Wednesday, 29 February 2012

General Blagging

You know what I really like? When people tell really good stories on youtube. LOL Like, they don't need any skits or anything, they just present their anecdotes. And the stories are really interesting, and you don't notice it at first, but they really hook you in. It's weird. But I love it. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about. The videos are longer than most vlogging videos, but they're still pretty good. Here they are:


Tuesday, 28 February 2012


So my speech has been recorded and it's uploading now. And, rreally, I'm kinda disappointed with how it turned out. But oh well. I'm lazy and I cannot take another recording. I'm too tired :L And lazy. And oh my god. So many problems! My dad decided to play his music on really loud at one point and you could feel the vietnamese bass coming from downstairs :L And the phone kept on ringing and the people outside decided that they wanted to play some music as well :\ And at one point, when I had my school uniform very nicely worn, tie and all, I decided to drink a little bit of tea and then bam. This happened:

Mhmm. So I just sat around waiting for it to dry :L Big waste of time but oh well :L And now I'm still waiting for the speech to be sent to Mr Mac. And it is taking a long long long long long time. And you know what? I think Mr MacKenzie is my favourite teacher :O Weirdd. Hm. I need to wake up early tomorrow. Darn.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

P is for Poems

Poems... are nice.
A side dish... is rice.
I use my body... to entice.
If I were drunk on the day I was naming my child or signing his birth certificate... I would call him Bryce.
Poems... are cat.

LOL So last night while I was supposed to be looking up notes for As You Like It, I got distracted, like always, and I just did anything but what I was supposed to. SO I MADE A POEM. LOL Not the above. Nono, this one was worse. The above is a masterpiece. What will be below will be horrible. I mean, a toad would do better than this one. I mean,  if I stabbed a man ten times, threw acid in his wounds so his  last breath will be a scream of agony, and told him to take the pen in his hand and write a poem (this is very plausible), the one line he'd make whilst keeling over and dying, would be a million times better than my poem. But oh well. Here it is. LOL And the rhyming gets very ... well, unrhyme-y towards the end. But the above poem. Damn. I should publish that.

Two hearts intertwined,
They sang their song,
They slowed down time.
For love had found them in their sleep
And dreams of lips and grips, there’d be.
But there was a hopeless path, a padlocked door,
and yet they only wanted one thing, nothing more.
Each summer they’d cross, tied knots in their hearts,
They had the same tastes, the same thoughts, the same parts.
But the shame and the looks, they could not take
So they just carried on, their love at stake.
Then in the dark, their eyes had met.
Through all the black, they stared, minds set.
And in one blaze, they wound their heartstrings around each trembling finger.
Dreams of lips and grips and hearts and minds and eyes and knots and love.
A dream come true, yet kept in the dark.
For their love was forbidden, and only in the unseen,
could their love bloom and they kept each other locked inside,
behind the bars, behind the curtains, where they could just hide
and dream.
Two hearts intertwined. Ashamed and hidden in the nothingness.
Two hearts, true as can be. But invisible. Alone. A heresy.
Two hearts beating in unison, struck still in unison.
Two hearts bleeding, but not beating.
And there, they would lay. Red all over the carpet. Their hearts still intertwined.
Hand in hand, bleeding on the bedroom floor. Bleeding in the dark. Invisible. Together. But alone. lol.

LOL Yeah ... I wish I could write real pretty like the others. Gosh, I wonder if I ever write a movie like Amelie? :O I wonder....

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Bobina's List

Hey, guys! Just reminding y'all that I do have a dream journal, and I just updated. So here's the link!:

Oh? No takers? What if I said I could aid you in YOU'RE INGLESH SCILZ? (Ya see what I did there?) In the newest post, we have a list of words. And the challenge is! Make a narrative about all the things on that list. And hey, let's make it about belonging, yeah? OKGO!

Post 121

Not a special number or anything. I just can't think of a title.

LOL So I'm reading the lyrics to This Is What Makes Us Girls, and I always thought the lyrics was "We don't look for heaven and we pull out first." .... yeah, I thought it was about how girls are realistic. But apparently not. LOL Okay. This is going to be a short post by the way, seeing as I already posted earlier today :\

Yeah. Short, short, short. But not as short as Mai. Gosh, that'd be like a word. Maybe one and half :L 

On another note, you know what I hate? I hate it when sitcoms have an episode where it's just replaying old scenes. It's so annoying. Friends just did it and I did not like it at all. Well, Phoebe's acting was hilarious :L But still! I ended up skipping it and going to the ep with Bruce Willis :L Okay. That is all. Bye :)

Saturday, 18 February 2012


LOL So I just had tutor, and during those four hours, I realised something. I do not listen during chem at all :L Which is horrible. I'm probably going to fail my chem in the hsc and fail at uni and whatnot LOL I do not like chem at all :@ Okay, so, while I was supposed to listen to the teacher explain conjunctive acid-base solutions, I started thinking about my future instead. And what I should blag when I get home :L

I started thinking about certain career paths and unis and whatnot and what if.. I don't go to uni :O:O:O:O BLASPHEMY, I know! But what about NIDA? Can I go there? It sure would be nice. I could study writing or directing and make a wondonderous movie! I could! Perhaps. But it would mean no uni, no "smart" future, a big chance of failing and not making so much money and it'd be super-hard to get in in the first place. But it's what I want to do. But not what I should. Lately, I've been plagued by this question. This choice. This decision. Should I follow my dreams? Or my expectations? And if the world were simple, the answer would be happiness and I'd live a long, happy life as a world-famous director. But no. The world is anything but. THERE ARE JUST SO MANY FACTORS! Money, quality, opportunities, risk, time, determination, business, EVERYTHING. Gosheth. But drama is where my heart is. LOL And then there's the whole I ain't all that when it comes to drama thing but yeah. .......... DAMMIT, FUTURE, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME? What is in store? Where are all the pretty people?! .... Wait, what? LOL I could really use the professor's what if machine right now.

Anywho, I've decided that i want to learn French after the HSC. And I will work my ass out. And I will have lots of fun going out with friends. And I will get a boyfriend. Of course, all those things won't happen because I'm lazy and unattractive, BUT HEY! There are things to do at home. Like Mass Effect :D And stuff. .... Also, I should turn off my tumblr. It's kind of taking all my time and turning me into a zombie. A very emotional zombie, yes, but a bad student also. LOL but when will I delete it? Should I start working now? If I open my Foetus Food store, will my Placenta Pies sell like hotcakes? All these questions, and choices and decisions. Too many, I say! TOO MANY. LOL Okay, there aren't too many, it's just that they're too hard to make. What if I base the rest of my future on the flip of a coin? Okay, let's try that. Heads is engineering and tails is drama. Okay, I'm going to look for a coin, flip it and come back with the results.


And yet the experiment is stupid. Because I know what I want. And that's drama. But a coin can't really tell me what I should do. Not like this :L It reminds me of this picture I saw with a caption, where it's like "When you flip the coin, during the seconds when it's in the air, you will be hoping for what you really want and know." Or something like that. Yeah, it was super tacky but it was true. And I want NIDA. But chance doesn't know enough, and neither do I. So I guess it'll either be playing it safe or taking a risk. Show business is a risky business. LOL this is all assuming I can actually make it into a uni, of course :L Fingers crossed and head glued to the table. And yeah, I will still strive for an ATAR in the 90's range, no matter what. If I can get a ninety something, it shall be my net. Anywho, here's a nice lyric I found on tumblr. It's from a Led Zeppelin song.

"If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more."

I also like the chorus for Blue Jeans by Lana.

"I will love you 'til the end of time."

Which remind me. If I had a band, I would call it "Lana Backwards". ... LOL It's incredibly immature and crude but I like it. Nothing to do with Del Rey though. Just thought I'd mention :) It kinda reminds me of the band name "Jane's Addiction" LOL Let's make a tribute band and call it "Wilson Huynh" :L God, I hope they haven't broken up recently. Because this joke would be super awkward. Okay. Bye :L

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Just You & Me Feeling the Heat Even When the Sun Goes Down.

LOL, so I've been listening to Lana Del Rey lately. And I like her. Her songs are somewhat different and the lyrics are really nice. I really like Born To Die, Lolita, Without You, Video Games, Radio and Dark Paradise. They're nice songs :) And after listening to all these songs, I have this sudden, desperate desire for a teenage dream. LOL Like, that rebellious, forget-about-the-rest-of-the-world love that all them American singers seem to miss so much. They sound nice. But they're probably overrated. And study, William! :L But the memories they make. They sound so lovely. But they also make you yearn for the old days when they're over :\ LOL But I like nice guys. And nice guys don't seem to be the teenage dream type :L But I wouldn't mind anyone baadddd :L "But, Blossom, he's baadddd" LOL The teenage powerpuff girls talking about the rowdy rough/ruff boys :L ANYWHO, like all the girls that exist on this here planet Earth, I'd actually like that bad guy with the tattoos and crap, but are actually really nice and misunderstood. ..... LOLOLOLOLOL, yeah. Like they smile and act cool and popular on the inside but are actually broken and all alone on the inside. Well, I hope that nobody ever feels that but some people do. And I'd like to help them with that. Via kisses. ... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH I AM SO WEIRDED OUT BY MYSELF RIGHT NOW. Anywho, that'd be lovely. LOL I really like Lolita's weirdness :L And there's that story about being so famous and surrounded by people all the time, and yet feeling so alone, that comes with Without You. That's cool. But it's beginning to become a cliche D: Okay, LOL, I guess that was it for my rant today. Nothing else to say. Except this:

"My allure is founded entirely on dim lighting. I am nothing without the night."
- Veronica Vale from Ruby Dooby Moon.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Yay, a rant about music. I love my music. It's awesome. LOL. Yeah. .... Wow. This post was supposed to be a lot better. Hm. LOL Okay.

So I'm one of those people that everybody hates. Or at least every hipster. Because I always start loving artists when they start getting very popular :L And all those fans who loved them from the start, I'm the type of person they don't like :L But, like, stop it :L Just because I got in a little later than y'all, it does not mean I am bad fan. Like Florence. LOL I remember my first time falling in love with her. I was on MTV, voting for paramore :L for best rock video for the VMA's. Stupid, old Train got it though >:( LOL And then I came across Dog Days Are Over and I got curious. So I looked it up on youtube and I absolutely loved it! By far my favourite Florence song. Love the lyrics, the vocals, the beat, the everything! And then I clicked on Cosmic Love and I loved that too. I loved it, cosmically HAHAHHA :L .... LOL, whatever, I'm hilarious. Anywho: and apparently, Jess had sent me that song ages ago. LOL And I don't even remember hearing it, but still! Okay, LOL, I seem to have forgotten what my point was here ... ANYWHO, MOVING ON :L

And there's paramore. The first time I listened to them was with Misery Business. I was watching some girl play with like six hula hoops at once (don't ask) and Miz Biz was playing, and I remember really liking the little string intro, and how it just jumped into the rock part and I was like, woowwww. LOL And I had no idea who it was or what the song was. And, LOL, the only lyric I could recognise in the song was 'whoooaaa' :L She just sang so fast! :L And I just left it there. Then, a few weeks later, they were doing the radio at school, and they played it! I recognised it immediately, and so I turned to Putra and I asked if he knew who it was. And he did! And he said it was Paraadjkjkld. LOL I didn't hear him so I asked him again and I heard Parakfjgksdfj. LOL I didn't want to come off as annoying so I just left it there. When I got home, I typed up "Whooaaaa lyrics paranormal" LOL Guessing names, and eventually I worked out the band was called Paramore :L And I felt so triumphant when I found a song called 'Whoa', by Paramore! So I got up on my limewire (:L) And I downloaded it and LOL Woops, wrong song. Apparently, Paramore had a song in there first album called Whoa and it was not at all mis biz. So I just left it. And then eventually, Jess showed me Paramore :L So the first song I ever dled from my favourite band ended up being Whoa :L Weirdd.

And with MCR, I started listening to them when they're new album came out. Well, my first experience was actually with I Don't Love You, where I loved the MV and the ending of the song. And with GaGa, I listened to her around her Bad Romance period, which is kinda late too. LOL Oh my god. I remember when I won my first iPod, and this was in year 7 :L And I only had six songs in it :L It was just Regina Spektor and Delta Goodrem LOL I was so alternative back then, listening to the indie Regina Spektor :L I didn't even understand her lyrics. Except for Samson and Us. I got those :) Good songs they were too :)

LOL So all in all, what I'm trying to say is, LOL, I love my music, and don't tell me I'm not a real fan. LOL Oh my god, I remember years ago, I found this myspace from a big fan of Paramore, and I hated it LOL Because the person wrote a list of rules telling people how to love Paramore. Things like if you love only these songs, you are not a true fan or if you heard of them through twilight, you are not a real fan. I actually did end up being a "true fan" according to the blog, but I was angry LOL SHE OR HE DOES NOT GET TO TELL PEOPLE HOW TO BE A FAN OF SOMETHING. IT'S RUDE AND STUPID. LOL Okay :L I'm done now. Bye, guys :L

Friday, 3 February 2012

The Future is Here

You know what? I really like Futurama. It's a great show. It's super funny and quite clever. I really liked it. Even though it eventually got crappy, like all shows. Sometimes people should just leave it before it goes sour, But oh well, I guess it's all about ze money. The best Futurama eps are the really heartfelt ones. The ones that have meaning. Or  just the ones with that really special scene. I love the Why of Fry and one of my favourite scenes is in Parasites Lost. In the episode, Fry got worms which made him smarter. He used his smarts to woo Leela and she loved it. He wrote sonnets, said sensible things and he could play the Holophoner - an instrument that only the really intelligent could play [it projected really pretty images through music (If it was played with a lot of skill)]. And then [SPOILER ALERT LOL], at the end of the ep, he decided to get rid of the worms, to see if the girl he loved loved him or the worms. And she left him. And at the very end, he continued learning the instrument with a "My First Holophoner" and he played very child-like and projected a doodle of Leela. Like so:

It was adorable and it really, like, lol, touched me in my nono's. Oh, wait - in my heart*. I really liked that scene. It was great! LOL And there's that ep with the professor's son. Where we find out how the Planet Express ship works. Yeah. That was cool. Hm. Okay. LOL Well...

Since we're on the topic of cartoons, I also love the Simpsons. The old eps. They were hilarious. Especially at this age. Because when you look back at the episodes you watched as a kid, you understand certain jokes and you just laugh harder. Not necessarily the dirty jokes, just the ones that weren't that funny when you were a kid. LOL, like, when someone asked homer how he got out of work and he says he got someone to replace him and there's a scene of his work station at the plant and there's just one leaver weighed down by a rope tied to a brick. LOL IT'S A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. HE'S THE SAFETY GUY. IT'S A BRICK TIED TO A LEVER. LOL. Okay, fine :L But just other things. But maybe it's only me :\ LOL, okay. NEXT CARTOON.

LOL I love love love South Park! I'm not up to date yet but it's so good. Even if it's extremely crude and mean and inappropriate, it's actually quite good! It's full of satire and just making fun of stupid people :L Yeah, I said it was mean :L And the characters are such asses. LOL Especially Cartman. And that's why you love him :L Well that's why I do :L Okay. LOL I guess that's all for today. BYE :L Have fun doing whatever, guys.

OH And you know what I've notice? That when I don't red my o's or blue my important words, I make a lot of mistakes. Well, i always do, but when I colour the post, I always end up rereading the post and correcting myself. So... forgive me for I have grammar sinned. Probably. Okay, bye! 'Til next time, folks!

OH, AND THERE WAS THE FUTURAMA EP LUCK OF THE FRYISH. Oh my god, LOL. So good. Phillip found an old statue of his brother and it was because he was the first man on the moon. Then Fry found out that it was because he had Fry's lucky clover on him the whole time. He also found out that his brother, Yancy, changed his name to Phillip - Fry's first name. And he got really angry and jealous about him stealing his luck and identity. And at the end of the episode, he found out that the statue was in fact of his brother's son, or his nephew, and the brother named his son Phillip and gave the clover to him as a baby, in honour of his missing brother (He was missing because of the main plot LOL like he froze himself accidentally...) :') IT WAS SO GOOD AND I WAS ALL CRYING AND CRAP. LOL, okay, not really, but still :L

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Optom! (No colour :O)

So I just came back from the optometrist and it was pretty alright. I went to "Optic Expo" in fairfield forum. I went to get my eyes check and ask if I could try out contacts. LOL It was kinda scary but there were some good things. You know, things like the optometrist himself :L He was so cute! LOL Okay, not really cute but I liked him. I'm not a very picky person :) Okay, I'm desperate but LOL He was kinda cute and he had muscles :L 8) And he was a nice guy too. He was Middle Eastern which I don't mind. A lot of girls don't like a lot people from the Middle East but they work out a lot and some are cute. Just not the leb stereotypes with the car and the hair and the guess fanny packs around the shoulders. Those guys are LOL ugh :L But my darling optom was nothing like that. He was very professional looking and he had a tie. And nice hair. And alright eyes. They weren't a very nice and special colour like blue but they were eyes. LOL I just want eyes :L LOL I'm trying not to obsess over my optometrist but I fail at most things so... :L OKAY, FINE. IT'S OVER, jeeezz. - iii* OH, and he got a UAI of 99.7 So my man is a smart man. LOL wait, my man? whaat? LOL

Anyways, the whole thing was weird. There were so many letters I could not read :L They just get so small and blurry! But when I did get it right, he would always say "good!" It felt to be nice. But when I believe I got it completely wrong he'd say nothing or a hesitant 'okay' and I'd be sad and I could feel his disappointment :( LOL And he told me to put my chin back up to the machine but I put it on the wrong machine and he moved and I hit my head on the frame. It hurt but I said it didn't because I don't like it when my dear worries. ... Okay, this is starting to get weird, guys. Stop it :L At the place, you know the eye shindig, there was this one machine that did some sort of thing :L And he just looks into your eye again. "You're going to feel a puff of air, okay?" he said. And I was all like, yeah, brah. All good. LOL And I was just waiting for it, thinking where it was going to go. Of course, it was gonna hit my eye, but for some odd reason I thought it would puff around my chin or something ... LOL Like to release pressure or something. Then it hit me in the eye and I flinched like crazy LOL "Just stare at the red dot-" FOOM "AHHHH" LOL Freakiest machine there. I was so not okay. But he asked if I was, and I said yes :) :L :\ I had my glasses off most of the time, and I noticed that I had this habit. This habit where when I look around, I push my glasses up. And when I looked around the room, everything blurry due to my lack of glasses and good eyesight, I pushed the nothingness in front of my nose closer to me LOL As if I was wearing glasses :L So if I do ever get contacts, I'll have to, well, learnt not to do that :L Okay. LOL That was about it. Oh, and the guy who owned the place is super-nice too. He's a very happy old man and he's great fun. Good with customers (Y) :) LOL, okay. Bye now, guys. Can't wait to trial ze contacts. AU REVOIR. And I'll see you, Mr Optom, when my test contacts come in. Well, hopefully. :O Maybe he'll touch the areas around my eyes when he shows me how to get them in. Hm. LOL OKAY, I'LL STOP. Jeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. - iiiiii* BYE!

By the way, can you guys please comment on this post, telling me if the fact that there was no colour in this post affected how you liked it? LOL Because I'm getting lazy, and these rituals are getting tiresome :L Okay, thanks and goodbye! :)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

LOL Oh my god, I am crying my eyes out! Okay, not really. But LOL, I'm quite sad. So, yes, I am very late, but I heard this song on the radio on my trip to Briz in the holidays, yeah? And I had heard it more than three times in that one trip. And I liked it. It sounded nice, the verses were great, and the guy sang the word "cold" really coollike. I figured out that it was The A Team by Ed Sheeran - Emily's guy :L And I liked it. Until it got to the part where he sang "for angels to fly." ... And I was like, UGH, SO CORNY :@ So I liked it, but that part just kinda annoyed me :L I felt as if it ruined the song for me. Then, the other day, I told Emily Tea about my 'Edsheeriance' ..... LOL GET IT? IT'S MY ED SHEERAN EXPERIENCE! :D .... Anyhwo, and she asked if I knew what the song was about and I was just like, I assume it's a corny love song. And oh my god. It's so much more than that. I watched the mv after chem tut and it was so wow. LOL Like, I got so sad :L It's amazing! And now I keep listening to the lyrics and thinking of that girl and the video and I just get really sad :L It's a good song. And video. LOL It'd be kinda cool directing a music video. Hm. But yeah, so good. And I feel horrible about calling it cheesy now :L :(

This is the video, by the way :) Enjoy:

Yeah, I know. LOL And yes, I know, very slow is me :\ :L :) BYE! :')