There's a shadow that looms over Fairfield. It covers half the town and I-
I intend to wipe it out.
Sweeping the darkened streets of a lonely town, plagued by crime, greed and satisfaction. Satisfaction. Satisfaction. Sometimes, like now, he has know idea what he's talking about, but it's times like these. It's times like these that we need him the most. Save the cheerleader, save the world.
So I went biking for like two seconds today LOL I went to school to meet up with jess and my oh my, biking is so much faster than training it to places. Or it's nicer. It's just a hassle to have to you know, carry a giant bike around with you :\ But lol, it's a nice thing, it is. Just not in the blistering heat. Oh god, I love you, summer, I do, but sometimes you're too clingy and you love back just that little bit too much. It just makes Winter that much more appealing. No, baby. Summer, don't cry. I'm sorry. Please, people want to go to the be-each [let's go getaway] and you can't cry. For their sakes, Summer. For justice. LOL Whoa, summer is totes way too hot for me. MY GOD THIS IS A WEIRD POST, LOL. Anyways, we then rode back to Jessie's house where we talked for a bit, met huynh, and decided that we wanted to try the new stuff on J's Steakhouse's menu. They were aiight :L The seafood basket was alright, but I wouldn't recommend it over the other stuff, mos defo, and about the other dishes, I ain't sure. But you sure can ask J-J-Jessie J and Huynh. Oh, by the by, we met up with Drew and Collin before j's. Drew swallowed and ran off to his lessons, Kitty and Wilson replaced them and we had talks about our uni plans and whatnot. And um, my plan is just getting crappier and scarier by the minute. I need to talk to miss Mideena [that may be the incorrect spelling], but I cut my ties with the school and :( Unhappiness. Ugh. Anyways, we then went back to Jessie's house, me, Huynh, Jezza and Collin, and we played poker. I won, and it was lovely, but lol, I was so cocky about beating a first-time player LOL. Then we played shoot, shag or marry for like, another two seconds, and then we played thirteen truths, which is loser of thirteen must play truth LOL That was aiight also and I learnt absolutely nothing about other people so boo, you guys suck. OH MY GOD, I KEPT ON LOSING AND I HAD TO SPILL SO MUCH STUFF WHICH WASN'T EVEN THAT JUICY OR SCANDALOUS, JUST EMBARRASSING, UGH. LOL, anyways, played until around 7:09 where I biked all ze vay back home and did absolutely nothing until now. Yes. that was my day. I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did.
Oh my god, my parents just brought home punch from a party they went to and it is SO GOOD. I LOVE FRUIT PUNCH. IT'S SWEET JUICY JUICE WITH FRUITS LIKE GRAPES AND ROCK MELON AND LYCHEE PIECES AND STRAWBERRIES AND PASSIONFRUIT, AHH. LOL I love me some sugary drinks. Oh my god. Oh my goodness gracious me. IT. HAS. JELLY. CUBES. LIKE CHEWY, SWEET JELLY CUBES OH MY GOD, AAJKFJSDGJKJSDFG/ Summer, I'm leaving you again.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Slumber Party!
So yesterday, I went to Eric's farm, yay! I met up with the group at Andrewella's house so we could take the van to Eric's house. And when we got there, GOSHETH. So much running space. LOL It would be so fun just biking and running around and oh my god, we could get like old oil drums and pieces of wood and set up a paintball course there AHHHH. LOL Or we could just play laser tag, whichever. Anyways, cool house full of aircons, lol, and there was like a rumpus room or a guest house at the back. That's where we stayed most of the time. The day started off slowly, because, you know, we needed time to settle into it and that's where I played pool for the first time. That was fun. I suck at it though LOL Apparently, I rush and I don't use the stick right and ughhh, whatevs, lol, I had fun. The only time I won any games was when I was paired up with somebody else though... LOL OH MY GOD - ERIC'S DOGS. AH! SO COOLLLLL LOL One was this black, pudgy dog who I guess is the more obedient one because it doesn't jump into the pond out front and his name was lucky. And there was also Chopper who was HUGE. LOL I mean massive, my god. If Snez saw it she probably would've fainted LOL Oh, by the way, I should probably name those who were there. Okay, so Eric, Emily, Drew, Eeh, Huynh, Jess and I met at Drew's house, and later on in the day, MARIA CAME, YAY. LOL Okay, let's structure this post.
We ate fried wonton during pool and after, we went inside the main house to eat lunch, which consisted of noodles and chicken balls. And then we played rock band which was fun and a dance game which used the kinect for xbox. That was also pretty fun and LOL how rigid we were whilst dancing to songs like pokerface was hilarious and watching game characters like serious lookin', ghetto hip-hop ganster guys dancing slowly to gaga was the bomb. Then Eric's brother's friends came over also and that was okay. It was a little bit awkward at first, because we only just met them through short introductions and they sat on their side of the room and we sat on our own and the only person from us who tried to get their attention was huynh and yeah, lol... BUT OH WELL, eventually, after dance central, we went into the play room and some of eric's brother's friends played pool and others taught mahjong. Anyways, I played poker, ate sausages AND HAD A NERF BATTLE, WHAAT. LOL It was a very fun game and although it was probably very loud and very annoying to the others, it was also very fun for the four of us. Then, we went to eat lamb and we headed to the back to burn, baby, burn :) LOL, in other words, we made a bonfire out of Huynh, Jess, Drew and Maria's work. It was very fun and the fire looked lovely. We then went back inside for a bit, played pool and the girls left at around 11. After that, the boys and I had (seperate) showers, lol, and brought the xbox over. We started off with little big planet, then heavy rain, then call of duty, which I am terrible at :L LOL But I love shanking people. Shanking people is the bomb also. After, we played a little bit of jenga and then a game called 'break the ice', which consisted of a bunch of plastic ice blocks held together by the tight squeeze of a frame and themselves. It was like jenga, where the aim of the game was to knock pieces of ice blocks out without losing the tension that holds the big, middle block with the skater on it. It's very fun, but also, like jenga, a bitch to set up every match. I played a little bit o' pool with eeh and at around 4, people started going to bed. Eeh decided that he would fall asleep in my spot and after waking him up, he told me that when I wanted to go to sleep, I could just wake him and he moved. LOL, so I kept that in mind. Once Eeh and drew went to their spots, huynh, eric and I were still quite restless. And for the fun of it and just to annoy the other two, we decided to continue playing the two loudest games in existence, jenga and break the ice. But after a bit, we decided that it just wasn't enough. So we decided to be dickheads. LOL, we took the jenga pieces and placed them in a line as if they were dominos, waiting to be knocked over. Taking this chance to film a history lesson on Eric's phone, we decided to show people, THE DOMINO EFFECT. LOL, you guys know what that is and to show it, we named Eeh 'Cambodia' and Andrew 'China'. Of course our show was very far from accurate. We pushed the first jenga piece over and one by on they fell from Eeh's matress, to andrew's sleeping bag, where once the last domino fell in front of him, a big, red bag was thrown on him. COMMUNISM :O After that, we decided that we would have a small lesson on GLOBAL WARMING. Eeh and Drew played the same - Cambodia and China, and to demonstrate the terror of Global Warming, we played Break The Ice above Eeh's face. And when eeh woke up, we moved on to China. Eventually, Eric fell asleep along with E, and Huynh and I were left annoying Andrew til the sun rose. LOL, I don't even know why, we were just trying to help him with our soothing sounds and maybe telling him stories and asking questions of philosophy.
After a while, the sun started to rise even more and it was nice enough to go for a bike ride, so Huynh and I went riding through Eric's front yard with his dog, Lucky. That was fun. Lucky is a very good boy and he kinda reminds me of Huynh's dog except bigger. It's probably only its fur though. Anyways,we came back in and I brushed my teeth 'cause I didn't sleep and I wasn't going to so I thought I'd brush as if I did sleep, like any other morning. But after a while, I fell asleep on the sofa and when the sun came bursting through the window and burning up the sofa, I moved to Andrew's sleeping bags which lacked a pillow, resulting in a terrible neck when I woke. We played some more pool, ate brekky and played CoD til we left at 4.30. Nicely enough, Eric's brother drove us all to maccas and then our homes as he was on his way to the cinemas. I had a great amount of fun at the sleepover and I'd just like to thank Eric and his family for their niceness - I had a great day, at great night and a great morning after :) ... Does morning after sound bad? Should I just say morning? LOL Oh well.
Anywho, enjoy these photos and this video from the sleepover :)
Drew may or may not have been a little pissed off at the end :L
We ate fried wonton during pool and after, we went inside the main house to eat lunch, which consisted of noodles and chicken balls. And then we played rock band which was fun and a dance game which used the kinect for xbox. That was also pretty fun and LOL how rigid we were whilst dancing to songs like pokerface was hilarious and watching game characters like serious lookin', ghetto hip-hop ganster guys dancing slowly to gaga was the bomb. Then Eric's brother's friends came over also and that was okay. It was a little bit awkward at first, because we only just met them through short introductions and they sat on their side of the room and we sat on our own and the only person from us who tried to get their attention was huynh and yeah, lol... BUT OH WELL, eventually, after dance central, we went into the play room and some of eric's brother's friends played pool and others taught mahjong. Anyways, I played poker, ate sausages AND HAD A NERF BATTLE, WHAAT. LOL It was a very fun game and although it was probably very loud and very annoying to the others, it was also very fun for the four of us. Then, we went to eat lamb and we headed to the back to burn, baby, burn :) LOL, in other words, we made a bonfire out of Huynh, Jess, Drew and Maria's work. It was very fun and the fire looked lovely. We then went back inside for a bit, played pool and the girls left at around 11. After that, the boys and I had (seperate) showers, lol, and brought the xbox over. We started off with little big planet, then heavy rain, then call of duty, which I am terrible at :L LOL But I love shanking people. Shanking people is the bomb also. After, we played a little bit of jenga and then a game called 'break the ice', which consisted of a bunch of plastic ice blocks held together by the tight squeeze of a frame and themselves. It was like jenga, where the aim of the game was to knock pieces of ice blocks out without losing the tension that holds the big, middle block with the skater on it. It's very fun, but also, like jenga, a bitch to set up every match. I played a little bit o' pool with eeh and at around 4, people started going to bed. Eeh decided that he would fall asleep in my spot and after waking him up, he told me that when I wanted to go to sleep, I could just wake him and he moved. LOL, so I kept that in mind. Once Eeh and drew went to their spots, huynh, eric and I were still quite restless. And for the fun of it and just to annoy the other two, we decided to continue playing the two loudest games in existence, jenga and break the ice. But after a bit, we decided that it just wasn't enough. So we decided to be dickheads. LOL, we took the jenga pieces and placed them in a line as if they were dominos, waiting to be knocked over. Taking this chance to film a history lesson on Eric's phone, we decided to show people, THE DOMINO EFFECT. LOL, you guys know what that is and to show it, we named Eeh 'Cambodia' and Andrew 'China'. Of course our show was very far from accurate. We pushed the first jenga piece over and one by on they fell from Eeh's matress, to andrew's sleeping bag, where once the last domino fell in front of him, a big, red bag was thrown on him. COMMUNISM :O After that, we decided that we would have a small lesson on GLOBAL WARMING. Eeh and Drew played the same - Cambodia and China, and to demonstrate the terror of Global Warming, we played Break The Ice above Eeh's face. And when eeh woke up, we moved on to China. Eventually, Eric fell asleep along with E, and Huynh and I were left annoying Andrew til the sun rose. LOL, I don't even know why, we were just trying to help him with our soothing sounds and maybe telling him stories and asking questions of philosophy.
After a while, the sun started to rise even more and it was nice enough to go for a bike ride, so Huynh and I went riding through Eric's front yard with his dog, Lucky. That was fun. Lucky is a very good boy and he kinda reminds me of Huynh's dog except bigger. It's probably only its fur though. Anyways,we came back in and I brushed my teeth 'cause I didn't sleep and I wasn't going to so I thought I'd brush as if I did sleep, like any other morning. But after a while, I fell asleep on the sofa and when the sun came bursting through the window and burning up the sofa, I moved to Andrew's sleeping bags which lacked a pillow, resulting in a terrible neck when I woke. We played some more pool, ate brekky and played CoD til we left at 4.30. Nicely enough, Eric's brother drove us all to maccas and then our homes as he was on his way to the cinemas. I had a great amount of fun at the sleepover and I'd just like to thank Eric and his family for their niceness - I had a great day, at great night and a great morning after :) ... Does morning after sound bad? Should I just say morning? LOL Oh well.
Anywho, enjoy these photos and this video from the sleepover :)
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The seven of us in a van |
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Mahjong for starters |
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My Nerf team-mate, Drewella |
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And me |
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A touch of fire and drew-ass |
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My camera didn't register the colour but oh well, I think it looks lovely, still |
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The burning of the hsc |
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Perddy |
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Purple |
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Eeh and I playing pool |
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Me in a strange position, on drew's sleeping bags. |
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Assholes taking photos of me in my pj's at maccas |
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Me, Huynh and the dog's crotch |
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Me and huynh after biking at sunrise |
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Lucky and Co. |
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Mah mahjong pyramid |
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Wednesday, 21 November 2012
This boy.
This boy is too cute to be true. OH GOD, FREZNED IS SO GOSHDARN ADORABLE, AHHH. LOL That's all.
Actually, no, that's not all. .... Oh, I've officially signed out of school. I'm done. It's... it's over.
... I really have nothing to post about. But yeah, lol, enjoy frezned in all of his amazing cuteness :)
Okay, lol, that really is all. I'll try to post something interesting up next time :L
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
You know who's amazing? This woman right here. She so cool, she so fine, she florence welch, and she all mine. Thank you, I'm finding a publisher for that poem as we speak. Anywho, enjoy her new single and mv, LOVER TO LOVER:
Anywho, I was looking back at my old post and OH LORD, LOL redding my o's was so annoying! How could you guys read that, holy lord almighty jesus cake. Anywho, I should post something creative here. I think I'll just post my stuff everywhere and let it just die in the internet but everywhere LOL Here, have a simple story. It's called 'Daylight':
Anywho, I was looking back at my old post and OH LORD, LOL redding my o's was so annoying! How could you guys read that, holy lord almighty jesus cake. Anywho, I should post something creative here. I think I'll just post my stuff everywhere and let it just die in the internet but everywhere LOL Here, have a simple story. It's called 'Daylight':
I often wonder how beautiful
daylight is. I’ve heard it’s embracing, but some say that it can be violent.
All I know is that I want to see it for myself. But I live in the dusk.
Daylight is only something I can dream about, and yet, when I do, I never know
if what I see in my dreams even resembles reality at all. But in my mind, I
don’t mind, because it’s wonderful in there. In my head, light comes in many
bright colours, their hues warm the soul and excite the youngens. I wonder if
the rain lights up in the dawn. I wonder if you can climb the light or ride it.
The dawn is not too far away.
fact, it’s right beside me, veiled by a heavy curtain. I’ve often contemplated
in the possibility of peeping through or even stepping into the other side. But
I’m afraid. I’m afraid that daylight is dreary, or that I’ll burn in its glory.
There’s security here. There’s not a lot of comfort, but I’ll survive in here.
I’ve dreamt often, but that’s all I’ll ever do. I leaned against the curtain
once. I put my ear along its softness and listened for any sense of safety, but
through the thick polyester, no sounds came through. And yet, the quiet refrain
of trembling piano notes softly invaded from behind. The incessant shadow of
the dusk had echoed the playing of a frail girl – I could tell at the time. But
the girl stayed hidden behind the cover of darkness and alone, I stayed.
“I like
the tunes,” I called out, turning towards the nothingness, yearning for a voice
to call back.
But my
call was only met with more fragile keys. I stepped forward. I needed to see
her. Even if the lights were out, I needed to find her and… and to look at her.
Who was she? Where was she? The songstress of the pitch black.
called back to me.
I beg of you.”
voice was broken, shattered and alone. Like me.
can’t I see you?” I needed to know why.
once you do, you no longer will.”
be gone?”
be out of sight. Everything will.”
“But I need
to see you.”
you need to leave.”
will I go?”
A line.
A line of yellow had split the darkness and the line was warm. It dilated, and
so strangely, through my burning eyes, I could see it. I could see my shadow,
like a mirror. It waved as I did. In the realm of overwhelming shadows, I had
seen my own.
turned around, and thus there was the invasion of light. And thus, I was
blinded. The dawn had flooded the dusk and in turn, the burst of light had torn
through my irises. The pain was immense, and yet, short-lived.
“Out of
site, and yet, never out of mind.”
are you?”
“I am
pain. I am misery. I’m complete isolation. I am a figment of nightmares. I am
lies, I am treachery. I am daylight, I am death. I am… I’m alone. I’ll always
be alone, and so will you. So please, I beg of you. Find me. We can be alone
together, just you and me. I can open your faltered eyes. You’ve lived your
whole life in blackness, searching for my voice, a touch of daylight, and yet,
Who are
Are you
in touch with all your darkest fantasies?
I am.
And I
can set you free.”
LOL, yeah, it's supposed to be a lazy sorta story with like symbols and crap. ... LOL I wrote it for maria when I was crazy-bored studying for chem (hence my chemical failure) and I don't think she ever found it... So... Yeah, lol, it has a few cheesy lines that we've jokingly said to each other and there's a reference to Lana Del Rey's poem in her Ride MV. Yeah. LOL, anyways, that's it I guess.
OH, I had a job interview the other day and it was a wreck. Yuck, unhappiness and oh well. Okay. Bye now, guys :)
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Okay, I was very, very tempted to call this post 'parra, parra... parramatta' as a reference to coldplay but I came to the conclusion that the title 'title' would be a lot less embarrassing. Anyways, went to-
Whoa, you know what really confused me as a child? In twinkle, twinkle little star, when stars were described as diamonds, and we had to make a diamond shape with our hands, and it was the diamond shape where it's a square standing on it's corner. IT ANNOYED ME SO MUCH, LOL. It confused me so much because I went through life learning that stars were shaped like how you'd usually draw them - the five pointed ones. And every time the song came up, and we were doing the actions, I never understood why stars were like diamonds in the sky. And lol, years later, listening to rihanna's new song, I realised. They mean the shiny, little jewel =_=' LOL
Anyways, went to parra yesterday with mai to buy xmas gifts but all I did was make a list of potential gifts. Anyways, went again today to apply for jobs, and as I was expecting, people had already hired everyone already. So... Unhappiness. LOL, oh well. OH, and roger davids wasn't hiring and I was supersad because I like rdx clothes and now I can't get discounts ever :( OH, AND EVERYBODY IS SO GOODLOOKING. Oh my god, I think the hsc has killed my ability to type goodlooking properly. I keep accidentally typing 'goodluck' and having to backspace, I mean I just did it whilst writing this sentence. BUT EVERYBODY HAS A NICE FACE AND MUSCLES AND WEAR SINGLETS WITH THEIR BIG ARMS. I WANT BIG ARMS. WHO'S GOING TO HIRE THIS? NOBODY! :'( And the guy at the parra rdx was so cute and he looked like a shy guy and shy guys are just my type AND I WILL TEAR PARRAMATTA WESTFIELDS APART WITH MY BARE HANDS ALONE. But I don't have big arms so I can't :(
Oh well, that is all. I was going to link you guys to my writings blog but I can't be bothered typing stuff up to actually post up onto the blog so I will not link you an empty blog. In due time. LOL, it's post-hsc and I still can't be bothered lifting a finger :L Anyways, GOODBYE, GOODNIGHT, AND GOODLOOKING.
Whoa, you know what really confused me as a child? In twinkle, twinkle little star, when stars were described as diamonds, and we had to make a diamond shape with our hands, and it was the diamond shape where it's a square standing on it's corner. IT ANNOYED ME SO MUCH, LOL. It confused me so much because I went through life learning that stars were shaped like how you'd usually draw them - the five pointed ones. And every time the song came up, and we were doing the actions, I never understood why stars were like diamonds in the sky. And lol, years later, listening to rihanna's new song, I realised. They mean the shiny, little jewel =_=' LOL
Anyways, went to parra yesterday with mai to buy xmas gifts but all I did was make a list of potential gifts. Anyways, went again today to apply for jobs, and as I was expecting, people had already hired everyone already. So... Unhappiness. LOL, oh well. OH, and roger davids wasn't hiring and I was supersad because I like rdx clothes and now I can't get discounts ever :( OH, AND EVERYBODY IS SO GOODLOOKING. Oh my god, I think the hsc has killed my ability to type goodlooking properly. I keep accidentally typing 'goodluck' and having to backspace, I mean I just did it whilst writing this sentence. BUT EVERYBODY HAS A NICE FACE AND MUSCLES AND WEAR SINGLETS WITH THEIR BIG ARMS. I WANT BIG ARMS. WHO'S GOING TO HIRE THIS? NOBODY! :'( And the guy at the parra rdx was so cute and he looked like a shy guy and shy guys are just my type AND I WILL TEAR PARRAMATTA WESTFIELDS APART WITH MY BARE HANDS ALONE. But I don't have big arms so I can't :(
Oh well, that is all. I was going to link you guys to my writings blog but I can't be bothered typing stuff up to actually post up onto the blog so I will not link you an empty blog. In due time. LOL, it's post-hsc and I still can't be bothered lifting a finger :L Anyways, GOODBYE, GOODNIGHT, AND GOODLOOKING.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Guys... Why was there a spike in my sad blog's views on the last day of the hsc? LOL It seems as if you guys were checking if I did terribly :L WHERE IS THY FAITH. OFFENDED, I AM. Then again, I was whining about how horrid the test was on my blag... BUT STILL LOL Anyways, did nothing today but apply for jobs. I doubt anything is going to work out but oh well. And hey, look at what I came across on youtube. You've probably already seen it long ago but look!:
AREN'T THEY JUST THE CUTEST. LOOK AT JOSEPH GL AND THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER AND HOW CUTE HE IS AHHHHHH He's so goodlooking :'( And lol, SHE CALLS HIM JOE. I WANT TO CALL HIM JOE :( Oh, woe is me, how terrible it is to love something death can touch, once upon a midnight dreary...... LOL Okay, that is all :L
Apologies in the craptacity of these posts but guys it's posthsc, I'm not sociable and I'm slowly turning into a potato. Not that it's terrible or anything, I love it but LOL LEAVE ME BE. (don't leave me)
AREN'T THEY JUST THE CUTEST. LOOK AT JOSEPH GL AND THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER AND HOW CUTE HE IS AHHHHHH He's so goodlooking :'( And lol, SHE CALLS HIM JOE. I WANT TO CALL HIM JOE :( Oh, woe is me, how terrible it is to love something death can touch, once upon a midnight dreary...... LOL Okay, that is all :L
Apologies in the craptacity of these posts but guys it's posthsc, I'm not sociable and I'm slowly turning into a potato. Not that it's terrible or anything, I love it but LOL LEAVE ME BE. (don't leave me)
200th POST!
YAHTZEE! Okay, so, lol, yes this will be a ridiculous post. But not about jellybeans. Instead, it will be about christmas. Look, I found my xmas costume, yay! Have a look-see:
It's really glam, and like, even though miranda did rock the outfit, I can do better. I just need to turn the bra into some sort of a mask. But enough about that!
Today I went jogging after failing to pump my bike LOL And since Jessie left her bike at collin's house, we decided to jog to huynh's house. I thought of the worst thing to wear jogging and we died on the way there. LOL, it was a fun 80%walk, 20%actualexcercise though. I had fun. Anywho, after a long while during our walk/jog my father called me to say he properly pumped the bike and so yaaay, bike rides into the horizon, yippee! Anywho, Huynh's house was pretty fun also and all in all I enjoyed today. But still. Nobody loves me and wants to take me to parties where I can watch tipsy or drunk people fall over and crawl into closets >:( OH WELL I HAVE MY SIMS. LOL, IT'S SO FUN CREATING STUPID HOUSES THAT SHOULDN'T WORK AND INSANE FAMILIES WHO WEAR CLOWN MAKE-UP AND THE STUPIDEST CLOTHES IN THE WORLD, WHOO.
It's really glam, and like, even though miranda did rock the outfit, I can do better. I just need to turn the bra into some sort of a mask. But enough about that!
Today I went jogging after failing to pump my bike LOL And since Jessie left her bike at collin's house, we decided to jog to huynh's house. I thought of the worst thing to wear jogging and we died on the way there. LOL, it was a fun 80%walk, 20%actualexcercise though. I had fun. Anywho, after a long while during our walk/jog my father called me to say he properly pumped the bike and so yaaay, bike rides into the horizon, yippee! Anywho, Huynh's house was pretty fun also and all in all I enjoyed today. But still. Nobody loves me and wants to take me to parties where I can watch tipsy or drunk people fall over and crawl into closets >:( OH WELL I HAVE MY SIMS. LOL, IT'S SO FUN CREATING STUPID HOUSES THAT SHOULDN'T WORK AND INSANE FAMILIES WHO WEAR CLOWN MAKE-UP AND THE STUPIDEST CLOTHES IN THE WORLD, WHOO.
Friday, 9 November 2012
The watermelon flavoured jellybean is green on the outside and red inside. IT'S LIKE A TINY WATERMELON, AHHH. LOL, and I just realised that not only is there sizzling cinnamon but there's also normal cinnamon and they're both red and I could get them very easily confused with strawberry daiquiri or strawberry jam and it's making me so sad :'( LOL By the by, my posts are probably going to be jellybean-dominant because really, during these days of absolute nothing, jellybeans are the only exciting things to talk about. And they're not even that exciting, LOL. Oh god, I'm so lame. I'm rewatching episodes of glee :'( LOL Bye nowww... Oh, and also [SPOILER ALERT, IF YOU AREN'T UP2DATE WITH DR WHO, DO NOT PROCEED] I really wanted Amy and Rory to go out with a bang. I mean I know it's supposed to be sweet that really, even though they were zapped back into a completely different time, their love alone was all they ever needed but oh my god. With what they've gone through, with the pandorica and the waiting, they're end could've been a bit more epic :\ but oh well, I guess it's the slow, romantic end they wanted anyways, with their pond life and giving up their doctor life :\ Okay, lol, bye for realsies :)
WHY DOES A SPICY JELLYBEAN FLAVOUR EVEN EXIST? WHY WOULD SOMEONE MAKE A JELLYBEAN BURN? I tried to gather them all up and eat them to get rid of them, once and for all. But no, that's not what you do. The only result of that was tears and pain. So before you think of eating more than one sizzling cinnamon, you stop. You turn around and you run.
WHY DOES A SPICY JELLYBEAN FLAVOUR EVEN EXIST? WHY WOULD SOMEONE MAKE A JELLYBEAN BURN? I tried to gather them all up and eat them to get rid of them, once and for all. But no, that's not what you do. The only result of that was tears and pain. So before you think of eating more than one sizzling cinnamon, you stop. You turn around and you run.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Jealous Beans
Guys, I went to costcorn LOL Oh my god, I wrote corn because of this damn jelly bean. But I'll get to that later. Anywho, I went to costco and bought a bunch of crap. I'm so excited to eat it all, oh my fod. ... -mn. I bought iced tea powder and two-bite brownies and kdsfjglkjjg I BOUGHT 1.8 KILOS OF JELLY BEANS AND THERE ARE FORTY-FIVE FLAVOURS. FORTY FIVE. AHHHHHH. LOL, and that's why I said costcorn. Because I was eating a buttered popcorn flavoured jelly bean and thinking about how much it really tasted like popcorn. There are so many cool flavours though like margarita, pink grapefruit, mixed berry smoothie, strawberry daiquiri and crushed pineapple. I'M SO EXCITED. OVER JELLYBEANS. Oh my god, I'm about to try what I think is caramel corn. Oh by the way, the colours indicate the flavour, but some colours are very similar so it's still a little bit scary. ... LOL Okay, that one tasted like fumes and plastic. Perhaps it was toasted marshmellow, my bad. There are two dark brown ones and even though one's a little bit darker, I'll always have to face the chance that it's not choc pudding, but dark choc and ewwww, I hate dark chocolate. Anyways, enough about beans.
OH, I went to see Looper today, LOL and oh lord, Joseph Gordan-Levitt had terrible eyebrows in it. They tried to make him look more like bruce willis, his future self and NO. THEY MADE HIM LOOK OLD AND THEY RUINED HIM. And so I thought it forshadowed the repetition of Leo DeCaprio's fate. From adorable to the opposite of good wine :'( Oh my god, there are so many green flavours but no worries, they all look good. LOL, there's lemon lime and lemon lime soda. Anyways, Looper was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Lool, there's blueberry and then berry blue hahaha, how strange.
I'M SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS OH LORD I WANT TO CRY. Excited excited excited. Ewwwww, cherry. Oh my god, did I tell you about how much I dislike cherry ripes? They're the combination of everything I find icky - cherries, coconut and dark choc D: LOL, that's all. Anyways, we went xmas shopping after snez finished her actually very clever argument about looper and everything looked so fun. I want to dress up as myself this Christmas, because every xmas party needs a friendly angel. I'm also very excited to shop for everybody's gifts, it's going to be lovely. All I need is money, lol.
I LOVE POST HSC. DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS THE BOMB. Oh, and also, congrats to the whole of or most of nsw's year twelves of 2012. Oh my god, mixed berry smoothie is lovely. I hope everybody in my school did well and I also hope that every other school did too but just not as well as we did. ... BYE, GUYS.
OH, I went to see Looper today, LOL and oh lord, Joseph Gordan-Levitt had terrible eyebrows in it. They tried to make him look more like bruce willis, his future self and NO. THEY MADE HIM LOOK OLD AND THEY RUINED HIM. And so I thought it forshadowed the repetition of Leo DeCaprio's fate. From adorable to the opposite of good wine :'( Oh my god, there are so many green flavours but no worries, they all look good. LOL, there's lemon lime and lemon lime soda. Anyways, Looper was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Lool, there's blueberry and then berry blue hahaha, how strange.
I'M SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS OH LORD I WANT TO CRY. Excited excited excited. Ewwwww, cherry. Oh my god, did I tell you about how much I dislike cherry ripes? They're the combination of everything I find icky - cherries, coconut and dark choc D: LOL, that's all. Anyways, we went xmas shopping after snez finished her actually very clever argument about looper and everything looked so fun. I want to dress up as myself this Christmas, because every xmas party needs a friendly angel. I'm also very excited to shop for everybody's gifts, it's going to be lovely. All I need is money, lol.
I LOVE POST HSC. DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS THE BOMB. Oh, and also, congrats to the whole of or most of nsw's year twelves of 2012. Oh my god, mixed berry smoothie is lovely. I hope everybody in my school did well and I also hope that every other school did too but just not as well as we did. ... BYE, GUYS.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
It's time for change.
Guys, look:
Before, with the weights of the hsc upon my shoulders, I was so dreary. I was in the winter of my school year and stress was only ever building up. My eyebags were no longer designer and the hair on my face was a like a jungle - too wild 2 tame. So, I thought, "maybe it's time for some change". Change from this:
To this:
I feel so free now, and it's all thanks to SHAVING STUFF. Shave it now or shave it for later.
Anyways, the hairs on my head and my face totally symbolised the terrible hsc so I shaved it all off. ... HEYO. Anywho, bye now, that's all, goodluck and have fun :)
Before, with the weights of the hsc upon my shoulders, I was so dreary. I was in the winter of my school year and stress was only ever building up. My eyebags were no longer designer and the hair on my face was a like a jungle - too wild 2 tame. So, I thought, "maybe it's time for some change". Change from this:
To this:
LOL oh my god, I look like theo... |
I feel so free now, and it's all thanks to SHAVING STUFF. Shave it now or shave it for later.
Anyways, the hairs on my head and my face totally symbolised the terrible hsc so I shaved it all off. ... HEYO. Anywho, bye now, that's all, goodluck and have fun :)
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
This is the end.
And I'm so happy that it's here. IT'S ALL OVER. I-... I don't know what to do. Okay, quick words on chem - worst exam, disgusting, so hard, physics4ever, ugh. Anyways, I came out of the test feeling so ordinary and yet so excited. It felt weird, it was just so AHHH. LOL It's done, guys. I'm so... It has yet to hit me. I'm in this state of knowing that I can relax now, that I have no reason to wake up early tomorrow morning. Hm, I wonder when I'll start biking. Soon, I hope. I NEED TO GET RID OF ALL THIS GLORIOUS JELLY. And this beard. I've grown accustomed to this beard though. It's so... wisdomous. LOL, I CAN WATCH ALL MY FAVOURITE SHOWS AGAIN, AHHH! I'm so... ah. I've got many things to do. I'm gonna take absolutely everything I wrote during this intense (lol) HSC period and post it on my writings blog. And then I'll link y'all. Stay posted, oh lord I am happy. LOL Such a short post for an end of hsc thang. Hey, I'll talk about my day. So right after the exam, I filled some forms with mai. I gave her my present also, on the way to the station, and she liked it :) It was an Amortentia potion pendant (HP) and a snitch clock locket (Also HP). Hey, let's call it a clocket. Anywho, I then ate at j's steakhouse with mai and I ate with jenn, jess, mars, eric and huynh. Then I went to jenn's house where we drank costco iced tea and then we picked up her sister at a childcare and then we left jenn to go to mars' house. We watched pokemon, flight of the conchords and watched old videos of ourself from long long ago. LOL, we were so cute back then but LOL OH DEAR GOD OH MY GOD OH LORD, OH NO, OHHHHHHH LORRDDDD - my phases, young me, my embarrasing ways of talking and moving and ughhhh. Oh my gaga phase :'( I want to cry. But, lol, the past is the past and we can't really do anything but laugh. LOL, I watched the blogging videos I did and I laughed at my own jokes loool, I'm terribly lame. Anywho, SHOWS.
Bye now :)
Bye now :)
Friday, 2 November 2012
Physics, more like phySUCKS oohhhhh, ice coldddd ...
LOL, I joke. It was actually aiight. The core modules were easy peasy and I didn't struggle :) But then there was the option module and I think I might have died. ... I died. And it was so terrible, I felt so icky yuck yuck yuck. But oh well. Oh well Oh well Oh wheel. OH - the multi-choice! Ughhhh, ahhh, whyyyyy. I was doing this one question right, and I marked the answer that everybody else would have. And then, when I went back to double check, I looked at the question and then I looked at the equation sheet, and I was all like, hey, the charge is actually inversely proportional to the electric field strength [don't ask me, I don't know, ughh], so I looked at the answers and the only one that seemed to fit the profile was the one that seemed like the obvious wrong. And I kept telling myself, bro, go with your instincts, don't change the answer, YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT SURE, TURN AROUND, DAMMIT. But no, I... I chose the stupid answer and now I've lost a mark :( Buuuttt, I'm hoping that I'm either actually right or the answer was something that I didn't consider, and so either way I wouldn't've gotten the answer :-\ LOL, moving on.
Physics Memories.
I don't even know why.
LOL, I remember noticing how sadistic and evil physics teachers were. In prelim, both miss Arfanis and Miss Yen from Peak chose very strange examples. They were both talking about braking systems for cars, and how some brakes are great because at higher velocities, they brake faster and LOL, as an example, both were like, you see, if this weren't so, if a kid was crossing the street, the car wouldn't be able to stop in time and the kid would be run over AND I'M JUST LIKE WHAT. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE A CHILD. WHY COULDN'T YOU SAY PEDESTRIAN OR PERSON, LOL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. LOL, that is all.
Oh, and then there was this one lesson where we were doing a prac where you insert a bar magnet into a cylindrical coil thing, right? Like, a solenoid. And yeah, I think we all noticed that it looked like sexual intercourse, but being very mature year twelve students who knew how lame they would look if they laughed, we just watched and recorded observations. But, lol, oh my god, Miss Arfanis thought she would be cool and in-touch with the youth by pointing it out, and oh my godddd. She's just there going, yes, kids, I know, it looks a little bit wrong, and everybody else is just trying to focus and ignore the awkwardness and ughhh. And LOL, then Mr Koulouris came in and oh my god, HE DID THE SAME THING, LOL. I was just standing there with everybody else, and thinking, not you too, sir, oh god, please stop. LOL, it was so strange, and yet it was very them :L
Oh, and LOL, yesterday, before the exam, as last minute study, Mai was listing the advantages and disadvantages of the atomic bomb. And you know, as an advantage, you just say for protection of a country and to end the war and you just say a little so you don't seem like an asshole. And you know, for the disadvantages, BAM, DEATH, DECAY, EXPLOSION, SO MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE KILLED IN NUCLEAR WARFARE, but no, the first disadvantage on Mai's list was money Loool, how sinister, how evil, how dare she :L That is all.
Oh, and one more thing about the eggs-ham, THEY DIDN'T ASK ANY HARD QUESTIONS WHICH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THE ANSWER FOR BACK TO FRONT, FRONT TO BACK :( And in Q2Q, they asked about all the things which I hardly knew. Not even the ones I mostly knew or knew back to front, front to back :( And lol, everybody was preparing for an eight-marker q about the development and impact of the atomic bomb, but no siree, not today, not this year.
Anyways, goodbye, lovers in japan. Goodluck and I hope you all end your hsc happily. As for me, I'll go stab myself with Chemistry. Bye now :)
Physics Memories.
I don't even know why.
LOL, I remember noticing how sadistic and evil physics teachers were. In prelim, both miss Arfanis and Miss Yen from Peak chose very strange examples. They were both talking about braking systems for cars, and how some brakes are great because at higher velocities, they brake faster and LOL, as an example, both were like, you see, if this weren't so, if a kid was crossing the street, the car wouldn't be able to stop in time and the kid would be run over AND I'M JUST LIKE WHAT. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE A CHILD. WHY COULDN'T YOU SAY PEDESTRIAN OR PERSON, LOL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. LOL, that is all.
Oh, and then there was this one lesson where we were doing a prac where you insert a bar magnet into a cylindrical coil thing, right? Like, a solenoid. And yeah, I think we all noticed that it looked like sexual intercourse, but being very mature year twelve students who knew how lame they would look if they laughed, we just watched and recorded observations. But, lol, oh my god, Miss Arfanis thought she would be cool and in-touch with the youth by pointing it out, and oh my godddd. She's just there going, yes, kids, I know, it looks a little bit wrong, and everybody else is just trying to focus and ignore the awkwardness and ughhh. And LOL, then Mr Koulouris came in and oh my god, HE DID THE SAME THING, LOL. I was just standing there with everybody else, and thinking, not you too, sir, oh god, please stop. LOL, it was so strange, and yet it was very them :L
Oh, and LOL, yesterday, before the exam, as last minute study, Mai was listing the advantages and disadvantages of the atomic bomb. And you know, as an advantage, you just say for protection of a country and to end the war and you just say a little so you don't seem like an asshole. And you know, for the disadvantages, BAM, DEATH, DECAY, EXPLOSION, SO MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE KILLED IN NUCLEAR WARFARE, but no, the first disadvantage on Mai's list was money Loool, how sinister, how evil, how dare she :L That is all.
Oh, and one more thing about the eggs-ham, THEY DIDN'T ASK ANY HARD QUESTIONS WHICH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THE ANSWER FOR BACK TO FRONT, FRONT TO BACK :( And in Q2Q, they asked about all the things which I hardly knew. Not even the ones I mostly knew or knew back to front, front to back :( And lol, everybody was preparing for an eight-marker q about the development and impact of the atomic bomb, but no siree, not today, not this year.
Anyways, goodbye, lovers in japan. Goodluck and I hope you all end your hsc happily. As for me, I'll go stab myself with Chemistry. Bye now :)
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