Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Sad, sad, sad.

Not unhappy sad, but feeling lame, sad :L So I wake up and the first thing I do is play Animal Crossing, right? And I go to the message board and they're like "Bro, meteor shower, tonightz, brah, check it out!" And the first thing that goes through my mind (well, first after "METEOR SHOWER, HECK YEAH I WANT SOME OF THAT) was "Dang it, I already have plans for tonight." LOL as in real people plans, as in I have somewhere to be, friends to be with, and I'm sad because I can't see the meteor shower IN A VIDEO GAME. That is unless I cancel last minute.... LOL I'm joking.

Anyways, let's talk about beautiful boys and cooking shows. So I've been hooked to this cooking YouTube channel, Em says she looks like Selena Gomez, but her profile picture looks a lot like Miranda Cosgrove to me. Anyways, her cooking show is called Nerdy Nummies and I love it. She pretty much makes a bunch of novelty cakes based on nerdy stuff like Diablo, Star Wars, Dragon Ball Z etc etc

Usually, I wouldn't like her because she's very cutesie and it's like she's trying too hard to be kawaii but I kept watching and I love her. I love that little finger swirl thing she does when she introduces the ingredients and how she says "Nerty" Nummies. LOL I don't know, she just grew on me. And now, I'm hooked. I also love how she has a set. Like, she's getting paid by YouTube probably, and I think she's sponsored by this baking supplies shop called Michael's? She keeps mentioning him every two seconds :L "I just got these at Michael's, they're so cute!"

Anyways, so check this vid out.

LOOK AT THAT MAN. HE'S SO ATTRACTIVE BUT HE'S VERY TYPICAL ATTRACTIVE AND I WANNA SAY IT'S BORING, BUT I AIN'TS BORED. LOL Okay, he's aiight. He's a bit skinny, but look at his face. He looks good and he knows it. You can tell by the way he talks and the way he almost smolders (smolder, as in the thing the guy from Tangled does, not to burn with smoke) every now and then. It's so douchey but I love it.

Ooh, and apparently they met on Table Top which is this other YouTube channel with an actual set which has a bunch of people who are somewhat popular in the nerd culture playing board games. If you have the right people, it's pretty fun to watch. I think NigaHiga was on one of the episodes. So yeah, can't wait to see these two on TableTop too, ahhh. LOL That's all from me. I should do some work, oh lord.

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