Poems... are nice.
A side dish... is rice.
I use my body... to entice.
If I were drunk on the day I was naming my child or signing his birth certificate... I would call him Bryce.
Poems... are cat.
LOL So last night while I was supposed to be looking up notes for As You Like It, I got distracted, like always, and I just did anything but what I was supposed to. SO I MADE A POEM. LOL Not the above. Nono, this one was worse. The above is a masterpiece. What will be below will be horrible. I mean, a toad would do better than this one. I mean, if I stabbed a man ten times, threw acid in his wounds so his last breath will be a scream of agony, and told him to take the pen in his hand and write a poem (this is very plausible), the one line he'd make whilst keeling over and dying, would be a million times better than my poem. But oh well. Here it is. LOL And the rhyming gets very ... well, unrhyme-y towards the end. But the above poem. Damn. I should publish that.
Two hearts intertwined,
They sang their song,
They slowed down time.
For love had found them in their sleep
And dreams of lips and grips, there’d be.
But there was a hopeless path, a padlocked door,
and yet they only wanted one thing, nothing more.
Each summer they’d cross, tied knots in their hearts,
They had the same tastes, the same thoughts, the same parts.
But the shame and the looks, they could not take
So they just carried on, their love at stake.
Then in the dark, their eyes had met.
Through all the black, they stared, minds set.
And in one blaze, they wound their heartstrings around each trembling finger.
Dreams of lips and grips and hearts and minds and eyes and knots and love.
A dream come true, yet kept in the dark.
For their love was forbidden, and only in the unseen,
could their love bloom and they kept each other locked inside,
behind the bars, behind the curtains, where they could just hide
and dream.
Two hearts intertwined. Ashamed and hidden in the nothingness.
Two hearts, true as can be. But invisible. Alone. A heresy.
Two hearts beating in unison, struck still in unison.
Two hearts bleeding, but not beating.
And there, they would lay. Red all over the carpet. Their hearts still intertwined.
Hand in hand, bleeding on the bedroom floor. Bleeding in the dark. Invisible. Together. But alone. lol.
LOL Yeah ... I wish I could write real pretty like the others. Gosh, I wonder if I ever write a movie like Amelie? :O I wonder....