Monday, 19 March 2012

LOL Tiny little monologue.

LOL, okay, so I wrote a very small monologue, right? And, um, I don't know why I did it. It's just word-spewing thing I do where I write whatever comes to mind and it makes no sense and I post it. LOL So, yeah. It's called 'Necrophilic'. ENJOY!

We could have had it all. The flesh, the blood, the bone. But you just couldn’t take it, could you? You just ran away like you always did. Afraid and unsure, you just left. You left us. You left our memories, our moments, our love. You call yourself almighty, but you can’t even face the flies that surround my eyes when I look at you and see the hope that we could be more than what we already are. It’s just too much. So go. Run. You’ll break a leg and your fingers will rot right off, but you’ll still get away and you’ll still point the blame towards me because that’s just who you are. The un-dead afraid.
But you know what? One day they’ll get you. Because the further away you get from us, the closer you’ll get to them. They won’t understand. You’ll think they will, but they’ll just hack you to pieces. Like you did me. But they'll do it a little bit more literally. So run. Don’t look back. Because you could crash right into them. And you’ll be gone. No more second lives for you. And I’ll forget you. I will. Just like that, you’ll be gone like blood against a feast. You’re disappearing as we speak. Into the horizon, and from my mind. Godspeed, dear. And good luck.

Yeah. Zombies are cool. But I hope I never meet one. Unless it's vegetarian and nice :) :L BYE!

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