So yesterday, I went to Eric's farm, yay! I met up with the group at Andrewella's house so we could take the van to Eric's house. And when we got there, GOSHETH. So much running space. LOL It would be so fun just biking and running around and oh my god, we could get like old oil drums and pieces of wood and set up a paintball course there AHHHH. LOL Or we could just play laser tag, whichever. Anyways, cool house full of aircons, lol, and there was like a rumpus room or a guest house at the back. That's where we stayed most of the time. The day started off slowly, because, you know, we needed time to settle into it and that's where I played pool for the first time. That was fun. I suck at it though LOL Apparently, I rush and I don't use the stick right and ughhh, whatevs, lol, I had fun. The only time I won any games was when I was paired up with somebody else though... LOL OH MY GOD - ERIC'S DOGS. AH! SO COOLLLLL LOL One was this black, pudgy dog who I guess is the more obedient one because it doesn't jump into the pond out front and his name was lucky. And there was also Chopper who was HUGE. LOL I mean massive, my god. If Snez saw it she probably would've fainted LOL Oh, by the way, I should probably name those who were there. Okay, so Eric, Emily, Drew, Eeh, Huynh, Jess and I met at Drew's house, and later on in the day, MARIA CAME, YAY. LOL Okay, let's structure this post.
We ate fried wonton during pool and after, we went inside the main house to eat lunch, which consisted of noodles and chicken balls. And then we played rock band which was fun and a dance game which used the kinect for xbox. That was also pretty fun and LOL how rigid we were whilst dancing to songs like pokerface was hilarious and watching game characters like serious lookin', ghetto hip-hop ganster guys dancing slowly to gaga was the bomb. Then Eric's brother's friends came over also and that was okay. It was a little bit awkward at first, because we only just met them through short introductions and they sat on their side of the room and we sat on our own and the only person from us who tried to get their attention was huynh and yeah, lol... BUT OH WELL, eventually, after dance central, we went into the play room and some of eric's brother's friends played pool and others taught mahjong. Anyways, I played poker, ate sausages AND HAD A NERF BATTLE, WHAAT. LOL It was a very fun game and although it was probably very loud and very annoying to the others, it was also very fun for the four of us. Then, we went to eat lamb and we headed to the back to burn, baby, burn :) LOL, in other words, we made a bonfire out of Huynh, Jess, Drew and Maria's work. It was very fun and the fire looked lovely. We then went back inside for a bit, played pool and the girls left at around 11. After that, the boys and I had (seperate) showers, lol, and brought the xbox over. We started off with little big planet, then heavy rain, then call of duty, which I am terrible at :L LOL But I love shanking people. Shanking people is the bomb also. After, we played a little bit of jenga and then a game called 'break the ice', which consisted of a bunch of plastic ice blocks held together by the tight squeeze of a frame and themselves. It was like jenga, where the aim of the game was to knock pieces of ice blocks out without losing the tension that holds the big, middle block with the skater on it. It's very fun, but also, like jenga, a bitch to set up every match. I played a little bit o' pool with eeh and at around 4, people started going to bed. Eeh decided that he would fall asleep in my spot and after waking him up, he told me that when I wanted to go to sleep, I could just wake him and he moved. LOL, so I kept that in mind. Once Eeh and drew went to their spots, huynh, eric and I were still quite restless. And for the fun of it and just to annoy the other two, we decided to continue playing the two loudest games in existence, jenga and break the ice. But after a bit, we decided that it just wasn't enough. So we decided to be dickheads. LOL, we took the jenga pieces and placed them in a line as if they were dominos, waiting to be knocked over. Taking this chance to film a history lesson on Eric's phone, we decided to show people, THE DOMINO EFFECT. LOL, you guys know what that is and to show it, we named Eeh 'Cambodia' and Andrew 'China'. Of course our show was very far from accurate. We pushed the first jenga piece over and one by on they fell from Eeh's matress, to andrew's sleeping bag, where once the last domino fell in front of him, a big, red bag was thrown on him. COMMUNISM :O After that, we decided that we would have a small lesson on GLOBAL WARMING. Eeh and Drew played the same - Cambodia and China, and to demonstrate the terror of Global Warming, we played Break The Ice above Eeh's face. And when eeh woke up, we moved on to China. Eventually, Eric fell asleep along with E, and Huynh and I were left annoying Andrew til the sun rose. LOL, I don't even know why, we were just trying to help him with our soothing sounds and maybe telling him stories and asking questions of philosophy.
After a while, the sun started to rise even more and it was nice enough to go for a bike ride, so Huynh and I went riding through Eric's front yard with his dog, Lucky. That was fun. Lucky is a very good boy and he kinda reminds me of Huynh's dog except bigger. It's probably only its fur though. Anyways,we came back in and I brushed my teeth 'cause I didn't sleep and I wasn't going to so I thought I'd brush as if I did sleep, like any other morning. But after a while, I fell asleep on the sofa and when the sun came bursting through the window and burning up the sofa, I moved to Andrew's sleeping bags which lacked a pillow, resulting in a terrible neck when I woke. We played some more pool, ate brekky and played CoD til we left at 4.30. Nicely enough, Eric's brother drove us all to maccas and then our homes as he was on his way to the cinemas. I had a great amount of fun at the sleepover and I'd just like to thank Eric and his family for their niceness - I had a great day, at great night and a great morning after :) ... Does morning after sound bad? Should I just say morning? LOL Oh well.
Anywho, enjoy these photos and this video from the sleepover :)
The seven of us in a van |
Mahjong for starters |
My Nerf team-mate, Drewella |
And me |
A touch of fire and drew-ass |
My camera didn't register the colour but oh well, I think it looks lovely, still |
The burning of the hsc |
Perddy |
Purple |
Eeh and I playing pool |
Me in a strange position, on drew's sleeping bags. |
Assholes taking photos of me in my pj's at maccas |
Me, Huynh and the dog's crotch |
Me and huynh after biking at sunrise |
Lucky and Co. |
Mah mahjong pyramid |
Drew may or may not have been a
little pissed off at the end :L
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