Tuesday, 27 December 2011


So, like, Falling is over :L As in, it's no longer fun to write, so I guess I'm moving onto my comedy piece :L Yeah, I'm probably gonna get bored of this one too but oh well. I still have my gravity one :L OKAY, so like, this one is about a man who has just been put in charge of a robot-making factory. I don't know what to call it yet though. Hm. 'Binary Helix'. LOL That's from a game. But it kinda fits. It's like you know. Robots are kinda like humans, but instead of the human body and organs and DNA, it's a metal casing, gears and data. DNA - data, binary - helix. YA SEE? LOL Yeah, I'm just obsessed with the name Binary Helix because it sounds really cool :L Yeah, and in the same game, there was a paradise planet and they called it Eden Prime. Yeah, LOL it's like the futuristic garden of Eden. WHATEVER, IT'S COOL :L So, like, yeah.. ANYWHO, the place makes robots for all sorts of things, like soldier ones and cooking ones. There are three main characters. The main-est :L is Jack who is the one in charge. There is Daniel - the token black guy and then there is Jacqueline - the hot, weird chick :L Daniel likes Jacqueline and Jacqueline is really into Jack. Also, Jacqueline is quite the creep :L OKAY, so the mainest guy is in charge, and knows that if anything goes wrong, he gon' be in big trouble with the big boss, some old, British, posh lady :L And then something goes wrong. Ze robots fight back LOL because of some glitch or something. And yeah, the soulja robots start shooting at the workers and people die. And the mainest tries to stop this. But not because people are dying, but because he doesn't want to get in trouble. And yeah. That's the story. Maybe I'll kill Daniel or Jacqueline. Who knows. LOL yeah, it doesn't have a specific theatrical style or anything, and it's not a wow, dayum script. It's gonna get me a 25 at most but LOL, don't worry, I'll get bored of this very soon and it's back to Falling for me! :D Or Jupiter :O

On a completely unrelated note: WHY IS IT THAT WHEN I SPELL 'anything' LIKE 'anyhting' ACCIDENTALLY, YOU THINK I'M SAYING 'anting' OR 'animating', BLOGSPOT SPELL CHECKER?!? LOL AND YOU KEEP TELLING ME THAT THE WORD 'blog' IS WRONG. LOL, IS 'spot' WRONG TOO? Okay. LOL Capslock over :L

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