These past few days have been nothing but sadness and loneliness.
I got my results back for my finals.
And ever since, I've been going between ignorance and utter devastation of my reality.
These past few days, I've been lost.
I was unsure and I didn't know what to do. I felt distanced from my friends, and just completely motionless. I had a choice the other day, and I could have stayed home and wallowed in self-pity and tears, but I got up. I showered and got dressed and went to dinner with friends and although, I still felt distanced, I was better.
Well, that's not exactly what I mean. I don't know what I felt. I felt like my usual self, but I also felt that I didn't want to be my usual self. After that night, I went back to being incredibly sad, and it was painful. But just now, hope. I can't stay lost. I have to do something. So I've been looking up courses and I'm considering this foundations course at AFTRS. It features nine different workshops and it'll basically help me find a place in the film career. Although, the course is only a year long and it costs a whopping $12,000 which is a lot, gosheth. And they only ever accept 45 or so people into the course each year, and that is so daunting. My chances are mighty slim, but today is a hopeful day. If I try hard enough, I could get in. Buuuuuut, I need a portfolio, and really, all I have is Gravity. And that's barely anything, probably. I might need to make a film but applications for next year are only open from the first of September to the fifth. I only really have a month until I need to apply and if Gravity is all I have, then I have absolutely no chance of getting in. Which is scary. I don't even know if I'll ever start a film by September. I can plan one by then, maybe :L
This is a scary time for me, but I can't be sad and wallow forever. I can't just ignore everything. I have to face the facts that I am lost, and then I have to find my way. I need to get somewhere.
Anyways, sorry I haven't been blogging. I've been starting posts but doing nothing with them :L
Here, photos of my adventures.
14th of July:
So James and I got off the train at St Peters station and tried to find our way to the Grounds of Alexandria. Luckily, Micheal called us to tell us he was on his way and offered to drive us to the grounds so we waited. And then we walked down the street and it's pretty much like newtown, that sorta atmosphere, you know? In this one alley way we found this work of art. Ain't it beautiful. I like the little hands. |
And we also saw a big pair of lips and a person James described as Macklemore. |
At the Grounds of Alexandria, we came across this pig. His name is Kevin Bacon. Haha. |
Here's a pretty little bench in the gardens. There's a picture of Nini and I sitting on it but I look like grimace so no. |
The cafe with the line. We came an hour pretty much before the place closed so we couldn't get tables but then the people were like, here sit, dw, just order before three thirty so we did. |
I ordered a chai tea for my drink and look at it! It's so cute. I've never had anything like this so I really enjoyed it. I made chai milk tea with the milk and the big jar of raw sugar in the middle. It was delicious. |
LOL I felt rude because I kept leaving my spoon in the cup whilst drinking it :L It's bad, right??? Tea etiquette?? |
Meet Nini. She has a weird name. She's v cool and adorbs. And look at the lemonade and iced tea, they're in jars! And you can't see it in this photo but the jars have handles! Ah, so cool. |
It blurred :'( It's even blurred to the point where it's pointless to even upload but yeah, this was my dish. The Ham Hock. It's peas, a really chewy piece of bread, ham and cheese, with a crap load of olive oil or whatever it was. |
This is James Nguyen. If you're from cvhs, this is the same one. He had a chicken pie. It looked good. This is James posing, he just looks content but weirdly wide-eyed at the same time. It makes me laugh. |
We ended up driving to the city where we found this tiny ski rink. Little kids holding on to penguins and this one guy who's job is to pick up people who fell over. It sounds like a fun job. But I'd probably receive a heckload of complaints for laughing at people before picking them up. |
Afterwards, we went to go watch a movie and that movie was Pacific Rim. It was pretty good. I wrote a review. I'll get back to you on that. |
Oh, and here's me with Sully and Mike. I watched Monsters University a while back and it was lovely. I wish I rewatched Monsters Inc before it tho. |
We went to this museum about immigration and culture and stuff and look, mice taxidermy, look how CUTE. |
Look at dat cutiepie in a dalek beanie. I've never seen that face before, it's kinda scary. Anyways, this was at a giant comic book or pop culture store called Minotaur. |
Cockroach selfie!! <3 <3 |
Boys and Girls getting all fancy for dinner at The Crown. |
I had this seafood pizza, it was the bomb diggety. I love mussels! But people had oysters and I was jealous :( |
I also had tiramisu which was also delicious. I was very happy with what I got. |
This is Jessica. She's chopping up some strawberries for tmr morning. We bought alcohol as a group but didn't finish it in time due to tiredness so Jess and I tried to drink as much as we could, taking one for the team but that was a terrible idea, I felt like crap. And I was such a little bitch LOL |
I tried to take a pic of emily sleeping weird but the flash went off and she woke up. But pretty much, she was sleeping with her hand on her forehead, like she was pissed at someone's stupidity or she had a headache. |
I also had a chai Latte. i don't know why that's important but I love chai now. Yummo, chai chai chai. |
I also ended up buying new shoes. I love them because they're sturdy and the colour is awesome. Although, I had to throw away the giant shoebox because of the flight. And I found the same shoes with the same price in Sydney..... |
Other days:
I went to DFO and this is Collin in a giant jumper. With the jeans, skinny legs and runners, he looks like Jerry Seinfeld. |
I went to the arq in Sydney. Yay, first gay club. There's a black light in the pic and the trees on my shirt glowed but you can hardly see it. Inside, there was a little show too and a bunch of men danced to My People by the Presets and the song was in a my head for a long time. |
I played iSketch with my friends the other night and I swear it was the most I ever laughed in a long time. They couldn't hear me because I didn't have a mic, but LOL We were being so sad, cheating and laughing like crazy, but it was so funny omggg. Oh, and this photo is just me entering a game called Christmas. I don't think ppl like it, it's not v popular. |
This is one half of the duo, Matt and Kim. They have songs like Daylight, the song in that mars bar commercial? Anyways, this is her shaking her booty whilst standing on top of a crowd at Groovin' the Moo. Good show, they're very entertaining, and Kim was not who I imagined her to be at all :L Which is good. |
Look at dese two cuties at the library. |
I poached and egg, it was amazing. Long time ago, by the by, I might have mentioned it. |
I was playing sims and I made a home called Bowlcut Mania. It's yet to be furnished but when your exterior is as funky fresh as this, who needs material crap like beds? This house sure doesn't. |
Now, it's been two days since I watched the movie, and I've watched
two other movies since, so forgive me if this review seems lacking. But
please know, all my reviews- actually, all my posts, are lacking. But if
you've been reading this blog for a long time, then you should be used
to it.
Pacific Rim is your usual action movie. Giant
explosions and cool-looking fights with similar, but not exactly the
same, storylines. Now don't get me wrong, I very much enjoyed it. It
ticks pretty much every box that a good action movie ticks, and at the
same time, it avoids all that tacky, cliche gunk in between. Pacific
Rim, like many movies, reaches for that underlying romantic plot, but
only touches it. I loved Pacific Rim because it realised that nobody
goes to an action movie for the guy gettting the girl, they go to see
the guy kicking ass. And he does. And baby, she does. LOL You guys know
how I love strong female characters right? And I love them double if
they're asian? Well say hello to Miss Mori,
think I liked her initially because of her gender, race and hair
(similar to Knives Chau, anyone?) but then there was her story and will
and strength. Her story wasn't exactly deep or the best, but it worked.
Oh, by the by, the film was directed by Guillermo Del Toro (Pan's
Labyrinth, Hellboy) and I was as shocked as hell when I saw that during
the end credits.Okay, lol, I've been trying not to spoil stuff but I'll
do that in the next paragraph. So if you wish not to get this movie
potentially ruined for you, then I shall leave you with this: Great
action movie, actually pretty decent as a movie itself.
Rating: 7.8/10
LOL I didn't want to give it 8 because 8 is a lot but I also didn't want to give it 7.5 because it deserves more. And any other number in between is just stupid. ...
spoilers :)
KISS AT THE END, WHOO. Anyways, I loved how the Aussies got quite a
spotlight (even tho he's a dick at the start...). And the main guy's
story, his brother, like damn man. I mean, I hate stories where one
brother dies, but in Pacific Rim - their minds are linked and they share
the same thoughts, and one brother dies whilst they're in this state.
Like, dayum boy.
Pacific Rim was just a good movie. It
was enjoyable and easy to understand, and scary - the monsters were huge
and crazy and they were aliens which sorta looked like those of the
deep deep deeeeeep sea. I thought that was pretty interesting. Okay, I
started this review a long time ago but I stopped and I've forgotten
I also watched Fight Club and that was gooooooood. The writing was amazing and I guess that's credit to the author, but the actors were perfect too. I didn't know Helena Bonham Carter and LOL it is kinda like she plays the same characters in all her movies but in different contexts, but she's good at it :L But the twist :( I have this awful feeling that I found out what the plot twist was a long time ago but I forgot or I just blocked it out?? Because once the first clue came into the movie, I knew. Which was a bit sucky, I didn't get that :OOOOOOOO feeling that twisty movies provide, but oh well :\
Oh, and while you're still here. I made a vid for my overnight adventure from a long time ago but I am waaaay to lazy to edit it so here's the script. LOL I know this is like maximum laziness, and I KNOW, high hopes for my AFTRS portfolio but hahahah :\
Hey, so let’s talk about me. Danny pointed out the other day
that I don’t do vlogs anymore, so here, have one. Take it, it’s yours. Anyways,
like Jess said on her blog, the last few days have been like a week. And I’ve
been both extremely happy, but also very sad – as annoyingly cliché and
dramatic as that sounds. That pretty much means
I’ve been both enjoying myself immensely, but I’ve also had these little
moments of sadness where my eyes go empty and I just stare solemnly at the
point where two walls and the floor meet. And we all know that’s not healthy.
But we move on. Anyways, so, the days, where have they been? Where have I been?
Well, after my four days of exams, I decided to taste my mid-semester break
early. My Thursday went as so:
After the German exam, I met up with Huynh, at around 4. We
then met with Maria and her new friend Jay at the café Huynh and her had
milkshakes. Jay’s a nice guy, I like him. As for my group… Anyways, we parted
ways at 5:30 or so at the train station. We went to collin’s or something? LOL
My memory is terrible. I ate at Jess’, Maria left, we came back to Collin’s to
head for Andrew’s I think. I don’t remember when Eeh came in. Anyways, we hung
out with drew til late, Eeh left and so did we. Andrew, Collin, Jess and I went
to Garrison’s Point and darkness mixed with the woods is a scary combo but the
others were pretty brave and I guess braveness is contagious. Temporarily at
least. And apparently Jess was shitting herself so. Anyways, that was pretty
cool. Oh, and you guys know that little piece of art on the pole at Garrison’s
point? The one with arms, and only arms, that sprout out of the top of a pole,
holding weapons and tools? It is a thousand times creepier at night, let me
tell you that. We then headed out to Brighton to see the sun rise. We made
footprints and pentagrams consisting of footprints in the sand. Andrew saw bird
prints and made his own giant bird feet prints. He was very proud. We walked
along the shore as the tide crept closer to us, talking, running and skipping
clams, until we reached this little rock wall. We wanted to go out to the end
of it where there was this light on a post, but the rocks were already slippery
at the shore and they were sharp and stuff sooooo. We decided not to be stupid
teenagers looking for a thrill. Dark woods were enough for us. The whole time
we were walking we saw the airports across the water, by the way, and we kept
seeing the green light. So naturally, Over the Love was in my head. I played it
on the rock wall, it was very nice but I don’t know if the others appreciated
the good music.
Cut to now there’s green light in my eyes.
Anyways, we went back because we were like the sun ain’t
gonna rise behind that airpot all nice. Let’s head for Bondi. And so we did.
Eventually, we arrived and walked along the beach. A lot of people jog super
early, it’s scary how they have the will. Especially considering how cold it
was, I could have frozen over. Oh! I wore my heeled leather shoes that day and
loved it. I love clickity clackity shoes, they’re so cool. Running in them like
you’re late for something really important is great fun. Anyways, we went down
to the water and watched as the tide came and never touched us. We did this
thing where we stood in a line without moving. The first one to move was a
loser. It went for a while until I decided to be stupid, play around in front
of the others and turn my back to the ocean. They ran off as my feet got
soaked. We walked back to Andrew’s car so I could dry my feet. It was way too
cold to stay waiting for the sun. It was 6:20 and the sun apparently was to
come out at seven. We drove back home. I was in Drew’s car the whole night and
I fell asleep. He was dead sleepy as well but dragged it out. Even though it
was super dangerous and enormously stupid, thanks drew for getting me home
before my parents woke up and realised I was gone the whole night. I can’t
believe I was gone for almost 20 hours. Wow.
Anyways, I slept from eight thirty to three like I was
attending highschool in my sleep and did crap-all until around 10 when the
others convinced me to go to Em’s house. We talked it was nice. I spent the
night putting on all her rings at once and then here bracelets and then her
necklaces. We also planned a party yaaay. Can’t wait for that to happen. Anyways,
I was taken home and then the next day, Eeh, Jess, Maria, Huynh and I went to a
record store in the city. It was called the record store. Record players seem
so nice to have. We stuck around for a bit but eight minutes too long. We had
to pay extra for parking. We went back, bought tonic water and came to my house
to make part decorations. Here’s a sneak peek:

Anywho, they left before curfew, and maybe it was because we
spent a whole night out – but it was really hard to remember when these things
happened. And it was fun. And I was happy. And I know what you’re thinking,
where’s the sadness in that? Well I guess that’s for another time. Bye, guys.
Hope you enjoyed the recount.
Also, yesterday, I went to eat Valley Thai with Mai, Andrew and Maria. And then Maria got dropped off and Mai and I stayed up drinking and playing board games. I ended up sleeping over and it was fun.
Bye, guys. Hahaha, I said so much about getting up and doing something but here I am! Blogging.