Monday, 29 July 2013

Let's taco bout it

So first up, how about two blasts from my past.

First up, my amazing pokemon team from ruby :)

I had a team of Normal-type pokemon because LOL I was a massive hipster and I always went for the unpopular choice hahahah. Of course, I cheated my way through, leveling them up with my mass amounts of rare candy and creating TM's out of thin air so I could give them to any pokemon that would take it. But really, I was just taking a shortcut to this masterpiece.

LOL anyways, the other blast to the past was that I used to play Habbo Hotel. And on it, I tried to be hip and I spelt 'come' as 'cum' because you know, save time. ... CUM.

Anyways, I've been obsessed with this video lately of Beyonce singing Irreplaceable live :L The song's been in my head since it was sung at karaoke at the vsa retreat.

She's so beautiful and talented and she's just such a great performer!!! Ah!

Ugh, I mean HER SUPERBOWL PERFORMANCE. YIKES. Okay, moving on.

Everything is falling apart around me and this feels like my world's end. But it isn't.

Things will get better in the end. If it's not better, it's not the end.


Just because I'm losing - doesn't mean I'm lost.

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