Thursday, 31 January 2013
Liebhaber des licht
Hey dere guys just a pretty music video for y'all to enjoy, okay, goodbye, more of nothing later maybe hahahaha I need to get out more.
Also, get onto this:
It is so beautiful! Trippy as brah, no but really, get on it!
The time, it has come, to destroy-
YOUR SUUUUPREMACYYYYYYYYYYYYY. LOL so I was looking through my old unpublished posts and looky here, it's a post from my hsc studying period :L I don't even know what's happening here but I thought it was funny. Enjoy. Hello. So I went to ze city today with Mars, Jessie, Emily Ly (whoa her last name is the ending of her first. I could call her lyly. Not pronounced as lilly, or as lie lie, but as lee lie. But I will not. Okay.) and Coolin'. It was alright. But the whole time I was doing physics, I kept on looking at my watch LOL
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
A post about myself
Okie dokes. So because I've been doing pretty much nothing, let me tell you about myself.
Okay, so first off, let's talk about my plans. When I'm filthy rich, getting ready for the red carpets, I'll have you know, a lot of shiny things. Apparently taylor swift has a tree growing in her living room so I'll have like an orchid or something because they're pretty. Maria likes vines so maybe we can get a few going on around the couch. Oh, by the way, Maria will be famous and dirty rich too so we add up our fortunes and get twice the mansion that each of us can get on our own (if she doesn't move to london but in all honesty, I think she'll like an acting career more over there :\). Anyways, also, for like a week, I'll live in an adjacent jumping castle that I can buy and keep up because, you know, I'm filthy rich. Now now now, this isn't just any castle. This is the best castle in existence. It will sit right next to my usual house, my mansion, the meadows manor, and it will not only be adjacent to it but it will be the exact inflated, jumping-castle counterpart of it. I mean everything inside and out will be INFLATABLE and BOUNCY! The orchid, the giant bathtub and the inside pool - EVERYTHING WILL BE SOFT AND INFLATED AND AHH. It'll be so cool!But I'll need a really good interior designer. Hey, maybe alex will be famous in the architecture world and help out :O (for free). OH MY GOD, and stuff like vases and tiny sculptures, well, they'll also be inflated and attached to inflated podiums and whatnot, but instead, they'll be attached via VELCRO. So you can detach them anytime and throw them at people! IT'LL BE SO FUN, OH MY GOD. :O:O:O:O Guys remember in princess diaries when Anne Hathaway rode a stair case on a mattress. YOU CAN DO THE SAME IN THE JUMPING CASTLE WITHOUT THE RISK OF HAVING YOUR HEAD BROKEN OPEN. Oh my god, I can't wait until I'm rich. Oh lord, the fun, the possibilities, the Meadows Jumping Galore.
Okay, anyways, let's talk about my current life. ... Wow my life sucks, I don't even have a normal jumping castle, what is wrong with this economy? LOL I joke I joke. Anyways, hm. Okay, let's talk about my traits.
Well let's see:
And oh my god I just played snake with the buffering symbol on youtube. Okay, LOL, this is probably old news but if you click on the video or whatever and start pressing the arrow keys, the buffering symbol becomes a line of symbols. This is... this is blowing my mind. This is scaring me. I'm afraid. I'm very afraid. Like, the youutbe people weren't gonna tell us about it, they just shoved it in and surprised the world. Okay, lol, this is stupid, but like, I hate easter eggs. And I don't mean them chocolate little treats for April, I mean GAME EASTER EGGS. Or anything of the like. Those kind-of eggs are usually little things placed in games which don't exactly affect the gameplay or storyline, but they're specifically placed in the game to reference certain things or for comedy. For example, maybe there'll be like a guest list in a party in a game, and the names that appear on the list, you know for detail, will look like random names put there so the game is more realistic but they will in fact be the NAMES OF THE GAME DEVELOPERS. WHAAT. LOL Okay, and sometimes games will put like blueprints for a teleporter or beamer thing on a table to add miscellaneous objects to the game for detail, but at the same time be an ode to Star Trek, you know? And in the new hitman, if you, like, shoot these shell sculptures and look out into the ocean through a window, you can hear and see the lochness monster. Shooting those shells ain't important to the game mission and the lochness monster has nothing to do with the storyline, but it happens if you do, because the gamer developers chose to secretly include that. And that freaks me out. I mean, pixar loves doing it. They have their freakin' inside jokes laid out all over their films. IT SCARES ME LOL
[I might've talked about this exact scenario already in an old post but oh well, I'm still gonna talk about it :L]
Like this one time in an old hitman game, if you went into this house there was this hallway and each room was a crimescene. Now you didn't have to, but you could go into each room and somehow see the ghosts of the victims. Like in one room, you can see a guy's ghost walking around in the reflection made by his own pool of blood. Or in the bathroom, if you looked into the mirror and angled yourself in a way so that you could see the bathtub in the mirror's reflection, you could see a ghost just floating around above the bathtub. The ghosts freaked me out also, BUT IT WAS THE FACT THAT THE GAME PEOPLE PUT IT THERE THAT SCARED THE BEJEEBUS OUTTA ME. Okay, lol, anyways, moving on.
So if there's one thing I'm a sucker for, it's intelligent female characters. I mean they are bad-ASS! LOL like you know martha from doc who? Well even if she was kinda annoying with her love thang, she was pretty cool. Like how she could help with her medical skills and such. And that one time they went to 1913 and because martha was black, they couldn't believe she was anything more than a maid. And when she told the lady she was studying to become a doctor and the lady was all like, that's impossible, you're a woman firstly, and secondly one of that colour and she pulled out her hand and she started naming all the bones in the hand to prove how smart she was and yeah. That was cool. I also loved Kaylee from Firefly because she was so innocent and bright and sunshiny and she was also the best mechanic. She knew every part of the ship and she knew like no other how to take care of it. And then there's Joan Watson in Elementary. I love how it's lucy liu. I mean some people hate it because she's not a guy like in the books, or because she got old. Like ugh, she's so cool though. Okay, she's not THAT cool, but I like her. I like how she's a surgeon and she can help with anything medical and I love how she actually helps sherlock with the crimesolving. I mean, I know sherlock is supposed to be incredible and able to investigate without help in any circumstances, but I love that Joan steps in, and that sometimes sherlock asks for her help. I'm probably pretty wrong with my info because I'm comparing it with the BBC sherlock but LOL oh well. So, yeah, this topic shall lead on to the next:
DETECTIVE SHOWS. I LOVE 'EM. LOL I follow a lot of them and they all have one thing (well several things) in common. Those genius detectives who can solve any crime, they are never actually trained detectives hired by police departments but they're consultants. They follow the actual detectives around and prove to be crucial to solving cases so many times that the department actually never let them go. Also, another thing about them is that either the detective they work with, or their sidekicks (because loneliness will destroy them), have terrible pasts. They always have a tragic experience and it's what drives them. They're also really weird and quirky and they don't know how to act normally around other people, which is why their partner must be somewhat normal so they can explain to other people and account for actions. Examples, and a list of the shows I watch:
Which I think is why I like Sherlock and Elementary so much too. Becuase it doesn't go with the norm. It's more than that. Like in an ep of elementary, the reveal ended up being that the killer was in fact the victim. The guy, after learning that he had a terminal illness, hired a hitman to kill him and before he died he left evidence behind that would in fact incriminate his wife and his boss. He was trying to frame them for his own murder! I found that really cool :L
And then there are shows like law & order which I would watch but they're not like my own because they're boring :L No but really I like a bit of comedy. Also, CSI looks stupid too. So yeah, this paragraph is to crap on other shows whoo! But CSI is so ughhh, like the main guy is so stupid looking. He irritates me! But this is probably because the show doesn't fit my criteria enough, but that's only because it sucks :L Okay, maybe I should give it a chance. Well I did once but the guy made me cringe so much I couldn't watch the rest of the ep soooo- Oh and NCIS is actually pretty good because the characters are fantastic and it's not boring :L But it's so naval. I mean it can be cool and all but really I don't give a damn about the navy, it just doesn't interest me. But I do go in and out of the show and in doing so, I do find it pretty entertaining. I don't think I'll ever watch it from start to end though.
Also, one more thing about myself: I wish I was allowed to have a bebo account when I was younger so I could look back on it today and laugh at how ridiculous I was and how embarrassing my life choices were. But lol, if I did I probably would've forgotten the password :L
Okay, so, I guess that's all for today. This was a post about myself brought to you by myself. Thanks for reading, and bye :L
Okay, so I wrote this last night, and I was gonna publish it now, but just oneeee moreeee thinggggg.
Last night, I was listening to I Knew You Were Trouble before I slept and then I started thinking of it as a kill scene song, ya know? Like imagine the scream guy just chasing and grabbing onto some girl but it kinda fits. And it's not supposed to be so scary but kinda funny because of how ridiculous it is. LOL okay, well anyways, as the song was ending, I imagined the body dropping and right then and there, something, I think my glasses, fell off the table. It freaked the crazy outta me and then I thought about blogging about the incident and then I forgot about it and fell asleep :L The end, au revoir :)
Okay, so first off, let's talk about my plans. When I'm filthy rich, getting ready for the red carpets, I'll have you know, a lot of shiny things. Apparently taylor swift has a tree growing in her living room so I'll have like an orchid or something because they're pretty. Maria likes vines so maybe we can get a few going on around the couch. Oh, by the way, Maria will be famous and dirty rich too so we add up our fortunes and get twice the mansion that each of us can get on our own (if she doesn't move to london but in all honesty, I think she'll like an acting career more over there :\). Anyways, also, for like a week, I'll live in an adjacent jumping castle that I can buy and keep up because, you know, I'm filthy rich. Now now now, this isn't just any castle. This is the best castle in existence. It will sit right next to my usual house, my mansion, the meadows manor, and it will not only be adjacent to it but it will be the exact inflated, jumping-castle counterpart of it. I mean everything inside and out will be INFLATABLE and BOUNCY! The orchid, the giant bathtub and the inside pool - EVERYTHING WILL BE SOFT AND INFLATED AND AHH. It'll be so cool!But I'll need a really good interior designer. Hey, maybe alex will be famous in the architecture world and help out :O (for free). OH MY GOD, and stuff like vases and tiny sculptures, well, they'll also be inflated and attached to inflated podiums and whatnot, but instead, they'll be attached via VELCRO. So you can detach them anytime and throw them at people! IT'LL BE SO FUN, OH MY GOD. :O:O:O:O Guys remember in princess diaries when Anne Hathaway rode a stair case on a mattress. YOU CAN DO THE SAME IN THE JUMPING CASTLE WITHOUT THE RISK OF HAVING YOUR HEAD BROKEN OPEN. Oh my god, I can't wait until I'm rich. Oh lord, the fun, the possibilities, the Meadows Jumping Galore.
Okay, anyways, let's talk about my current life. ... Wow my life sucks, I don't even have a normal jumping castle, what is wrong with this economy? LOL I joke I joke. Anyways, hm. Okay, let's talk about my traits.
Well let's see:
- 99 percent of the things I do, I do to get attention. LOL like I'll choose the alternative with the most attention for me. It's terrible, but hey, on the plus side, I get attention :L
- This sucks, I wanna go back to my unrealistic future.
And oh my god I just played snake with the buffering symbol on youtube. Okay, LOL, this is probably old news but if you click on the video or whatever and start pressing the arrow keys, the buffering symbol becomes a line of symbols. This is... this is blowing my mind. This is scaring me. I'm afraid. I'm very afraid. Like, the youutbe people weren't gonna tell us about it, they just shoved it in and surprised the world. Okay, lol, this is stupid, but like, I hate easter eggs. And I don't mean them chocolate little treats for April, I mean GAME EASTER EGGS. Or anything of the like. Those kind-of eggs are usually little things placed in games which don't exactly affect the gameplay or storyline, but they're specifically placed in the game to reference certain things or for comedy. For example, maybe there'll be like a guest list in a party in a game, and the names that appear on the list, you know for detail, will look like random names put there so the game is more realistic but they will in fact be the NAMES OF THE GAME DEVELOPERS. WHAAT. LOL Okay, and sometimes games will put like blueprints for a teleporter or beamer thing on a table to add miscellaneous objects to the game for detail, but at the same time be an ode to Star Trek, you know? And in the new hitman, if you, like, shoot these shell sculptures and look out into the ocean through a window, you can hear and see the lochness monster. Shooting those shells ain't important to the game mission and the lochness monster has nothing to do with the storyline, but it happens if you do, because the gamer developers chose to secretly include that. And that freaks me out. I mean, pixar loves doing it. They have their freakin' inside jokes laid out all over their films. IT SCARES ME LOL
[I might've talked about this exact scenario already in an old post but oh well, I'm still gonna talk about it :L]
Like this one time in an old hitman game, if you went into this house there was this hallway and each room was a crimescene. Now you didn't have to, but you could go into each room and somehow see the ghosts of the victims. Like in one room, you can see a guy's ghost walking around in the reflection made by his own pool of blood. Or in the bathroom, if you looked into the mirror and angled yourself in a way so that you could see the bathtub in the mirror's reflection, you could see a ghost just floating around above the bathtub. The ghosts freaked me out also, BUT IT WAS THE FACT THAT THE GAME PEOPLE PUT IT THERE THAT SCARED THE BEJEEBUS OUTTA ME. Okay, lol, anyways, moving on.
So if there's one thing I'm a sucker for, it's intelligent female characters. I mean they are bad-ASS! LOL like you know martha from doc who? Well even if she was kinda annoying with her love thang, she was pretty cool. Like how she could help with her medical skills and such. And that one time they went to 1913 and because martha was black, they couldn't believe she was anything more than a maid. And when she told the lady she was studying to become a doctor and the lady was all like, that's impossible, you're a woman firstly, and secondly one of that colour and she pulled out her hand and she started naming all the bones in the hand to prove how smart she was and yeah. That was cool. I also loved Kaylee from Firefly because she was so innocent and bright and sunshiny and she was also the best mechanic. She knew every part of the ship and she knew like no other how to take care of it. And then there's Joan Watson in Elementary. I love how it's lucy liu. I mean some people hate it because she's not a guy like in the books, or because she got old. Like ugh, she's so cool though. Okay, she's not THAT cool, but I like her. I like how she's a surgeon and she can help with anything medical and I love how she actually helps sherlock with the crimesolving. I mean, I know sherlock is supposed to be incredible and able to investigate without help in any circumstances, but I love that Joan steps in, and that sometimes sherlock asks for her help. I'm probably pretty wrong with my info because I'm comparing it with the BBC sherlock but LOL oh well. So, yeah, this topic shall lead on to the next:
DETECTIVE SHOWS. I LOVE 'EM. LOL I follow a lot of them and they all have one thing (well several things) in common. Those genius detectives who can solve any crime, they are never actually trained detectives hired by police departments but they're consultants. They follow the actual detectives around and prove to be crucial to solving cases so many times that the department actually never let them go. Also, another thing about them is that either the detective they work with, or their sidekicks (because loneliness will destroy them), have terrible pasts. They always have a tragic experience and it's what drives them. They're also really weird and quirky and they don't know how to act normally around other people, which is why their partner must be somewhat normal so they can explain to other people and account for actions. Examples, and a list of the shows I watch:
- Monk, fantastic, but in retrospekt, pretty ridiculous. Like in one ep, this guy framed a dog by moulding lead teeth identical to the dog's own set and leaving the bite marks in the victim with the fake teeth. But I always loved it. I'm pretty sure it was inspired, like many detective stories, by the Sherlock series. It's similar in the sense that Monk was the best of the best. He was highly respected by this one chief of police and he was also lonely, and yet, he always had a companion to help him. Monk was sherlock, the chief was lestrade and Sharona/Natalie were Watson. And I think what I loved the most about the show was how Monk's wife's death drove him. It was because of his wife's murder that he realised how good he was, how special his abilities were, but as another result, he became a lot more obsessive and compulsive. Most of the episodes, like many shows, were just random episodes with different people and different stories, none having anything to do with Trudy, Monk's deceased wife. But every once in a while, they would bring it up. They'd bring up his school reunion (oh my god school reunions. All the shows have school reunions where they don't want to go but they do anyways and then someone dies there and they have to investigate) and he remembers trudy, how she was so beautiful and how she still loved him even though he wasn't the most normal guy. And there was the ep where he spent - oh, his wife died in her car in an inside carpark via car bomb - he spent a whole day staring at a wall because they were going to knock it down; the same wall in front of where his wife died - the last thing his wife saw. And you know, because of his OCD he couldn't keep away from it. It was sad :( But yeah, the show ended pretty stupidly. Probably because the show was going to be axed and they weren't fully prepared. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU CARE :L So like, we were introduced trudy's last xmas present. It was given to monk recently before the car bomb incident and Monk didn't open it. I think maybe because trudy told him not yet. But like, because of her death, monk could never come to opening it. He would always put it under the christmas tree but he would never ever open it. It's sad, yes, but so annoying. Because he was somehow convinced into opening it and there was trudy's mysterious present. It was a video that basically explained her death. Like oh. my. god. Also, another thing about these detective shows, these dark pasts are pretty much about someone murdering a loved one which causes the affected detectives to go on a life mission to track this or these bastards down - and when they do, they have to kill them themselves, no matter what the law or whoever says. So yeah, that ending was terrible but they were probably rushing it. And what annoys me more is that that present was never mentioned previously. It just popped up as an ending for the show. But yeah, can't completely blame them. Unless they had that prepared the whole time. If so, reaaalyyy? (Fun fact: Sharona's, Monk's first companion before natalie, actor's name is Bitty Schram. LOL Such a strange name. She also wore this giant pink fur coat which was actually kinda thicker than most fur coats but it stopped at her hips. Oh bitty and the early 2000's.)
- Psych - A show about the child of a successful, but now retired, police detective. Growing up, he was taught how to observe everything by his father - deduce, if you will. And now he works for the police as a psychic consultant. He has the skills but pretends to be a psychic for I'm not sure why. I think because he's not trained and being a consultant, especially a psychic consultant, is the only way to intrigue people enough to hire him. Anyways, I don't think he has a dark past but he can be very serious and particularly clever when his loved ones are in danger-
- I like psych. It's funny enough and he does this really cool thing where when he sees a clue or whatever, he squints his eyes and makes a weird face and then the camera zooms into a specific area and the clue lights up LOL And I love it when the other characters notice and mention how stupid he looks when he does it, something the audience never really realises. I like it when crime shows visually point out the clue for you, like how BBC's sherlock has text pop up out of things. But I also like it when scenes cut to certain objects or whatever and it looks like they're just adding little scenes to fill up spaces and time, to add detail to the bigger scene, but they're actually clues to the case. And the audience usually don't notice but if you're clever then you can see what's wrong with the picture. For example, in an episode of The Mentalist (which I'll talk to you about later) there's this guy who blew up his victims with explosives that any simple mind couldn't have made. And one of the people that they question is this guy with down syndrome. When they question him in his trailer, they do that small things scenes where they just show you certain things like the state of the trailer, how messy it is, or a dinosaur toy on top of a book. And they seem normal, but no. Later on, you find that the guy was in fact the killer. The police had deduced that it couldn't have been him, the explosives were just too advanced and complicated. But you find that the guy was in fact faking his illness to get sympathy and some sort of an alibi. And the mentalist, he reveals that he knew because he noticed some small things in his trailer which lead him to the truth. He noticed that that same dinosaur in that tiny little set of frames was sitting on top of Moby Dick, an advanced book for advanced readers, and the mentalist couldn't believe that he would read that, giving him a hunch which led him to finding evidence and proof. They showed us that scene and gave us a small chance to deduce it and I love that! LOL They did that in elementary too, showing a frame where a bag or rice for some reason was the dominant object and later on showing the guy's medical records, with allergies subtly being motioned at with 'rice' written in big letters. When the damning evidence was revealed, the question of "hey that guy was allergic and yet there was rice in his house" was raised and they showed the damning evidence. By the by, they deduced that the only reason why a guy allergic to rice would have a bag of it in his house was because he was using it to dry his phone after dropping it in water (because rice can temporarily revive phones dropped in water which is pretty cool) and the phone contained recordings which proved the suspected man guilty. Okay, lol, back to Psyche - good show, lovely characters and it has its moments.
- Castle - aiight. It's about a writer named castle who is called in by the police because there's been a murderer imitating the crimes in his books. He helps out and actually proves to be pretty helpful in other cases. He is then recruited by the police so he can help them while he can do on-the-scene research for his new books. Anyways, I like the show. I think the only reason my brother wanted to watch it was because the main character is played by the same guy who played the main character in firefly. So anyways, the quirky one is the consultant/writer Richard Castle and the normal one who has to keep him under control is his detective partner, Kate Beckett. Beckett is the one with the dark past, where her mother was murdered whilst secretly looking into a mysterious case. Kate becomes a detective and although she doesn't show it, she strives to find out why her mother was killed and by who. I think though, unlike other characters in other shows, because she is an actual police woman of the law, she doesn't need to kill him. She just wants to bring him to justice for her mother's sake. Buut she's probably gonna meet him one day and question herself and actually want to kinda kill him. Anyways, the show tries to keep the audience hooked throughout the series by offering the chance of a romance between the two. They do have chemistry and SPOILER ALERT IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO WATCH THIS they do get together, after a very very long time. I mean the show drags it onnnn, what with the almost I love you's and the just-about-to-kiss-and-then-BAM-distraction's. But yeah, after they hooked up which was pretty recently, the show's kinda eh and I'm realising that compared to the other great detectives, Castle isn't all that. He pretty much only solves crimes because of his hunches and he only realises the keys to a case when he talks to his daughter and really, beckett by then has figured it out too a lot of the time. LOL like he just talks to his daughter about her life and she might mention her bf or something, saying stuff like "it's like he never realised what was missing" and then castle would have a lightbulb ding in his head - "MISSING?" *scene cuts to castle approaching beckett at police station* "Missing, beckett, we never looked at what wasn't there, let's look at the files again!" And then yeah, case cracked. LOL Okay, he's better than that and that was a horrible example, but yeah, Castle compared to others is pretty crappy :\ But the show is still alright, but suffice to say, one of the not-so-great-shows. But there is one thing I LOVE about the show. As I mentioned before, Castle's actor was actually the main guy in Firefly. Firefly was a show that aired on fox, but the order of episodes was off and so the general public were confused and uninterested and the show was axed right then and there. But a small percentage of the people wanted to see more and they watched the several eps that were unable to air and they fell in love. It slowly spread and it became a cult phenomenon. There were groups like the browncoats and save the firefly which collected money to reboot the show and whatnot and they now have a massive fan site. The show actually, after it was cut, was offered a movie and yeah, Joss Whedon (director writer of firefly and things like buffy and avengers) created the ending of the show - the movie which you may have seen years ago - Serenity. And lol, the movie was pretty heart-breaking because if you were an avid fan of the series, you could see all the potential and plot twists and everything Whedon had planned out wasted on a movie. He could've gone so far and the story would have been even more amazing then it already was if it hadn't been tragically axed. Aaanways, lol, I'm getting away from the point. In castle, they would often reference Firefly. In a halloween episode, Castle dressed up as a space cowboy, which was pretty much Captain Mal, the character he played in Firefly. And in a recent episode, the crew went to a scifi convention and the plot of the episode was that the victim was recently trying to revive a show that was axed. A show that had also built its own fanbase of watchers. A show that was a cult hit. And they never really actually mentioned Firefly at all but it was so obvious that they were referencing it, and it was glorious. Coolest episode ever, ah! So yeah, although castle isn't the best show, it's entertaining. It makes you laugh and you still do get that sense of ohhhhhh, cooooolll, so he/she was the killer!
- The Mentalist - I think I love this one the most. Which is surprising because I never thought it would be. But yeah, its about a man who was a fake psychic also. Except this time he used it to trick people into giving him money. He was a show-psychic, one that would pretend to be psychic so he could fool the gullible into thinking he was the real thing. And it worked, until he commented in a news show about a ruthless killer by the name of Red John on national tv. Upon hearing so, Red John murdered his wife and daughter, leaving him a note to stop being so cocky and shameful. The Mentalist stopped, hit a low point in his life and ended up working for the California Bureau of Investigation. His purpose was to get more info on Red John and the police took him on because he was talented. I love him because he's so wonderful. He's very quirky and what's best about him is that a lot of his detective skills are based on the mind. He can detect lies via the eyes, hypnotise people, play with their minds, deceive suspects and in turn reveal them. The writers of the show always give him a new skill based on the mind throughout the show, like how he can remember a crapload of things because he depicts his memory bank as a town that he knows very well, one easy for him to navigate. And one of the things he always does is leave fake evidence behind. He leaves it in the flow of the investigation, where everybody can see it. And through that, he lets the suspects do their own thing and the killer accidentally reveals him or herself by checking out that new evidence for themselves. Okay, so like basically, he creates his own evidence like something that would allude to a secret fortune that the victim had, and he'll present it in such a way that all the suspects find out about it. He sets up a scenario and he uses the killer's greediness against them. Somehow, his fake clue leads the killer to go to wherever and it is here that the killer is revealed. So really the mentalist tricks the killer into revealing themselves, in a way, baiting them. But yeah, he does a lot of psychological stuff and I LOVE IT. LOL And again, you know with that quirky guy who can be serious when he needs to be - THE MENTALIST. And oh my god, in a recent ep, he hallucinated and saw his daughter at the age she was supposed to be if she had lived and they talked and it was so sad. And I also like lisbon, the detective partner, she's really cool. And I like how they don't hook up, but the show still kinda teases you by hinting to it, giving them a bit of chemistry in one or two eps. It's nice. So yeah, all in all, The Mentalist is the bomb diggity.
Which I think is why I like Sherlock and Elementary so much too. Becuase it doesn't go with the norm. It's more than that. Like in an ep of elementary, the reveal ended up being that the killer was in fact the victim. The guy, after learning that he had a terminal illness, hired a hitman to kill him and before he died he left evidence behind that would in fact incriminate his wife and his boss. He was trying to frame them for his own murder! I found that really cool :L
And then there are shows like law & order which I would watch but they're not like my own because they're boring :L No but really I like a bit of comedy. Also, CSI looks stupid too. So yeah, this paragraph is to crap on other shows whoo! But CSI is so ughhh, like the main guy is so stupid looking. He irritates me! But this is probably because the show doesn't fit my criteria enough, but that's only because it sucks :L Okay, maybe I should give it a chance. Well I did once but the guy made me cringe so much I couldn't watch the rest of the ep soooo- Oh and NCIS is actually pretty good because the characters are fantastic and it's not boring :L But it's so naval. I mean it can be cool and all but really I don't give a damn about the navy, it just doesn't interest me. But I do go in and out of the show and in doing so, I do find it pretty entertaining. I don't think I'll ever watch it from start to end though.
Also, one more thing about myself: I wish I was allowed to have a bebo account when I was younger so I could look back on it today and laugh at how ridiculous I was and how embarrassing my life choices were. But lol, if I did I probably would've forgotten the password :L
Okay, so, I guess that's all for today. This was a post about myself brought to you by myself. Thanks for reading, and bye :L
Okay, so I wrote this last night, and I was gonna publish it now, but just oneeee moreeee thinggggg.
Last night, I was listening to I Knew You Were Trouble before I slept and then I started thinking of it as a kill scene song, ya know? Like imagine the scream guy just chasing and grabbing onto some girl but it kinda fits. And it's not supposed to be so scary but kinda funny because of how ridiculous it is. LOL okay, well anyways, as the song was ending, I imagined the body dropping and right then and there, something, I think my glasses, fell off the table. It freaked the crazy outta me and then I thought about blogging about the incident and then I forgot about it and fell asleep :L The end, au revoir :)
Misckey and Scotch
GUYS LOOK I found this gif on my tumblr:
And it brought me back to the time when I saw this exact moment in 2010 when watching the vmas and LOL I got so excited because my two favourite redheads were standing next to each other and I screenshot it :L And apparently that's hayley's bf in the middle. Florence performed so well on that day and Hayley was so exciting - she was on the big stage - and she did pretty great as well even though when it came to the only exception, you could see very clearly who the only star of paramore was :\ BUT I WAS SO HAPPY. AND LOOK, IT'S JERM BEHIND FLO AND AS TO WHY THE GUY ON THE FAR RIGHT ISN'T MOVING, I HAVE NO IDEA. OKAY, CAPS LOCK OFF.
LOL I screenshot a lot of stuff now that I look back to it. But the qualities of the vids were terrible and so the pictures were too and I tried really hard to find good sections of music videos and stuff to pause and take a picture of :L Like so:
LOL yeah this is pretty embarrassing now... OH WELL. AND LOL, florence looks like she's being possessed or whatever in the 4th picture.
Anyways, here have another gif:
IT'S SO PRECIOUS. LOL I think it's funnier when you watch the show because really, the show is anything but this. This is actually really strange - how normal it is.
Anyways, I really only created this post because I saw the first gif and I really wanted to show someone my excitement. So yeah, we shall end this post with A POP QUIZ, WHATTT.
Do y'all recognise these lines. Tell me, where in the world are they from?
And it brought me back to the time when I saw this exact moment in 2010 when watching the vmas and LOL I got so excited because my two favourite redheads were standing next to each other and I screenshot it :L And apparently that's hayley's bf in the middle. Florence performed so well on that day and Hayley was so exciting - she was on the big stage - and she did pretty great as well even though when it came to the only exception, you could see very clearly who the only star of paramore was :\ BUT I WAS SO HAPPY. AND LOOK, IT'S JERM BEHIND FLO AND AS TO WHY THE GUY ON THE FAR RIGHT ISN'T MOVING, I HAVE NO IDEA. OKAY, CAPS LOCK OFF.
LOL I screenshot a lot of stuff now that I look back to it. But the qualities of the vids were terrible and so the pictures were too and I tried really hard to find good sections of music videos and stuff to pause and take a picture of :L Like so:
LOL yeah this is pretty embarrassing now... OH WELL. AND LOL, florence looks like she's being possessed or whatever in the 4th picture.
Anyways, here have another gif:
IT'S SO PRECIOUS. LOL I think it's funnier when you watch the show because really, the show is anything but this. This is actually really strange - how normal it is.
Anyways, I really only created this post because I saw the first gif and I really wanted to show someone my excitement. So yeah, we shall end this post with A POP QUIZ, WHATTT.
Do y'all recognise these lines. Tell me, where in the world are they from?
"I think I sensed how beyond that line, there was something harder and darker and I didn't want that. Not for me, not for any of us."
"Sometimes ... we kept things from you, lied to you. Yes, in many ways we fooled you."Same source by the way. Also, a give-away quote, heyyy:
"We did it to prove you had souls at all."LOL yeah, apology peeps. This is really all my blag has to offer :L I do absolutely nothing nowadays and I'm alright with that. Question is, are you? No wait, actually the question is where those quotes came from :L If none of y'all participate then FINE WHATEVS. I DON'T NEED THIS. LOL I joke, if y'all don't then I actually understand :L BYE.
Monday, 28 January 2013
La Tango with Monsieur Django
So I watched Django Unchained yesterday, and that’s
right – contrary to E’s condescending corrections – “the D is silent,
hillbilly - *BOOM*”. I enjoyed it. I thought it was hilarious, deliciously bloody and
entertaining enough. It’s kinda like Tarantino’s other movie, Inglorious
Basterds except it’s set in America, it has Leonardo DeCaprio, it isn’t really
in a warzone and really actually the only similarity is that it’s about the
oppressed getting back at those who did them wrong. … Also there’s a heckload
of blood, which I guess is Tarantino’s thing or something. LOL I remember when
America showed the action scenes in Kill Bill in black and white because it was
too bloody and the blood ended up looking like water. Aaaanyways, Django is about
a german bounty hunter who frees a slave so the slave can help him identify his
next targets. The story focuses around the former slave’s journey and how he
realises the beauty in everything, the power of friendship, to cherish your
loved ones and what a bitch blood is to get out of your clothes. It’s powerful
stuff, guys. Anyways, the movie is actually pretty funny and the gore is so
over-the-top that it’s just wonderful. I mean in some of the action scenes they
make you laugh :L So yeah really I enjoyed the movie. I think I enjoyed it more
than the others did or they were just sleepy after the movie. By the way, worst
group. Well Maria was fine but ugh, drew was so annoying with his sarcastic
clapping and freakin back pats and then he got pissy and he and eeh would
exchange looks AND THAT IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING. But that’s it. Oh and there
were these two sisters who I sat next to in the cinema and one was chewing gum
TALK, DO IT QUIETLY, UGH. Aaanyways, LOL Samuel L Jackson was in it and he
played pretty much the same character he always does but old. Which isn’t a bad
thing. LOL he was hilarious too. And really, I think my favourite character was
the German bounty hunter. I mean, he is so lovable! Probably because he’s the
least racist white guy in the movie but still. At first you think he’s weird
personality is a bit much but like after a few minutes you learn to love him.
Also he spoke German and German is aiight. He said auf heiberseisen like I did
in the last post and apparently it translates to See You Soon, which is pretty
neat. Also, he strokes his moustaches sometimes and it looks so cool to have
one! Ah, it’s like a face broom. Sometimes moustached men pick up women or kiss
them after saying let me wipe the crumbs off of your upperlip with my moustache
(but you know, better :L). So yeah, gonna learn German {and maybe invest in a
few fake moustaches [because I know I’ll never be able to grow my own (oh the
disadvantages of the Asian gene)]} Ahhhh SO EXCITED FOR UNI.
So yeah, I enjoyed it. 8/10 brah. At least for me. And lol,
maria predicted pretty accurately, the soundtrack is pretty awesome. It was
pretty western-y but also rap-y and I liked it. Rap sounded really good with
all the gunshots. … Wait was that
racist? You know what, who cares, if Leonardo DiCaprio can say the N word then
particular songs did. LOL All in all, good movie, good job and goodbye.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
BEHOLD: The most confusing blag post to date :L
Okay, so this is how the post is going to work, or how it was written. So pretty much, I started on a particular date and went back and forth. It's v confusing and I don't blame you if you decide to ragequit because I would too. So this post was written over a very long period of time, approximately from the 12/12/12 to today, the 27/01/13. Today, I am adding photos and fixing up paragraphs that don't make sense because I didn't publish this post as soon as I had thought. Soooo, all the text that I am adding today, ie, corrections will be in red. Please enjoy :L
Okay, so today was the last time that the day, month and year were the same number, and I tried to make the most out of it. But no. I missed 12:12 today. Both times. UGH. But hey, I went to the museum today, whoopee.
Oh, and just small, funny things about today that I wrote in my phone:
Emily (talking about someone she doesn't like): She's so cute and... CUTE.
And then there was Andrew who had a massive revelation - Shock! "Oh, nothing, I just realised there was a galaxy world here." LOL what a child.
Okay, let's start at saturday, the day of Nancy and Stephanie's Super-Early Christmas Party! That was fun. You know what rocks my world? Jumping castles. They are so cool and fun and lovely and amazing, in LOVE LOL
But yeah, that was a great day. It's now the 19th by the way. I did that leaving and then coming back thing again... LOL Anyways, I remember Nancy's parents poisoning me with their alcohol by tempting me with sweet, alcoholic punch. I wasn't aware at the time but I broke my purity with apple cider. Yes, I know. The transition from angel to badass was tough, but now I am harder, better, stronger, faster.
I am so terrible. I've forgotten everything LOL Okay, so the next day was my brov's birthday bbq. That was pretty awkward. I had nothing to do and my parents didn't let me cook so I just stood around.... After that, I went to Green Peppercorn at ffld to eat with my drama class and that was great. Expensive but lovely. After the dinner, some people came to my house to play uno and scattergories until they themselves... scattered. ...
Monday... Hmmmmm
Okay, so on the 19th, I got up a little late, did stuff and checked whatsapp - BAM ATAR TALK FROM THE ONE PERSON WHO SAID "okay, guys, when we get our results, absolutely no talking about it, okay?" And then everybody else was talking and I checked my subjects. I got a craptastic mark for chem so I was bummed, and I didn't get a band 6 for either drama or english so that killed me even more. But I was happy that I got good marks for both maths, yippee. And physics turned out pretty decent. Anyways, so after that, I cleaned a bit at home, lazed about and went to cabra to buy food with jess and hang out at collin's house. That was fun, also, because eeh brought over his magic cards and I spent the day helping drew build a deck. We tested out the cards by playing a game between the three of us and oh my god. LOL, so get this, right. [MAGIC THE GATHERING TALK HERE TO NON-PLAYERS WILL HAVE NO FUN JUST SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH :L] Eeh had died because Andrew decided to use a bitch deck that pretty much depleted eeh's deck to the point of non-existence. And throughout the game, drew's life had already gone down to 3 and mine had also. And oh my god, I was drawing all the wrong cards, drew had a mass of defences and I none. Andrew had started to deplete my deck like crazy and just to be a little bit more douchey, even though he could finish me off right then and there, he decided to play games and only take away only two of my life points, leaving me with one, because it was near impossible for me to survive the next turn also. And then BAM, I PICKED UP A SORCERY CARD THAT DEALED DAMAGE STRAIGHT TO HIS LIFE POINTS AND HE WAS GONE. RIGHT THEN AND RIGHT THERE. FREAKING ASSHOLE, LOL. But yeah, he should've won, if not for his cockiness.
Anyways, the whole night my mum was like praying for me to get into the 90's range for my atar and the whole night I was doubting that I would. I was content because I knew I would get over 80 and really I was just like, okay, fingers crossed I get like 89 or even 90 and LOL the next day, BAMMM I GOT INTO THE NINETIES. AHHH, I WAS SO HAPPY. MY MUM WAS TOO. I was glad because I was so worried that I wouldn't even get over 80 and yeah, same for my parents.
Okay, it is December 24th - xmas eve. My mum very very much disapproves of screenwriting and understandababaly but I don't think she understands how important it is to me. To convince me she told me that she thought my script for my ip was absolute rubbish. She couldn't even understand it since she can't speak or read english and I think what hurts the most is that she had no idea it hurt at all. She has no idea who I am or what I want. And really, I don't know what I want either.
Okay, get ready for another edition offffff FUTURE FEARS, LOL, oh how I just love it............. Anyways, so the fing is, each path that lies before me can have chances of leading to happiness, but really, those chances are quite small and the alternative is simply unhappiness. Or are things more complex?
Okay, so it's now the 3rd day of 2012 - HAPPY FREAKIN' NEW YEAR. And it's also the last day to confirm the uac preferences. And I would like to take this time to thank Jessie J Phan for making this a lot less confusing because I do not speak university. Ty. Anyways, I've decided - or jess decided - to do B Engineering/B Arts, with biomed for eng and majoring in stuff like film studies for arts, at usyd And lol, if I don't make it into the course, I will be hella heartbroken, and I mean HELLA </3.
JANUARY SIXTH - HBD ELYN: So today I went to bicentennial park to celebrate Elyn's birth anniversary and it was super duper fun. Mai, Drew and I came late and got lost and confused. On arrival, we quickly said our hellos and went straight to the food. It was delish and I got to see a lot of people I had not seen for a long time. Anyways, I went around, played like a second of volleyball very badly and then drew fell off jess' skate board which caused the board to roll into the lake as Jun laughed at both andrew and the board with no attempt of catching the thing. And so jess demanded that Drew jump into the mysterious lake and so he stripped down to his underwear and he had a little bit of a dip. He picked up three scooters and a shovel or oar before he found the pennyboard. He then proceeded to have melted ice from the esky poured all over him and spent quite some time covered in a tarp/dress. It was hilarious. This then led to the idea of showering at the fountains nearby. They were those sort of fountains that just came out of holes in the ground you know. Anyways, drew found a big fountain to bathe in and a few people with thongs had a walk through water. I wanted to but I only had my super cool superman chucks which are a bitch to take off and then put back on. So I stayed on the side for a bit until the shoe people decided to have fun barefeet. We were already pretty wet from people like James splashing us so we splashed back and eeh went all out with the waterworks and LOL I got so wet! But it was superduper. I got carried into the bigboy fountain and I was dropped onto the grate and skinned my knee. I will never forgive. LOL. Anyways, we went back to re-heat and bbq some more and we played poker and mafia and thirteen. We then went to the playground!! Where we climbed that big pyramid net thing that the cool parks tend to have. I was too afraid to sit at the top so I just say in the middle. ... LOL We also watched drew, steven tir and jessie climb a tree. Apparently steven wants to do everything he never did as a kid before he turned 18. Aw. And then we went home. What a fun picnic, yes sirree.
Also, I went to livo to donate blood the today [the seventh of january] but because of my skinned knee they said no and Andrew was the cause of my wound and so the reason I could not save lives. Anyways, so this is Andrews address and you can pick up fiery torches and bricks at the following stores :L
Okay so it's still the seventh and i tried remembering anything before the 17th but I pretty much just spent those days shopping at parra with drew for xmas presents. OH, LOL, I HOPE SNEZ DOESN'T MIND BUT CHECK OUT MY EXPERIENCE AS A NUN SAYING HEY NOW TO GOD. [PROLLY PRETTY OFFENSIVE, COVER YOUR EYES IF YOU'RE SENSITIVE ABOUT RELIGION]
They were for Snez's mock present.
Clarification from 27th of January, 2013:
Okay, just to clarify - I started off with 12/12/12 which was the day I started off this particular blag post. I then talked about the 8th, which was nancy and steph's superearly xmas party, and then I talked about the day after - my brov's bday + green peppercorn. And then I pretty much stopped blagging until the 20th of december, 2012, which was when I got my ATAR. So I talked about the 19th and then about that that day (the 20th). I then stopped talking again until christmas eve, where I did a bit of future fears. After that, I didn't talk again until 03/01/13 LOL Where I talked about my uac preferences, as it was the last day to alter them. And again, I stopped talking and continued this post on the 6th, elyn's bday picnic. I then proceeded to talk about my blood donating experience (well, lack-of) the next day. And it was that day, the 7th of jan, that I decided to talk about everything from december that I had missed like Jess and Huynh's xmas party and nye. So the following paragraphs are paragraphs written on the 7th of jan, reflecting on Jess+Huynh's xmas party [17/12/12] then presentation day [18/12/12] then further info about the atar release day [20/12/12] then Danny Phan + John Ho's xmas party [22/12/12] then the actual christmas day [25/12/12] then boxing day [26/12/12] and then New Years Eve [31/12/12].
December 17th, 2012: This was the day we had our lovely xmas party. I came super early with collin khin and until all the guests arrived, the gang hung around, making food, waiting for the jumping castle and opening presents. I LOVED MY PRESSIES AND I'LL SHOW YOU THEM AFTER THIS PARAGRAPH. [Actually, they're at the end of the post] Anyways, the food was delicious. I LOVE ROAST STUFF, YUM. ROAST VEGGIES, YES PLEASE. Which reminds me, jess, tell me how to roast veggies nicely. People then drank and had fun. We played marco polo in the castle and there was thing you could climb onto and jump off of. It was freaky scary but exhilarating as well. I loved it. And then as the night went on, I was in the castle with jess who was tres sleepy. I ended up telling her about my story until she fell asleep. Ugh, whatever jess, my plot was fantastic and YOU, MISSY, YOU MISSED OUT ON THE TWIST. LOL Anyways, once she fell asleep, I climbed onto the top of the castle again and just enjoyed the serenity. It's so stressing taking care of those who needed taking care of and it was so relaxing just sitting in the dark, staring into it. I played the scientist on my phone and it was lovely. I also blogged, so that video after the following pictures. LOOK GUYS MY LOVELY GIFTS, AHH. LOL.
[was supposed to insert photos here but....... yeah] BUT HEY I UPLOADED VID. HERE YA GO.
18/12/12: Went to school to accept award on presentation day. Coldplay performance was pretty creative, I liked it.
DECEMBER 20TH - ATAR DATAR: So yeah, 90's whoo! Met mai and emily at school for bbq. I was ecstatic that morning, I swear. SO HAPPY AHH. LOL And lol, I found out other people's marks and stuff and I think the reason I was so surprised at one of my friend's mark was that I never really thought it was possible to do two low-scaling subjects, no extension classes and get a 90+ ATAR, but then I realised that hey, you just need to do well in those two subjects and it won't scale you down :L Anyways, I asked Medina if anybody got an ATAR between 90 and my own and loool, no one. And I'm not sad that I got the lowest of the nineties - I'm still ecstatic, I just spent the rest of the day laughing at myself :L In a good way.
Okay, december 22nd! This was the day of Danny Phan and John-O's xmas party. It was pretty fun and I met quite a few new people. We danced around, fooled around with pedobear, played poker, ate and just mucked around. It was lovely and I loved danny's BEAUTIFUL RED CARPET. OH, AND I GOT A PRESSIE FROM ALEX AND I'LL SHOW YOU AFTER THE PARAGRAPH ABOUT NYE LOL OK MOVING ON. [Actually it's also at the end of the post LOL]
CHRISTMAS DAY, HO HO HO: A few of us went to collin's house to have a bbq and that was actually quite pleasant. Everybody else didn't like the rain but it didn't dampen my mood. It was nice and I had pudding milk tea for the occasion, lol. NEEXT:
BOXING DAY, KAKAKAPOW. LOL, oh my god, most crowded I'd ever seen. The paths were filled to the days and I had so much trouble meeting up with my friends at myers. But hey, it was all worth it and jessie found me these lovely shorts: [lol sorry no photo]
And I also bought this cool jacket:
[and none here too... :L]
Anyways, I found other shirts but oh lord, boxing day sales are pretty sale-y but just not sale-y enough to satisfy my cheap-ass needs. Also, lol, Andrew was crazy-bored and I did not help :L Anyways, we spent hours in myers and then we moved onto to other stores. I bought all my other clothes at cotton on because my friend was working that day :L That way, we could use his employee discount to get things HALF PRICE, YIPPEEEEEEE. I bought light blue chino shorts and red shorts WHOO. LOL I never used to enjoys clothes so much :\
OKAY, NYE. LOL OH MY GOD, I still say New York Eve instead of New Years Eve, even now, what is wrong with me LOL Anyways, I went to huynh's house to celebrate and that was lovely. I got there a little early, barbecued,
Hi emily (&Mai)
Anyways, dotpoints of the night:
The following were written on the 17th. I talk about 12/01/13, Alexandra and Jackie's bday party and les mis [13/01/13] and then about my uac offers.
OH, IT'S JAN17TH TODAY. LOL Okay so let's just quickly talk about the 12th! That was Alex and Jacky's birthday party and it was hella fun too. Even though the house was like, in the middle of nowhere, the people were fun, harldy any drunken mishaps and Jeannie Kapots brought her baby Rose-ish! He was so cuteee!!! And LOL Reagle Turdvard was there and this time, instead of Huynh's dog, it was Kapots' child :L Anyways, I want a kid. He will be adorable. And I don't know if I've told y'all this but I would so name my kid Zachary :') Zachary Tran or Zachary Meadows if I find the man of my dreams. Anyways, CHICKEN WINGS DEEPFRIED, YUMMOOOOO. And there was a photobooth - that was hella cool. I wish I got more photos in but oh well. LOL, these were my two attempts at having a set of pictures all to myself, but people like to interrupt -->
13th - Livo, les miserables, maria chan. Okay, so, overhyped, russel crowe's singing was hella annoying but I got used to it by his last song :L, anne hathaway - so good, pretty decent movie all in all - ya. As soon as I got home I youtubed I Dreamed A Dream :L Love it.
Okay, LET'S JUST SKIP TO TODAY: UNNIIIIIIIIIIIII AHHHHHH LOL So I made it into USYD - Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts. So now I'm happy that my heart is still intact :) LOL isn't this cool guys. You get to see me on the day we have to hand in our preferences and then me when I get what I want ALL IN ONE POST. We should do this more often.
But like yeah, this morning, my brother told me all the reasons why my plans were faulty and that made me really sad. Because like if I do get both degrees, one will just go to waste and it'll be like a heckload of wasted money.
And also, I realised that the course was pretty much a direct reflection of my indecisiveness. LOL like, it's pretty much what I want to do and what everyone else wants me to do in one course. It's stupid but I've come up with a plan. I'm gonna go through the first year with both and see which one I like better. Orrrr I'll do languages in arts because it's super helpful. Buuttttt, I don't wanna :L So yeah, I'll have my own kinda flexible first year. Hopefully I'll find my true calling and find happiness. Regina Spektor, do not fail me now.
Oh hey, I think I can publish now :L
NOOPE: I didn't bother putting in the pictures so now you have to listen to me again.
18th on the 18th -> So it was Huynh's birthday party yesterday (it's now the 19th) and I had lots of fun. We were at a friend's brother's new house so it was pretty much unfurnished and the house was actually quite nice - a good buy! Anyways, we tried coping with the heat and stuff and settled down. Played music, look around, and pretty much enjoyed ourselves. So, things:
22nd - Went bowling at ffld with maria, eeh, yavin, osly and steven tang. I lost but not as much as yavin and eeh :) I am proud. Then we went to eat at this bistro at canley heights - osly drove, ty osly - and seafood pizza is the bomb.
23rd: MOVIE MARATHON LOL Okay, so, Jess, Snez and E were there alraedy and we just waited for others to come. We started off with Les Mis and although I didn't like the movie so much as to rewatch it so soon, it was aiight. It was nice to watch all the songs again and Amanda Seyfried is aiight too. LOL Now I'm saying aiight a lot. Anyways, we then moved on to Emily's actual nominated movie and watched The Impossible. Good movie, I enjoyed it and it was very heartbreaking but nice at the same time. It kinda sucks how they all die in a freak accident which involves a thai tribe sacrificing them via lava though :\ And then we watched a bit of bridesmaids and I went home :)
24TH - USYD. So, okay, so, like, I ENROLLED, WHOO, LOL, I am now a student at usyd, about to study arts & engineering :D:D:D Anyways, suprisingly, I didn't wake up late today, whooo, even though I couldn't fall asleep last night. Met up with em, walked to usyd WHICH IS TOO FAR AWAY. LOL mars Okay, it wasn't that far away, but it was hot darnit. Gon' hate uni in the summer. Anyways, got there and luckily em knew the campus, so we went to fill out our forms and luckily, yet again, em knew how to do the forms because she helped her cousin earlier on in the week. Anyways, quite a few cute white boys, I must say. No arms or anything in the engineering department though :\ :L Aaaanyways, talked to them biomed guys and the engineering mayor guy LOL was a nice man. And white people, like the biomed boy who did languauges, have very nice, bright eyes. Anyways, so I did my units for biomed yeah, and really OH BY THE WAY, MET JUN WHO WAS ENROLLING FOR ENGINEERING TOO- and really, all they did was tell me to copy these unit codes from one sheet to my own. So my biomed units were set before I did them. Really the only choice was which engineering to do, which is understnadable. Now anyways, arts - what to do for arts. Em and I were always tossing between performance studies and film studies. She read about both and we were afraid that we'd have to do art history, ew LOL Naturally, I wanted to do film studies. Anyways, the biomed guy with the nice eyes told us he did french in the arts, and I was like, yeah, I was thinking of doing a language with film studies. Anyways, we talked and talked, and because film studies wasn't a junior year subject, I ended up majoring innnnnnn GERMANIC STUDIES LOL So hey, Imma learn howta speak the german, yeehaw. But like, I need 18 units to do film studies next year and german only takes up like 12 and I can't choose more because of engineering and so like, I have to wait til third year to do film studies. But all that doesn't matter because I was supposed to drop either arts or biomed by the end of 2013 and now I don't know what I want and ughhhhhh. Alsooooooo, I don't think I want to learn german so much as I want to learn French. Okay, lol, now, after typing this, I want to do german. OKAY, SO, I chose german because I had been thinking about it recently, buut, soon after enrolling, I thought, hey, I think the only reason I wanna do German is because I want to do a German. ..... LOL I joke I joke. But you see, one of the main reasons I wanted to doa German was because I thought it would be so damn cool to have the ability to talk dirty... in German. I mean think about it, you meet a European man with a good build and a dark kinda vibe and you're like dayummm, and then he starts seducing you with his low, husky voice, speaking in german. I mean come onnnnn. LOL It sounds so attractive! But then, I came to thinking about it, and really, that's it. I mean, I've heard a few german accents and they can be very annoying. I mean, especially me. I would annoy the hell out of everyone! And really, I've always loved the french language and all. And like, I love Amelie LOL and you learn about french film history too. Anddd, I'd rather go to France than Germany. But like, whilst typing this, I remembered the 30 rock episode that made me want to learn German, and it was because tina fey spoke it and said it was a beautiful language and I believed her LOL I'm very easily influenced. And lol, I also wanna learn spanish because I wanna gossip or complain in Spanish :L But that is for later. Anyways, em is doing french studies and maybe I will too :) Okay, so anyways, em enrolled, and I'm sorry but I'm disappointed. Where were all the cute gay white guys, usyd? Where? I don't know, usyd. All I know is that they sure as hell WEREN'T ENROLLING FOR A BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE >:( So really, the engineering students were better looking, but prolly straight :( Oh well :L And looky here, there's a writer's society so that seems fun :D Okay, lol, after we both finished enrolling, we met mai and drew and bam - TWO USYD STUDENTS, OFFICIALLY :) I think, lol. Sadly, though, I don't share any classes with em this year but oh well. We'll see each other around, I hope. Also, I have no idea what my biomed subjects are but UGH STATISTICS, WHAT.
Em went home and Drew, Mai and myself went around the city. We visited T2 and LOL oh my god, it's one thing to smell the tea but to eat it? :L Like, every once in a while, if you turned around to look at drew, he'd just be chewing and LOL hahahahaha. Um, we also went to topman and stuff. Twas a fun day.
25th - After a long night of boardgames with my brov and his friends, I slept til after noon and proceeded to just do nothin' all day :L
And now, AUSTRALIA DAY. Not the best day for me but oh well. Til Tomorrow.
Oh hey, I think I'll publish now. And although I was supposed to publish photos of my presents and boxing day stuff, no. LOL I am too lazy, so I shall describe.
Thank you Maria for the shirts, I do need more button ups and LOL my clothes could not get more blue. [One of the shirts I am wearing in the usyd photos.] Also, thank you so much for buying me a copy of THE GREAT GATSBY. IT'S FANTASTIC. LOL It's my favourite book even though I only read it because I had to study it but I did appreciate and love it. ... Even though I didn't finish reading it but LOL I know lines from the last act and I get the jyst of the plot, gosh.
Thank you to Mai for my first chino shorts, heeyyy. Love the purple, I did really need nice shorts.
Thanks to Jessica for my lovely lovely lovely sweater - IT HAS KAPOW ON IT, IT'S SO COOL AHH.
Thank you to Andrew for the galaxy shirt that is, as you said, "in my style" :L I love how you chose the gayest shirt in the world, but don't worry, drew, I really do love it. I love how it's like space and earth at the bottom and I've always loved the look of the universe and all its glory :)
Thank you to Huynh for my fantastic Kapow!, Kabonk! and Pow! mugs. They're hella huge and I love them, they're awesome.
Thank you to Eeh for the Lego Bobba Fett alarm clock which sits wonderfully in the corner of my bed. It's fantastic, and now I have three alarms to wake me (Even though every single time they go off I get up to turn all of them off and fall back asleep. It's a terrible curse.)
Thank you to Snez for the TARDIS mug, LOL. Thank you for considering my wish list and getting the exact TARDIS mug I wanted it :L I love it.
And thank you to Emily for my lovely little bauble, marked with bobs and filled with the best things. But um, there's something you must know.
It was just like any other day. I was attempting to tidy up my room (failing in the end) when I saw your bauble. I had yet to find a suitable place to hang it and then I remembered. Recently collin had hung it by his light bulb and drew upon seeing a photo of it, did the same and showed us on whatsapp. And Collin was all like, the bitch copied me, and I like hahahha, and in my room, I was all like, HEY, I CAN JOIN TOO, YIPPEE, and I thought, hey, this string isn't long enough, so I ran out of my room to retrieve fishing string. LOL I was very excited and sadly I ran out holding onto the bauble. And upon flinging myself out of the room, the bauble swung with me and you know how my bed is right next to the door and as tall as my chest? Well, shattering noise, glitter everywhere and a few shards of broken glass.... I was devastated, buuuutttt, upon inspecting the crime scene, I found certain things. I found in the mass of glitter, tiny golden moons and stars and they were so nice. I loved them and the string and the bell and the ribbons. I saw all the lovely little things you put in them and I could really appreciate it. Sooooooo, like, it was actually a good thing that it broke and I'll keep the remains forever :)
And as for boxing day, LOL I ended up buying a crap-tonne of shorts :L And now I have too many shorts and not enough shirts.... LO
Alsoooo, check out me in my new shirt:
Yes, that's right boys and girls - IT'S MY FIRST ROGER DAVID SHIRT, WHOOOO. LOL Big thank you to Alex Tran for getting me this for christmas, and a big apology for getting you the worst gift in existence :L No but seriously, thank you, Alex, I'll wear it FOREVER :) Also, look, it's my favourite lesbian Trinh wearing her dress with a belt made out of human skin.
Anywho, listen to this song I've been addicted to:
Okay, so I will not bother double checking this, I'm sorry. And hopefully, you made it out of this thing alive :) Okay, I think I can FINALLY publish. Oh lord. This is scary. Happy new year y'all and I hope you're happy with your current life. To happiness and beyond, au revoir. You know what? I SHALL GOOGLE WHAT GOODBYE IN GERMAN IS.
Okay, so today was the last time that the day, month and year were the same number, and I tried to make the most out of it. But no. I missed 12:12 today. Both times. UGH. But hey, I went to the museum today, whoopee.
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Perdy - cool - amazeballs |
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I don't even know what this means but I like it :L |
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Photo taken by clever - featuring stupid :L I jokeeee |
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William St whoo |
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Tis a snowball in a chandelier |
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So this is what Andrew noticed first. |
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And this is the rest of the photo. |
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And thus, I found the best sock store name like ever. |
Emily (talking about someone she doesn't like): She's so cute and... CUTE.
And then there was Andrew who had a massive revelation - Shock! "Oh, nothing, I just realised there was a galaxy world here." LOL what a child.
Okay, let's start at saturday, the day of Nancy and Stephanie's Super-Early Christmas Party! That was fun. You know what rocks my world? Jumping castles. They are so cool and fun and lovely and amazing, in LOVE LOL
But yeah, that was a great day. It's now the 19th by the way. I did that leaving and then coming back thing again... LOL Anyways, I remember Nancy's parents poisoning me with their alcohol by tempting me with sweet, alcoholic punch. I wasn't aware at the time but I broke my purity with apple cider. Yes, I know. The transition from angel to badass was tough, but now I am harder, better, stronger, faster.
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Santa Claws *reow* |
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"Catrina Selfie" - taken on my phone at nancy and steph's super early xmas party |
I am so terrible. I've forgotten everything LOL Okay, so the next day was my brov's birthday bbq. That was pretty awkward. I had nothing to do and my parents didn't let me cook so I just stood around.... After that, I went to Green Peppercorn at ffld to eat with my drama class and that was great. Expensive but lovely. After the dinner, some people came to my house to play uno and scattergories until they themselves... scattered. ...
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Early mornin at bicentennial park |
Okay, so on the 19th, I got up a little late, did stuff and checked whatsapp - BAM ATAR TALK FROM THE ONE PERSON WHO SAID "okay, guys, when we get our results, absolutely no talking about it, okay?" And then everybody else was talking and I checked my subjects. I got a craptastic mark for chem so I was bummed, and I didn't get a band 6 for either drama or english so that killed me even more. But I was happy that I got good marks for both maths, yippee. And physics turned out pretty decent. Anyways, so after that, I cleaned a bit at home, lazed about and went to cabra to buy food with jess and hang out at collin's house. That was fun, also, because eeh brought over his magic cards and I spent the day helping drew build a deck. We tested out the cards by playing a game between the three of us and oh my god. LOL, so get this, right. [MAGIC THE GATHERING TALK HERE TO NON-PLAYERS WILL HAVE NO FUN JUST SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH :L] Eeh had died because Andrew decided to use a bitch deck that pretty much depleted eeh's deck to the point of non-existence. And throughout the game, drew's life had already gone down to 3 and mine had also. And oh my god, I was drawing all the wrong cards, drew had a mass of defences and I none. Andrew had started to deplete my deck like crazy and just to be a little bit more douchey, even though he could finish me off right then and there, he decided to play games and only take away only two of my life points, leaving me with one, because it was near impossible for me to survive the next turn also. And then BAM, I PICKED UP A SORCERY CARD THAT DEALED DAMAGE STRAIGHT TO HIS LIFE POINTS AND HE WAS GONE. RIGHT THEN AND RIGHT THERE. FREAKING ASSHOLE, LOL. But yeah, he should've won, if not for his cockiness.
Anyways, the whole night my mum was like praying for me to get into the 90's range for my atar and the whole night I was doubting that I would. I was content because I knew I would get over 80 and really I was just like, okay, fingers crossed I get like 89 or even 90 and LOL the next day, BAMMM I GOT INTO THE NINETIES. AHHH, I WAS SO HAPPY. MY MUM WAS TOO. I was glad because I was so worried that I wouldn't even get over 80 and yeah, same for my parents.
Okay, it is December 24th - xmas eve. My mum very very much disapproves of screenwriting and understandababaly but I don't think she understands how important it is to me. To convince me she told me that she thought my script for my ip was absolute rubbish. She couldn't even understand it since she can't speak or read english and I think what hurts the most is that she had no idea it hurt at all. She has no idea who I am or what I want. And really, I don't know what I want either.
Okay, get ready for another edition offffff FUTURE FEARS, LOL, oh how I just love it............. Anyways, so the fing is, each path that lies before me can have chances of leading to happiness, but really, those chances are quite small and the alternative is simply unhappiness. Or are things more complex?
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Old hair me |
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long-ish hair + bowtie + my hsc wise-man beard |
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My post-hsc transformation |
JANUARY SIXTH - HBD ELYN: So today I went to bicentennial park to celebrate Elyn's birth anniversary and it was super duper fun. Mai, Drew and I came late and got lost and confused. On arrival, we quickly said our hellos and went straight to the food. It was delish and I got to see a lot of people I had not seen for a long time. Anyways, I went around, played like a second of volleyball very badly and then drew fell off jess' skate board which caused the board to roll into the lake as Jun laughed at both andrew and the board with no attempt of catching the thing. And so jess demanded that Drew jump into the mysterious lake and so he stripped down to his underwear and he had a little bit of a dip. He picked up three scooters and a shovel or oar before he found the pennyboard. He then proceeded to have melted ice from the esky poured all over him and spent quite some time covered in a tarp/dress. It was hilarious. This then led to the idea of showering at the fountains nearby. They were those sort of fountains that just came out of holes in the ground you know. Anyways, drew found a big fountain to bathe in and a few people with thongs had a walk through water. I wanted to but I only had my super cool superman chucks which are a bitch to take off and then put back on. So I stayed on the side for a bit until the shoe people decided to have fun barefeet. We were already pretty wet from people like James splashing us so we splashed back and eeh went all out with the waterworks and LOL I got so wet! But it was superduper. I got carried into the bigboy fountain and I was dropped onto the grate and skinned my knee. I will never forgive. LOL. Anyways, we went back to re-heat and bbq some more and we played poker and mafia and thirteen. We then went to the playground!! Where we climbed that big pyramid net thing that the cool parks tend to have. I was too afraid to sit at the top so I just say in the middle. ... LOL We also watched drew, steven tir and jessie climb a tree. Apparently steven wants to do everything he never did as a kid before he turned 18. Aw. And then we went home. What a fun picnic, yes sirree.
Also, I went to livo to donate blood the today [the seventh of january] but because of my skinned knee they said no and Andrew was the cause of my wound and so the reason I could not save lives. Anyways, so this is Andrews address and you can pick up fiery torches and bricks at the following stores :L
Okay so it's still the seventh and i tried remembering anything before the 17th but I pretty much just spent those days shopping at parra with drew for xmas presents. OH, LOL, I HOPE SNEZ DOESN'T MIND BUT CHECK OUT MY EXPERIENCE AS A NUN SAYING HEY NOW TO GOD. [PROLLY PRETTY OFFENSIVE, COVER YOUR EYES IF YOU'RE SENSITIVE ABOUT RELIGION]
They were for Snez's mock present.
Clarification from 27th of January, 2013:
Okay, just to clarify - I started off with 12/12/12 which was the day I started off this particular blag post. I then talked about the 8th, which was nancy and steph's superearly xmas party, and then I talked about the day after - my brov's bday + green peppercorn. And then I pretty much stopped blagging until the 20th of december, 2012, which was when I got my ATAR. So I talked about the 19th and then about that that day (the 20th). I then stopped talking again until christmas eve, where I did a bit of future fears. After that, I didn't talk again until 03/01/13 LOL Where I talked about my uac preferences, as it was the last day to alter them. And again, I stopped talking and continued this post on the 6th, elyn's bday picnic. I then proceeded to talk about my blood donating experience (well, lack-of) the next day. And it was that day, the 7th of jan, that I decided to talk about everything from december that I had missed like Jess and Huynh's xmas party and nye. So the following paragraphs are paragraphs written on the 7th of jan, reflecting on Jess+Huynh's xmas party [17/12/12] then presentation day [18/12/12] then further info about the atar release day [20/12/12] then Danny Phan + John Ho's xmas party [22/12/12] then the actual christmas day [25/12/12] then boxing day [26/12/12] and then New Years Eve [31/12/12].
December 17th, 2012: This was the day we had our lovely xmas party. I came super early with collin khin and until all the guests arrived, the gang hung around, making food, waiting for the jumping castle and opening presents. I LOVED MY PRESSIES AND I'LL SHOW YOU THEM AFTER THIS PARAGRAPH. [Actually, they're at the end of the post] Anyways, the food was delicious. I LOVE ROAST STUFF, YUM. ROAST VEGGIES, YES PLEASE. Which reminds me, jess, tell me how to roast veggies nicely. People then drank and had fun. We played marco polo in the castle and there was thing you could climb onto and jump off of. It was freaky scary but exhilarating as well. I loved it. And then as the night went on, I was in the castle with jess who was tres sleepy. I ended up telling her about my story until she fell asleep. Ugh, whatever jess, my plot was fantastic and YOU, MISSY, YOU MISSED OUT ON THE TWIST. LOL Anyways, once she fell asleep, I climbed onto the top of the castle again and just enjoyed the serenity. It's so stressing taking care of those who needed taking care of and it was so relaxing just sitting in the dark, staring into it. I played the scientist on my phone and it was lovely. I also blogged, so that video after the following pictures. LOOK GUYS MY LOVELY GIFTS, AHH. LOL.
[was supposed to insert photos here but....... yeah] BUT HEY I UPLOADED VID. HERE YA GO.
18/12/12: Went to school to accept award on presentation day. Coldplay performance was pretty creative, I liked it.
DECEMBER 20TH - ATAR DATAR: So yeah, 90's whoo! Met mai and emily at school for bbq. I was ecstatic that morning, I swear. SO HAPPY AHH. LOL And lol, I found out other people's marks and stuff and I think the reason I was so surprised at one of my friend's mark was that I never really thought it was possible to do two low-scaling subjects, no extension classes and get a 90+ ATAR, but then I realised that hey, you just need to do well in those two subjects and it won't scale you down :L Anyways, I asked Medina if anybody got an ATAR between 90 and my own and loool, no one. And I'm not sad that I got the lowest of the nineties - I'm still ecstatic, I just spent the rest of the day laughing at myself :L In a good way.
Okay, december 22nd! This was the day of Danny Phan and John-O's xmas party. It was pretty fun and I met quite a few new people. We danced around, fooled around with pedobear, played poker, ate and just mucked around. It was lovely and I loved danny's BEAUTIFUL RED CARPET. OH, AND I GOT A PRESSIE FROM ALEX AND I'LL SHOW YOU AFTER THE PARAGRAPH ABOUT NYE LOL OK MOVING ON. [Actually it's also at the end of the post LOL]
CHRISTMAS DAY, HO HO HO: A few of us went to collin's house to have a bbq and that was actually quite pleasant. Everybody else didn't like the rain but it didn't dampen my mood. It was nice and I had pudding milk tea for the occasion, lol. NEEXT:
BOXING DAY, KAKAKAPOW. LOL, oh my god, most crowded I'd ever seen. The paths were filled to the days and I had so much trouble meeting up with my friends at myers. But hey, it was all worth it and jessie found me these lovely shorts: [lol sorry no photo]
And I also bought this cool jacket:
[and none here too... :L]
Anyways, I found other shirts but oh lord, boxing day sales are pretty sale-y but just not sale-y enough to satisfy my cheap-ass needs. Also, lol, Andrew was crazy-bored and I did not help :L Anyways, we spent hours in myers and then we moved onto to other stores. I bought all my other clothes at cotton on because my friend was working that day :L That way, we could use his employee discount to get things HALF PRICE, YIPPEEEEEEE. I bought light blue chino shorts and red shorts WHOO. LOL I never used to enjoys clothes so much :\
OKAY, NYE. LOL OH MY GOD, I still say New York Eve instead of New Years Eve, even now, what is wrong with me LOL Anyways, I went to huynh's house to celebrate and that was lovely. I got there a little early, barbecued,
Hi emily (&Mai)
Anyways, dotpoints of the night:
- The food was delicious - SO MUCH CHICKEN AHHHH LOL I should've eaten more :'(
- People were so lovely and carefree. LOL a few vomiting scenarios here and there and don't worry, I won't mention peoples' real names.
- Anyways, Oh Arm and Reagle Turdvard were the cutest drunks! No wait, Oh Arm was cute on christmas but this time he stayed sober because of shame and whatnot. Anyways, Reagle Turdvard was so cute because he kept on chasing after huynh's dog and catching it and whenever we told him to put it down he was all like, "but i caught it". I had to look after him for a bit and lol, you could tell whenever he stood up, it was because the dog was in sight. And oh my god, Reagle Turdvard's nipples made love to Derick Barrymore's nipples, just a little bit of side-news.
- Lots of dares for the drunken that night, here here! Very fun. I always wonder what kind of drunk I'll be. I really really really really hope that I'm not a depressed drunk. People tell me that you're really just yourself amplified, like how Meredith Jacks is just louder, happier and more touchy. Hopefully, I don't have any deep dark depressions that even I'm not aware of. Doubt it though.
- I also had to spend the night cockblocking because Derick was all like, do itttt, and so I did, and it was aiight.
- Jolene Taxidermy was as red as her dress. Tomahto-tomato.
- I spent the first few moments of 2013 with Meredith who had to leave half an hour after the striking of midnight and ze new year :L
- OH! My new years song. I have this slight fear that shots was my first song but let's just pretend it didn't happen.
The following were written on the 17th. I talk about 12/01/13, Alexandra and Jackie's bday party and les mis [13/01/13] and then about my uac offers.
OH, IT'S JAN17TH TODAY. LOL Okay so let's just quickly talk about the 12th! That was Alex and Jacky's birthday party and it was hella fun too. Even though the house was like, in the middle of nowhere, the people were fun, harldy any drunken mishaps and Jeannie Kapots brought her baby Rose-ish! He was so cuteee!!! And LOL Reagle Turdvard was there and this time, instead of Huynh's dog, it was Kapots' child :L Anyways, I want a kid. He will be adorable. And I don't know if I've told y'all this but I would so name my kid Zachary :') Zachary Tran or Zachary Meadows if I find the man of my dreams. Anyways, CHICKEN WINGS DEEPFRIED, YUMMOOOOO. And there was a photobooth - that was hella cool. I wish I got more photos in but oh well. LOL, these were my two attempts at having a set of pictures all to myself, but people like to interrupt -->
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Attempt #1 |
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Attempt #2 |
Okay, LET'S JUST SKIP TO TODAY: UNNIIIIIIIIIIIII AHHHHHH LOL So I made it into USYD - Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts. So now I'm happy that my heart is still intact :) LOL isn't this cool guys. You get to see me on the day we have to hand in our preferences and then me when I get what I want ALL IN ONE POST. We should do this more often.
But like yeah, this morning, my brother told me all the reasons why my plans were faulty and that made me really sad. Because like if I do get both degrees, one will just go to waste and it'll be like a heckload of wasted money.
And also, I realised that the course was pretty much a direct reflection of my indecisiveness. LOL like, it's pretty much what I want to do and what everyone else wants me to do in one course. It's stupid but I've come up with a plan. I'm gonna go through the first year with both and see which one I like better. Orrrr I'll do languages in arts because it's super helpful. Buuttttt, I don't wanna :L So yeah, I'll have my own kinda flexible first year. Hopefully I'll find my true calling and find happiness. Regina Spektor, do not fail me now.
Oh hey, I think I can publish now :L
NOOPE: I didn't bother putting in the pictures so now you have to listen to me again.
18th on the 18th -> So it was Huynh's birthday party yesterday (it's now the 19th) and I had lots of fun. We were at a friend's brother's new house so it was pretty much unfurnished and the house was actually quite nice - a good buy! Anyways, we tried coping with the heat and stuff and settled down. Played music, look around, and pretty much enjoyed ourselves. So, things:
- Orange juice ain't all that bad, actually.
- I had a group dnm, v nice and interesting. Although, it was just one person talking :L
- Reagle Turdvard wore a plastic bag around his face to catch any fish that popped outta his mouth and it looked like a beard so I laughed.
- Vineyard Blues, even though drunk off his ass, kept saying that he only loved his gf which was very sweet. Like, even when we tried putting a bag to his mouth - "I'm only- I'm only for Carolina Jones.
- And just a big thank you to Elyn for driving me home :)
- Oh, and happy birthday, huynh :L Even though you totally flipped me the bird when I said goodbye.
- Photos!
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Two gansters by a lake or river thang - 18/01/13 |
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The birthday boy and I. |
22nd - Went bowling at ffld with maria, eeh, yavin, osly and steven tang. I lost but not as much as yavin and eeh :) I am proud. Then we went to eat at this bistro at canley heights - osly drove, ty osly - and seafood pizza is the bomb.
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Maria the freaken natural >:( |
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Kik watching the impossible featuring andrew in a really gay singlet. |
24TH - USYD. So, okay, so, like, I ENROLLED, WHOO, LOL, I am now a student at usyd, about to study arts & engineering :D:D:D Anyways, suprisingly, I didn't wake up late today, whooo, even though I couldn't fall asleep last night. Met up with em, walked to usyd WHICH IS TOO FAR AWAY. LOL mars Okay, it wasn't that far away, but it was hot darnit. Gon' hate uni in the summer. Anyways, got there and luckily em knew the campus, so we went to fill out our forms and luckily, yet again, em knew how to do the forms because she helped her cousin earlier on in the week. Anyways, quite a few cute white boys, I must say. No arms or anything in the engineering department though :\ :L Aaaanyways, talked to them biomed guys and the engineering mayor guy LOL was a nice man. And white people, like the biomed boy who did languauges, have very nice, bright eyes. Anyways, so I did my units for biomed yeah, and really OH BY THE WAY, MET JUN WHO WAS ENROLLING FOR ENGINEERING TOO- and really, all they did was tell me to copy these unit codes from one sheet to my own. So my biomed units were set before I did them. Really the only choice was which engineering to do, which is understnadable. Now anyways, arts - what to do for arts. Em and I were always tossing between performance studies and film studies. She read about both and we were afraid that we'd have to do art history, ew LOL Naturally, I wanted to do film studies. Anyways, the biomed guy with the nice eyes told us he did french in the arts, and I was like, yeah, I was thinking of doing a language with film studies. Anyways, we talked and talked, and because film studies wasn't a junior year subject, I ended up majoring innnnnnn GERMANIC STUDIES LOL So hey, Imma learn howta speak the german, yeehaw. But like, I need 18 units to do film studies next year and german only takes up like 12 and I can't choose more because of engineering and so like, I have to wait til third year to do film studies. But all that doesn't matter because I was supposed to drop either arts or biomed by the end of 2013 and now I don't know what I want and ughhhhhh. Alsooooooo, I don't think I want to learn german so much as I want to learn French. Okay, lol, now, after typing this, I want to do german. OKAY, SO, I chose german because I had been thinking about it recently, buut, soon after enrolling, I thought, hey, I think the only reason I wanna do German is because I want to do a German. ..... LOL I joke I joke. But you see, one of the main reasons I wanted to do
Em went home and Drew, Mai and myself went around the city. We visited T2 and LOL oh my god, it's one thing to smell the tea but to eat it? :L Like, every once in a while, if you turned around to look at drew, he'd just be chewing and LOL hahahahaha. Um, we also went to topman and stuff. Twas a fun day.
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That's right boys and girls, Imma BIOMED MAN. |
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Topman with mai. |
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Nice little card things in this stationery store at the city. |
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Finished enrolling at USYD :) |
And now, AUSTRALIA DAY. Not the best day for me but oh well. Til Tomorrow.
Oh hey, I think I'll publish now. And although I was supposed to publish photos of my presents and boxing day stuff, no. LOL I am too lazy, so I shall describe.
Thank you Maria for the shirts, I do need more button ups and LOL my clothes could not get more blue. [One of the shirts I am wearing in the usyd photos.] Also, thank you so much for buying me a copy of THE GREAT GATSBY. IT'S FANTASTIC. LOL It's my favourite book even though I only read it because I had to study it but I did appreciate and love it. ... Even though I didn't finish reading it but LOL I know lines from the last act and I get the jyst of the plot, gosh.
Thank you to Mai for my first chino shorts, heeyyy. Love the purple, I did really need nice shorts.
Thanks to Jessica for my lovely lovely lovely sweater - IT HAS KAPOW ON IT, IT'S SO COOL AHH.
Thank you to Andrew for the galaxy shirt that is, as you said, "in my style" :L I love how you chose the gayest shirt in the world, but don't worry, drew, I really do love it. I love how it's like space and earth at the bottom and I've always loved the look of the universe and all its glory :)
Thank you to Huynh for my fantastic Kapow!, Kabonk! and Pow! mugs. They're hella huge and I love them, they're awesome.
Thank you to Eeh for the Lego Bobba Fett alarm clock which sits wonderfully in the corner of my bed. It's fantastic, and now I have three alarms to wake me (Even though every single time they go off I get up to turn all of them off and fall back asleep. It's a terrible curse.)
Thank you to Snez for the TARDIS mug, LOL. Thank you for considering my wish list and getting the exact TARDIS mug I wanted it :L I love it.
And thank you to Emily for my lovely little bauble, marked with bobs and filled with the best things. But um, there's something you must know.
It was just like any other day. I was attempting to tidy up my room (failing in the end) when I saw your bauble. I had yet to find a suitable place to hang it and then I remembered. Recently collin had hung it by his light bulb and drew upon seeing a photo of it, did the same and showed us on whatsapp. And Collin was all like, the bitch copied me, and I like hahahha, and in my room, I was all like, HEY, I CAN JOIN TOO, YIPPEE, and I thought, hey, this string isn't long enough, so I ran out of my room to retrieve fishing string. LOL I was very excited and sadly I ran out holding onto the bauble. And upon flinging myself out of the room, the bauble swung with me and you know how my bed is right next to the door and as tall as my chest? Well, shattering noise, glitter everywhere and a few shards of broken glass.... I was devastated, buuuutttt, upon inspecting the crime scene, I found certain things. I found in the mass of glitter, tiny golden moons and stars and they were so nice. I loved them and the string and the bell and the ribbons. I saw all the lovely little things you put in them and I could really appreciate it. Sooooooo, like, it was actually a good thing that it broke and I'll keep the remains forever :)
And as for boxing day, LOL I ended up buying a crap-tonne of shorts :L And now I have too many shorts and not enough shirts.... LO
Alsoooo, check out me in my new shirt:
Yes, that's right boys and girls - IT'S MY FIRST ROGER DAVID SHIRT, WHOOOO. LOL Big thank you to Alex Tran for getting me this for christmas, and a big apology for getting you the worst gift in existence :L No but seriously, thank you, Alex, I'll wear it FOREVER :) Also, look, it's my favourite lesbian Trinh wearing her dress with a belt made out of human skin.
Anywho, listen to this song I've been addicted to:
Okay, so I will not bother double checking this, I'm sorry. And hopefully, you made it out of this thing alive :) Okay, I think I can FINALLY publish. Oh lord. This is scary. Happy new year y'all and I hope you're happy with your current life. To happiness and beyond, au revoir. You know what? I SHALL GOOGLE WHAT GOODBYE IN GERMAN IS.
Auf Wiedersehen!
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