing my friends and my family because of this.
Um, LOL, so again, nothing interesting to say at all. I'm gonna leave you here :L Guten Tag.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
I sob every time your face pops up on facebook
Anyways, let's talk about me, yay.
I cannot for the the life of me stop listening to the hairspray soundtrack. Like, come on, guys- TWIST TWIST TWIST TWIST, MASH POTATO, MAMBA.
And so, my dear, so short and stout, you'll never be in so we're KICKING YOU OUT.
Anyways, moving on. Hm. What do I talk about. I've moved on from Rosanna Pansino. Now I'm watching Woodland Bakery. She is so pro. I wanna go to her bakery and take a photo with her. But I think she works in Jersey. :( Also, I miss her old video partner but everything's a lot more organised now LOL
God, I've absolutely nothing to say. Right now, I'm writing a bunch of compliments for my friends as xmas cards hahahaha Because I'm hella cheap. And like, these are legit compliments.
Okay, I'm done. I quit. I can't blog no mo. Jokes, I'll blog later when I have something interesting to say. Guten Nacht.
Anyways, let's talk about me, yay.
I cannot for the the life of me stop listening to the hairspray soundtrack. Like, come on, guys- TWIST TWIST TWIST TWIST, MASH POTATO, MAMBA.
And so, my dear, so short and stout, you'll never be in so we're KICKING YOU OUT.
Anyways, moving on. Hm. What do I talk about. I've moved on from Rosanna Pansino. Now I'm watching Woodland Bakery. She is so pro. I wanna go to her bakery and take a photo with her. But I think she works in Jersey. :( Also, I miss her old video partner but everything's a lot more organised now LOL
God, I've absolutely nothing to say. Right now, I'm writing a bunch of compliments for my friends as xmas cards hahahaha Because I'm hella cheap. And like, these are legit compliments.
Okay, I'm done. I quit. I can't blog no mo. Jokes, I'll blog later when I have something interesting to say. Guten Nacht.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Leben Stunden -- snosseL efiL
1. A person is not defined by their past mistakes. You are not defined by your past mistakes. People grow and they learn. Do not hold grudges or base someone's characteristics on what they did if they don't do it anymore. That was the past and they stopped doing it, so stop judging them for it. I learnt this because I held grudges and I didn't trust people or I built my arguments as to why I didn't like them because of things they did to me but after seeing these people again, after their adolescence, they were no longer the same. Maybe their problems were still subconsciously existent, but they were nice, and polite, and accepting. They grew up. And I thought about it more and I realised that if someone based my characteristics on the mistakes I had made, it would be so unfair and incorrect because I am no longer that person. I grew up, and I learned and I try so hard not to repeat the past. So realise that people do change. You don't have to trust them or forgive them immediately, but don't keep hating. Hating's bad, it's poisonous. That is unless they still hold those bad traits now. If so, wow, they suck. Fucking racists.
2. Move on. Always move on. Things will happen and then they stop happening. And when that happens, move on. This may be terrible advice, but life is all about putting your all into something, and then letting it go. I guess this doesn't apply to everything, like with family and the love of your life, but learn to let go of something when you need to. Even if you love it, or you miss it, or you don't want to let go, sometimes you'll just need to. And you'll know you'll need to when it hurts to much to, and yet you're losing grip. It's terrible but such is life, and nothing lasts forever.
3. Don't hold grudges. Be weary but you can't live your life with a heart full of hate. Don't do it. LOL this is kinda sorta like a combo of lesson 1 & 2. Don't hold onto hate and move on, brah. You've got more important things to think of.
4. If you find joy in something, and it doesn't harm anybody else, go for it. Do what you want, be who you want to be. Maybe you'll be discriminated and made fun of but in the end you'll be happier. Find comfort in the idea that you overcame fear and that unlike so many poor souls, you're who you are and you're happy. And yes, I understand that for some of you, what makes you happy might bring shame to the people you love or hurt their pride, but pride is a stupid thing. I mean sure, be proud of who you are, that's great, confidence is key, but don't let someone else's pride affect your happiness. And besides, someone's pride is not necessarily constant. Only the stubborn have a defined pride. Hopefully if you express yourself, no matter how "shameful", your loved ones will respect that and admire it. Hopefully, they'll find pride in your bravery and uniqueness. Flourish. Also, don't define your tastes or interest by the status quo. The status quo is shit. Guilty pleasures shouldn't exist but they do. If you like Justin bieber or eating a dozen box of krispy kreme donuts every day then listen to bieber, eat those beautifully glazed donuts every damn night [okay, lol, for the sake of your health, refrain, jesus christ, I don't care if you're hurting nobody else, you're going to die, holy hell, who the hell eats a dozen every damn day? I know right now I'm going against this lesson, but shit son, wtf are you doing]. People will make fun of you for it and they'll make judgements but LOL, you're the one enjoying yourself. Oh, which reminds me, if people have a problem with who you are, remember that, well, that's really their problem. It doesn't bother you, but if it does, defend yourself. Don't take their shit. Haha, somebody on tumblr suggested that if someone makes a discriminatory comment, say you don't get it and request that they explain themselves. If they keep making discriminatory comments to explain themselves, just keep asking "why?" because eventually, they'll run out of "reasons", and they'll be left confused and know that their stupid opinions are in fact, stupid. So remember, who gives a shit if you
5. Think before you speak. So I paint my nails, right? And I'm gay, if that hasn't been apparent yet LOL. And I always knew that somewhere, somehow, I'd be discriminated or called out on it, which is depressing, but people will always exist to hurt others. And painting my nails, having such a clear, visual feature that could so easily be made fun of, I knew somebody somewhere would make a comment, but I never knew how much it would hurt. And oh, it hurt. I want to be indifferent but I'll always be self-conscious. It hurts when strangers are hateful or disgusted but it hurts more when friends are. So if you don't exactly agree with what a friend does, when it really should have no effect on you, keep your comments to yourself, because even if they are your opinions, your opinions will only ever have no other effect than to hurt your friend's feelings.
So you know, think about what you say before you say it, which I guess can be difficult because we speak as we think and things are blurted out. And LOL, I'm very guilty all the time of breaking this rule because I always forget to follow it LOL
6. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free." - Thich Nhat Hanh
I read that quote off of tumblr recently and it's right. The way I interpreted this quote was that the person you love, the person who's important to you does not belong to you. They are their own person and even if you have a super strong bond and relationship with them, their job is not to please you 24/7. Sure, it's their duty to see that you're okay, and to treat you like a great friend, but they can't always do that, and we need to understand that. So don't get offended or jealous if your friend makes new friends or does stuff without you or if they pay more attention to someone else because they are their own person, you know??? You're allowed to be upset, but you're not allowed to punish them for it. Sometimes these circumstances are different, but I think we've all been sad when we're second choice to our first choice. Don't get angry. If it upsets you that much, confront it, but not with anger. Yeah? Yeah.
7. Happiness. LOL okay, not really a tip, but let me explain. So you know when people are like "money can't buy me happiness? Well excuse you but I can think of so many problems that would be solved if I had money" and LOL that's funny and true but to an extent, brah. The expression never meant having money meant you couldn't ever achieve happiness, it just meant that you should never choose money OVER happiness. Never sacrifice happiness for cash. You honestly cannot buy that back. Okay, yes, I wouldn't know, I'm too young to know, I am yet to find out what the consequences of my choices are because I'm still making them. And yes, money is a driving force in our world, and you should be making enough money to support yourself and a future family if you want one, but if you work hard enough, you could have it all. The only thing is, depending on what you want, you'll have to work really hard. And LOL I'm the last person who should be talking about hard work.
Okay, LOL That's it. I hope you learned something valuable. Don't be a little bitch. Don't treat other like one and don't take it like one. Anyways, bye guys. I'll leave you with this vine which makes me so damn happy hahahah
Okay, LOL That's it. I hope you learned something valuable. Don't be a little bitch. Don't treat other like one and don't take it like one. Anyways, bye guys. I'll leave you with this vine which makes me so damn happy hahahah
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
I cbb doing this damn writing assessment :'( I just wanted to fill up units and I saw Writing so I was like hells yeah but now it's just: talk about this sentence, rewrite your damn paragraph, how to conduct proper research 101 - IT'S SO BORING. I HATEADJHFJKSADF WRIT1000SADJKHFHKLDSAFJKASDJFKJDSALFJKLDSJKFAKFJKOADSJFLKSDAF But oh well, we move on. You know what's perfect?
In the show Orange is the New Black, in the pilot episode, to console the main chick, this yoga chick told her that:
[yoga, chapman]
Do you know what a mandala is? Um, those are those round Buddhist art things. The Tibetan monks make them out of dyed sand laid out into big, beautiful designs.
And when they're done, after days or weeks of work, they wipe it all away. Wow.
That's- that's a lot. Try to look at your experience here as a mandala, Chapman. Work hard, To make something as meaningful and beautiful as you can.
And when you're done, pack it in and know it was all temporary.
You have to remember that.
It's all temporary. [softly] It's all temporary.
And hey, I think you can apply that to any adversity.
To all my beautiful readers, remember, it's all temporary. Even life. Okay, LOL, that's a bit morbid, but what I'm trying to get at is your life is temporary, so make it count. Pretty much, yolo, you know?
Au revoir.
In the show Orange is the New Black, in the pilot episode, to console the main chick, this yoga chick told her that:
[yoga, chapman]
Do you know what a mandala is? Um, those are those round Buddhist art things. The Tibetan monks make them out of dyed sand laid out into big, beautiful designs.
And when they're done, after days or weeks of work, they wipe it all away. Wow.
That's- that's a lot. Try to look at your experience here as a mandala, Chapman. Work hard, To make something as meaningful and beautiful as you can.
And when you're done, pack it in and know it was all temporary.
You have to remember that.
It's all temporary. [softly] It's all temporary.
And hey, I think you can apply that to any adversity.
To all my beautiful readers, remember, it's all temporary. Even life. Okay, LOL, that's a bit morbid, but what I'm trying to get at is your life is temporary, so make it count. Pretty much, yolo, you know?
Au revoir.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Monet is a nice name for a girl.
You know, like the artist?
The harpy lady in One Piece is named Monet.
She ate the snow-snow fruit, the bitch.
Robin is my fave member of the crew, apart from Luffy.
Okay, that's it.
The harpy lady in One Piece is named Monet.
She ate the snow-snow fruit, the bitch.
Robin is my fave member of the crew, apart from Luffy.
Okay, that's it.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Dear Jesus II,
I hope you don't get offended when I write these letters.
But lately, I've been scrolling past so many abtastic men on my tumblr dash, and oh, how I wish to be both them and on them. But alas, I take steps backwards every night. For instance, just then, I ate ramen as a midnight snack. And before it, I had mango and passionfruit ice cream as an 11pm snack. Oh how happy is the blameless vestal's lot?
Goodbye, Jesus. Until next time.
But lately, I've been scrolling past so many abtastic men on my tumblr dash, and oh, how I wish to be both them and on them. But alas, I take steps backwards every night. For instance, just then, I ate ramen as a midnight snack. And before it, I had mango and passionfruit ice cream as an 11pm snack. Oh how happy is the blameless vestal's lot?
Goodbye, Jesus. Until next time.
Friday, 13 September 2013
I will always wantchu - ALL YOU EVER DID WAS WRE-EH-ECK ME.
I remember following this guy on tumblr whose url was something about not wearing pants? and he used to be kind-of annoying. Idk, I think it was his face. And his snapback. I don't hate snapbacks. I just hate his. And he did this thing where he wrote "me" as a comment under EVERYTHING. Okay, lol, not literally everything. But he did that a lot. It started getting out of hand. So one day, a long time ago, I unfollowed him. And that was it. I moved on and today, I read this post's comments: click here, lovers and suddenly, I remembered him. And I thought, hey, he hasn't appeared on my dashboard in a long time" and there it was. The feeling of relief. Ahhh, as good as life gets. ... Yo, my life is so boring, somebody save me, yikes.
Story thyme
Okay, so I was using tumblr on my laptop whilst lounging on my bed and then out of nowhere, the president of vsa uts opened my door (he hangs with my bro lol he doesn't invade homes) and he was like guten tag! And I was so distressed LOL He was asking me about presidency and everything and I tried really hard to remember a german greeting that wasn't guten tag LOL The things that went through my mind. Like, at first I was worried about my oily hair because I haven't showered in days and then my phone kept making notification sounds repeatedly. So while he was asking me about froyo day, I kept trying to cover the speaker on my phone??? whilst trying to listen to him and then I saw he was wearing a colour run tee which confused me more for some reason?????? LOL and there was a tissue covered in my snot on my bed and random dirty socks and LOL I was just so lost and in shock, that was weirdest ten seconds of my life. And omg LOL you know how I was trying to cover the speaker on my phone? Well I was wearing a singlet and my phone was on my chest and it looked like I was trying to cover non-existent cleavage ????????? and LOL in my head I was like dude, stop!
I was just so confused and distressed, oh my goodness gracious gravy.
I was just so confused and distressed, oh my goodness gracious gravy.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
I've been staring straight into the hole that is life,
and I wonder, is this really what you wanted for us?
Did you create this haven to hold murder and terror and all?
I've been staring for decades, and I've yet to only finish two.
You often say, or your humans often say,
that violence was not of you,
but of us humans.
Do you still love us now?
Do you still care, even when we eat at each other,
and hate each other,
and do unspeakable things to each other?
If I were your eyes looking down onto this unholy world,
I'd simply look away,
and be so disappointed.
Is this it?
Is this the grand scheme of things?
To live, and grow, to become a disappointment,
only to find out,
that you are part of a larger disappointment,
to god?
I find myself hating more and more.
I hate Felicia Day. She's really not that funny.
She was. But she still uses that
"I don't want to live on this planet anymore"
Dear Felicia,
You call yourself an actress,
but apart from acting as a variation,
of yourself,
you're not that great.
Which I guess is cruel to say,
since it is your career.
But you only need to be indifferent,
in the end,
you're so much more well-off than I am now,
and you're more well-off than I will ever be.
Look in the mirror.
The fame has gotten to your head,
and on your show,
you just look pompous and condescending.
You climbed the ladder,
but you're breathing thinner air,
and your brain is taking the hit.
Oh. miss Day.
Dear Enjambment,
Dear readers,
It's 2am.
Forgive me.
And goodbye.
and I wonder, is this really what you wanted for us?
Did you create this haven to hold murder and terror and all?
I've been staring for decades, and I've yet to only finish two.
You often say, or your humans often say,
that violence was not of you,
but of us humans.
Do you still love us now?
Do you still care, even when we eat at each other,
and hate each other,
and do unspeakable things to each other?
If I were your eyes looking down onto this unholy world,
I'd simply look away,
and be so disappointed.
Is this it?
Is this the grand scheme of things?
To live, and grow, to become a disappointment,
only to find out,
that you are part of a larger disappointment,
to god?
I find myself hating more and more.
I hate Felicia Day. She's really not that funny.
She was. But she still uses that
"I don't want to live on this planet anymore"
Dear Felicia,
You call yourself an actress,
but apart from acting as a variation,
of yourself,
you're not that great.
Which I guess is cruel to say,
since it is your career.
But you only need to be indifferent,
in the end,
you're so much more well-off than I am now,
and you're more well-off than I will ever be.
Look in the mirror.
The fame has gotten to your head,
and on your show,
you just look pompous and condescending.
You climbed the ladder,
but you're breathing thinner air,
and your brain is taking the hit.
Oh. miss Day.
Dear Enjambment,
Dear readers,
It's 2am.
Forgive me.
And goodbye.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Ending August.
Okay, so it turns out what I planned to blog was exactly what Maria did LOL On the train back home today, Jenn and James were like "Ending August with a bang, aye?" And from there I thought, that's what I'm gonna base this post around. And when I came through the door, I was thinking up titles and I literally thought of Goodbye August and The Ending of Augustus (Idk why, I think I read an extract of the faults in our stars on tumblr the other night). And so I go on blogger, full pumped to blog and bam - "Goodbye Augustus. Mars at Nostalgic" Dammit, Maria!
So here's the post:
Let's go backwards.
Actually. Imma sleep. I'll do this tmr :L Night, guys...

So here's the post:
Let's go backwards.
Actually. Imma sleep. I'll do this tmr :L Night, guys...
Okay, I'm back. And it's as if no time has passed at all for you folks at home. Let's not go backwards.
Actually, let's LOL Idk why I can't just backspace but LOL Here we go, cowboys:
Between the lines are the photos I took between when I started this post (ending of august) and today, the ninth of the ninth.
November, 2012:
October, 2012:
September, 2012:
Actually, let's LOL Idk why I can't just backspace but LOL Here we go, cowboys:
Between the lines are the photos I took between when I started this post (ending of august) and today, the ninth of the ninth.
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The Summer Burger thang. It was aiight. |
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Taking selfies at sunset. |
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Hotdogs or legs? lololol ... I'm late to the party, aren't I? |
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My Lychee Rose and Maria's Black Sesame |
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Jap food |
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yummmmmm |
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Nini shirt extra big. |
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Nini shirt too big. |
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Glow Clit |
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Met this beauty on the train. It was so nice to see her, I missed her so. |
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SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MAN WITH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE. He was so good, I fell so far in love! |
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Salted Caramel, yum yum. |
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I thought it was white :( But it has the cutest collar! |
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Korean |
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Korean and Chinese |
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I successfully curled my fringe. |
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I made a burger at home and it was delish. |
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And I blended frozen watermelons. |
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We excavated an alligator at Brighton Le Sands |
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Dessert with cute little cones! |
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Mango Magnificent |
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Pho Night for VSA :) |
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Rainbow eye scar, very badass. |
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Rainbow. It felt so good eating this, it brought me back so bad!! |
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Masterchef: Mumma style. |
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We tried to make brownies with cookie dough inside but noooope. The brownie wasn't even baked all the way through :L |
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I went to this guy's concert and he was pretty good. I liked his rendition of Cyrus' Party in the USA. |
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Oh, and we chased down this ice cream truck LOL We just really wanted a cone. |
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Jess and I went flower browsing after a big breakfast. |
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Was at the Harvest Cafe. Jess had the eggs benedict and I had ze big breakfast, yum yum |
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Maria enjoying a peach schnappes with pineapple juice after doing no work. |
The moon was really close today. We were up to our hips in the ocean's tide.
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Cakes and coffee. [Chai Latte, mocha, strawberry tart and tiramisu) |
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I would love these kinds of things in my home. The whole shop had nice decor. |
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My brother fell off the bed and took it with him hahahaha |
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Vsa had an Oz Tag day |
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I pierced my ear with the gang! |
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I met Dick and Colleen on the train and there was a big delay and we caught up. It was nice. |
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This was the only well-lit photo I took of my mexican food because I thought my phone was stuffing up.That's a taco, btw :L |
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I want that cactus pinata. |
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The bar was a shack with flowers all around it. I loved it. |
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Meet |
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the love |
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of |
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my life |
LOL I remember being really into him at the thai restaurant. I don't know, it was just something about him. I think it was just that he was super cute and he had that kind-of you know, older man experience sorta thing going on. ...
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Maria and I went to take caps and we were taught the how to rule of kawaii. |
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Apple strudel, yum yum |
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And look, I got a new phone. I put this pic on instagram and it is now equal first in likes for me hahahah Yeah, I'm loserly enough to keep track of that.... |
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Maria drew a lady in the sand at the beach in the gongs. |
Haha, sorry, em, I'm just terrible at timing jump shots.
And now, we step even further back in time.
November, 2012:
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Maria came over and we made art in sims. |
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I'm still laughing, guys, I look Egyptian hahaha |
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"Studying" at livo lib |
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Made this at Jess'. Look how dramatic the angle is :L |
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Female formal backs. |
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Getting our hair did. |
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omg eeh in the background looks a million times younger than he does now :L |
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1... |
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2... |
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3 :) |
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Gross, jess. |
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Guten tag, herr Mackenzie. |
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Celebrating the last day of class. I'm so sad now. |
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Last performance in drama :) |
August, 2012:
July, 2012:
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Hahaha, look at me trying to get some physics study done. |
June, 2012:
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Japan, China and Mexico |
April, 2012:
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Jess helped me buy new clothes to where at my bday picnic :) |
March, 2012:
February, 2012:
January, 2012:
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Ironman before he got all the money. |
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LOL I'm the only one smiling at my camera... |
December, 2011:
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xmas party shenanigans |
November, 2011:
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hahahaha, dis me discovering the special effects on my camera phone. |
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On our way to halogen. LOL I remember waking up late to this hahaha my bad. |
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Bonnie's shining photo op during Whyknee Phanclub's 11/11/11 dinner |
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Cooking chicken and baking cake gansta style. |
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LOL bacon and cheese melted on oysters. |
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I'm still laughing. |
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Hahaha, my pants tore in drama so I wore these tardis blue pants home.Kinda wish I kept them... |
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The Drama Fashion show, 2011 |
October, 2011:
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Meet the tool, Catrina LOL I joke. Anyways, look how good we look with red hair on. |

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The exorcism of Maria Chachacha |
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And here, we have the first photo I ever took on my first smart phone. |
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