Friday, 8 February 2013

The desired future:

Okay, so em, I love how I've been mentioned a lot on your blog because I complained about not being mentioned enough :L It just comes to show that whining gets you things. Anyways, LOL thank you for the compliments, I love them, keep them coming, And I love how I was mentioned with my full name, it makes me feel special :L And LOL I can feel my ego just growing by the minute, I love it :L So here you go, an eye for an eye (in a good way). I very truly believe that you have talent and with all the effort and focus you put into the things you love, or have to love (English :L), you will go so far. I have so much faith in you, which is why I want you to go NIDA so badly now :L Because I always knew that even if I wouldn't make it in, you would. And I'd be happy for you. I don't think you need a degree in arts to make it, but it is a safe path, and you are thinking about stability as well, so if a degree is what you want, then I won't stop you :L Even if I could, lol. So yeah, go in kicking until you reach red carpet :L [Also, for your tea ceremony, you can call it a Tea ceremony. You can call your whole wedding a Tea Ceremony, but lol, your fiance also has a last name but who caresssss :L] Anyways, so:

My desired future would be so cool :L So first thing's first, I'll eat your brains, then Imma start rockin' gold teeth and fangs- It's nicki mirage guys get with it, jesus. Anyways, I'll start uni with engineering and arts. I'll start off with biomed and I think I'll do film subjects, sorry German. Anyways, eventually, I'll drop engineering, because I don't really want that as much as film. I'll make a group of uni friends, I'll develop a nice friendship with someone who is in quite a few of my classes. He/she will be really cool maybe and I'll start writing stories with him or her as a character too because I can, even though it might come off as creepy. Anyways, so like, at the last few months of first year I'll find a cute handsome boy with manmuscles :L Okay, that sounds like I want a muscular minor, so I wont say boy no mo. I'll find a beautiful man to call my own and we'll do the usual - kiss on nye, do cheesy ass valentines stuff, and just you know, fall deeper and deeper in love. Hopefully, during second year, I'll develop a small network of film people, like tech people and actors - oh my god, I want the most perfect actors. Like em and maria and jenn vo LOL Actually, no I don't wanna work with maria, she's too bossy and she'll start directing things and NO >:( LOL Anyways, she can do her own stuff :L NO WAIT, NIDA :L Okay, so I'll try out for ooooh, actually. Considering that I want to be behind the scenes and not act, I might go AFTRS. Noooo, I'll go NIDA, write my own mono for part of my audition (the modern mono part) and pretend some random guy wrote it. Anyways, they'll be like, THAT WAS AN AMAZEBALLS MONO, WILL, YOU'RE TOTES IN and I'll be like hells yeah and my ego will leak out of my eye sockets. Anyways, so I'll act alongside ems and maria because in my dream future, they drop uni and make it into NIDA with me. Oh, and lol, everything I said about my bf except now I meet him in NIDA. Actually, it doesn't have to be from NIDA. He can be a musician that eeh intros me to or like an engineer that mai finds. Anyways, I'll act and act and then I'll do a directing post-grad, or playwriting. Ooh, now I have to make a decision. Hmmmm, okay directing fulltime and maybe I can do small writing workshops, who knows. Anyways, I'll do the course and develop a pretty decent network of actors and film peeps. I'll make a few films which are aiight but there'll be one film that puts me out there, my heart-and-soul film. It'll win a film festival thing or something and I'll sorta be famous among the underground. I'll be a young director-writer with potential and someone will pick up on me and put their faith in me. Someone big, and they'll show me the wider world. I'll do as they say and they'll take me higher until I'm on my own two feet as someone special. People will anticipate my films and praise me. And I could never imagine my first love to be my alltime love. LOL that sounds like alltimelow. Anyways, he'll learn German yeah, in place of me and teach me throughout my acting course. You know what, let's make him a biomed student who is also getting an arts degree majoring in German. ... Oh my god, I'm dating myself :L Anyways, we agree that because he needs to move to Germany to get an actual job that'll take him places and that I need to follow my dream through to the US. We'll seperate on good terms and have one last night together before he flies off. He'll be my first love and forever occupy a space of my heart. Anyways, I'll move to America and let's take a break from me.

So anyways, here's what's up with Maria :L She'll NIDA with me and em and we'll all reach the end happily. They'll probably leave first because they have their deisred degree and go to their own places. But before that, we'll have great times at NIDA. We'll have coffee dates, meet up with friends who go to their own unis, and just hang and stuff. Have fun, live free, love life. Maria and I will hopefully move in together by like the end of 2nd year and sustain a comfortable apartment in the city. Very unlikely though because we are all lazy pieces of assbags who will depend on our parents until the end of time. But we'll have our own home and we'll get along with our lovely neighbours. We'll play boardgames and poker and have movie nights. Anyways, eventually, after maria creates quite a good reputation in the acting pool, she'll move to London. There she'll become famous. She'll be adored by many and she'll get like rocker bfs and stuff, and win craploads of BAFTA's (it's like british oscars or something, who knows it's the uk, they have their own things that the rest of the world are oblivious to). No wait, I'll have a long term r-ship going and he might wanna move in together, but I wanna stay with maria. ... Nah, maria's gonna abandon me and leave me the apartment and then my bf can bunk with me. No wait, what if the only reason maria and I can sustain an apartment is with a third roomie? No wait, this is my dream future, who needs a roomie :L No wait, but it might be fun. He can be like really cool and take us places :L And play music and write it and show us, awwww. I swear to god though, if maria gets on top of him >:( Okay, so that's maria :L

In America, I'll fit in perfectly. People will love me :L I'll find a new roommate and then I'll make a few short artsy videos and because of my reputation in Australia, I'll shine bright like diamond and be practically instantly recognised. I'll find myself in hollywood, and by the by, throughout NIDA and America I'll be writing my baby. It'll be the bomb. In hollywood, I'll show it to a few companies and they'll be like, you know what, that is amazeballs, I'll totes fund yo movie, get in here, brutha! And then I'll get in there and LOL I really don't know how this works :L Okay, so I assume I'll start small-ish and I'll prolly find someone just like me and I'll show him my idea and he'll be like HELLS YEAH THAT'S THE COOL SHITS BRAH (his potty mouth, not mine) and because he's already in the big leagues, he'll help me with it and convince other people that it'll be great, because he knows in his heart and in his gut that it will be. It'll be released, the reviews will be like, wow, this guy is actually pretty good, Emily Tea was fantastical yet again, the story was superduper gripping, I cried a thousand tears, 11 out of 10! And I'll be nominated for an oscar and win it and people see how amazing I am (it's my dream future, the odds will always be in my favour, no matter how ridiculous :L) Anyways, I'll be already in the big leagues among maybe like a new director that makes it big in 2014 or whatever, and old favourites like Tarantino and Nolan and Whedonnn. And I'll have my little group of amazing lovable actors who I'll love dearly and always look out for. LOL Maybe in one movie, I'll hire Natalie Portman when she's old-ish and I'll fanboy when she's not looking. And then I'll make my second masterpiece and my third and nothing will ever be a flop. All my movies will be in the top fifty for imdb and I'll be amazing. My parents will be all like, wow, we were wrong, he's a star and they can brag about my success. I'll be praised and I'll leave a legacy and most important of all, I'll inspire someone just like me to become just like me.

OKAY LET'S TALK MORE ABOUT BOYS AND LOVE. So I'll meet my final love in America. He'll have a cute little accent and he will be adorable. He'll have a good sense of humour, he'll be cuddly and loving and caring and always there for me. He'll cheer me on in my career and I'll support his. We'll both be successful so money won't be a problem. His smile will always be able to make me smile, it'll shine always and never fail to cheer me up. We'll fall in irrevocably deep love and he'll accompany me to all my awards shows. He will be the most adorable guy with the most adorable personality, and he'll make me laugh and he'll find me funny :L And I'll call him beautiful all the time and he'll tell me he's never been so in love and that the universe couldn't tear us apart. I'll write love letters to him and publish them in my memoirs. Also, he'll have tattoos like a tiny star on his pec, near his nipple, and that'll be me, and it shows that I was always a star in his eyes and in his heart, awww, my baby is so sweet LOL Dammit, this better happen. Anyways, one of us will propose to the other. I would like to so I seem less like the woman in the relationship but really I can't imagine doing it, so he'll probably end up doing it OH MY GOD. GUYS, IMAGINE THIS: We both secretly plan to propose to the other and he'll get on his knees and I'll be laughing like it's a joke, as if he knew all along about my proposal and I'll be like, waiiittt. And then he'll repeat, will you marry me, and I'll be like, as long as you marry me and I'll get on my knee and wait, that'll be really awks because we'll both be on our knees, hmmmmmm. LOL Okay, he'll propose and I'll be like well okay, but what do I do with this ring here? No, that's lame. DAMMIT, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE PERFECT. Okay, anyways, the wedding. It'll be a bit asian and some other culture too because now that you mention it, em, it sounds really cool. Anyways, it'll be indoors, probably a church because I can't think of any place else, and it'll be beautiful. There'll be flowers everywhere and fog and ughhh, it'll be like a fairytale, but like darker. Okay, not bad darker, but like, shades :L Like dark green and crimson and stuff. No wait, it's a wedding, what am I, goth? And almost all weddings have a lot of flowers :L Well, my flowers will be in your face and excessive, dammit :L Ooh, I wonder what flowers LOL Anyways, I'll have like a white suit or peach or something LOL Something bright but not too bright you know... Even though I said white :L But like, I don't know, in my head, I'm imagining something unlike cobalt or something because it's a wedding :L All I know is that I don't want any boring suit, it's my wedding, it'll be me as a suit :L I'll be wearing myself. Oh, and, Maria I think will be my best man, or my brother, one or the other. But like, I don't want to invite my brov to my bachelor party because that'll be awks as what with the police stripper and stuff :L So yeah, first dance. I figured that my wedding must have Where the Lines Overlap because it's a cute song, and when I was obsessed with the song, I always for some reason wanted it to be played at my wedding. Maybe like the song right after my first dance, we'll slow dance and rock out after :L Anyways, we'll marry and then on anniversaries, he'll be in a suit and by a table when I get home, with like candles and food made with his sweat and blood - like sweat soup and blood jelly, fancier food. And then, in like a year, we'll make babies, no wait, it doesn't work like that for two boys. ... We'll adopt a boy and name him Zachary, maybe from Vietnam because like, my dad adopted my oldest brother, and he himself was adopted so I might as well pass on the adoption torch :L And if we want another, we'll get a daughter - like you know, buy her off the black market or something, and we'll name her like Faustina or (my brov apparently dibsed-ed-ed the name Florence already, son of a bitch) ummm Rose or Alice. Azealia is actually a really pretty name. But I want a more cultural name, that isn't british :L EDIT: CLEMENTINE, TOO. Also, I'll try and get an African daughter :L LOL, I hope I'm not being offensive or anyhting. Also, just to clarify, the fact that I want an African child has nothing to do with my black market joke :L LOL Just to clarify, I know my husband should have an opinion but in my dream future, we think the same, so he will agree with everything I want just like I'll agree with everything he wants [because they'll be the same things] :L Okay, so my kids will grow up, and by the by, Huynh and I were thinking about our children's lives. And whilst I was talking to huynh, I realised something.

Okay, break from dream future for a second. It's just that, if we think about our kids now, we should be working really hard, building futures that'll make as much money as we can so our kids will be equal to say, white people. As in, even though, because of our parents' hard work and struggles, we're in uni, we still have to struggle ourselves and follow careers that will benefit our future kids the most because we, right now, are still at a disadvantage. I mean, quite a lot of white kids have the advantage of having parents who earn a lot more money than our parents, and so they can put their kids in private schools, and help pay for schools like NIDA. Their kids can follow any path and their parents can help kickstart their future a lot further. So all in all, we still have to work our asses off for our kids, so we can give them private schools and fund their futures, at least at the start so they have a chance of making it big, going crazy-far in the direction they want to go in. We do have an advantage though, in a way, because through our own experiences and just our lifestyles growing up, we can keep our kids strong and ready for the harsh reality of life - we can still grow our own little asian toughbutts [apologies to any non-asian readers, but I doubt you exist because I don't have many non-asian friends, but come uni :L] [And apologies for all the generalisations but I'm lazy :L]

LOL What else do I talk about... I guess that's it :L

Also, I used the symbol ':L' 41 times in this post, and lol, 18 times :O

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