Thursday, 2 February 2012

Optom! (No colour :O)

So I just came back from the optometrist and it was pretty alright. I went to "Optic Expo" in fairfield forum. I went to get my eyes check and ask if I could try out contacts. LOL It was kinda scary but there were some good things. You know, things like the optometrist himself :L He was so cute! LOL Okay, not really cute but I liked him. I'm not a very picky person :) Okay, I'm desperate but LOL He was kinda cute and he had muscles :L 8) And he was a nice guy too. He was Middle Eastern which I don't mind. A lot of girls don't like a lot people from the Middle East but they work out a lot and some are cute. Just not the leb stereotypes with the car and the hair and the guess fanny packs around the shoulders. Those guys are LOL ugh :L But my darling optom was nothing like that. He was very professional looking and he had a tie. And nice hair. And alright eyes. They weren't a very nice and special colour like blue but they were eyes. LOL I just want eyes :L LOL I'm trying not to obsess over my optometrist but I fail at most things so... :L OKAY, FINE. IT'S OVER, jeeezz. - iii* OH, and he got a UAI of 99.7 So my man is a smart man. LOL wait, my man? whaat? LOL

Anyways, the whole thing was weird. There were so many letters I could not read :L They just get so small and blurry! But when I did get it right, he would always say "good!" It felt to be nice. But when I believe I got it completely wrong he'd say nothing or a hesitant 'okay' and I'd be sad and I could feel his disappointment :( LOL And he told me to put my chin back up to the machine but I put it on the wrong machine and he moved and I hit my head on the frame. It hurt but I said it didn't because I don't like it when my dear worries. ... Okay, this is starting to get weird, guys. Stop it :L At the place, you know the eye shindig, there was this one machine that did some sort of thing :L And he just looks into your eye again. "You're going to feel a puff of air, okay?" he said. And I was all like, yeah, brah. All good. LOL And I was just waiting for it, thinking where it was going to go. Of course, it was gonna hit my eye, but for some odd reason I thought it would puff around my chin or something ... LOL Like to release pressure or something. Then it hit me in the eye and I flinched like crazy LOL "Just stare at the red dot-" FOOM "AHHHH" LOL Freakiest machine there. I was so not okay. But he asked if I was, and I said yes :) :L :\ I had my glasses off most of the time, and I noticed that I had this habit. This habit where when I look around, I push my glasses up. And when I looked around the room, everything blurry due to my lack of glasses and good eyesight, I pushed the nothingness in front of my nose closer to me LOL As if I was wearing glasses :L So if I do ever get contacts, I'll have to, well, learnt not to do that :L Okay. LOL That was about it. Oh, and the guy who owned the place is super-nice too. He's a very happy old man and he's great fun. Good with customers (Y) :) LOL, okay. Bye now, guys. Can't wait to trial ze contacts. AU REVOIR. And I'll see you, Mr Optom, when my test contacts come in. Well, hopefully. :O Maybe he'll touch the areas around my eyes when he shows me how to get them in. Hm. LOL OKAY, I'LL STOP. Jeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. - iiiiii* BYE!

By the way, can you guys please comment on this post, telling me if the fact that there was no colour in this post affected how you liked it? LOL Because I'm getting lazy, and these rituals are getting tiresome :L Okay, thanks and goodbye! :)


  1. Your background has enough colours to make up for the lack of colours in the post :) And I couldn't stop laughing when reading this post HAHAHA so cute.

    1. yay, okay, thanks! No colour :D And sorry about the late reply. I didn't think to thank you until a million years later because I'm an ass :)
