My eyelids are weighing me down.
I should get rid of them. That way the world will be in full view,
full time, right in front of me. No sneak attacks or sudden fits of
stress, did-I-do-that's and baggy eyes. I wouldn't be so surprised at what I had done,
Or what I had become. Seems like I've changed, or needed to.
Seems like the world's changing too. I blink, and things aren't where they were
before. I feel kinda lost nowadays. And I feel so heavy in this bed.
Or maybe I just need more shut-eye. Wait, isn't this shut-eye the problem?
Or the answer? Okay, I definitely need sleep.
Eternal. Mortal, immortal, sleep is all I need. And yet, I've had plenty of it.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL No idea, guys, just let it go. Okay, so I should be sleeping right now, but I'll catch y'all up. I handed in my feature article today for english and I feel so disappointed in my lack of effort, and yet I couldn't care less. I did the most I could in one night, even if not the most I could in the full time I was given. But I'm cool. I'm fresh, like fresh jive. So many cool headlines all over class today, too. And we finished watching Gatsby, and now we're moving on to A Doll's House. It looks boring, but it probably ain't. Sir hit me when I said it looked boring, so that might be a sign. That my teacher is abusive. LOL I joke, I joke, he probably ain't. Also - fun fact - my english teacher is my only male teacher :O Anywho, Gatsby, or Robert Redford, has a nice-ass ass. Moving on from English.
Drama drama, is quite fun. I still need to work out how to do my scene. And oh my god, I was thinking about our scenes and how once we perfect our movement, we will look so damn cool. Also, I'm thinking of writing my own monologue for my NIDA [National Institute of Dramatic Arts] application. It's not recommended, since it ain't professional but I can at least shape it easily to fit memememe, since I'm writing it :L I'm thinking of taking my oncology idea, where I talk about a man who used to be an oncologist [cancer doctor] but quit because he could not take it. And in doing so, he became broke and lonely and yet somewhat happy. A little bit. But maybe he'll be sad overall. Also, when I think of ideas, I write them down in my phone, and I just had a looksee. And well, I apparently wrote 'Angel watching humans'. And I kinda remember thinking about a monologue where I'm an angel watching humans and their ways. Probably been done over and over before, but oh well. I wonder if I'll ever use the idea... I WANT TO BE A STAR ON PAPER, A STAR TO SHINE HOPE AND ASPIRATIONS. Moving on again.
I bought stuff from Jaycar. My oh my, scale models are bitchily expensive, but oh well. Moving on.
I've been really wanting seafood lately. Maybe I can get fish&chips on Saturday. I've been drinking a lot of Pineapple juice lately. There was a sale at coles the other day, and I got excited so I took any bottle of pineapple juice and bought it. Took it home, drink drink drink and ugh. LOL It was quite terrible at first, but I got use to it. I later found out: IT WAS UNSWEETENED. WHO DOES THAT? WHY. But yeah, it's all good now. Next!-
Community meeting: It was very fun. I enjoyed it. The hospo peeps were all amazing cooks and the food was delicious, scrumptious, mighty fine! LOL, yum, white people food. I wish I got to try the pork :( Also, stuck in the mud, while it lasted, was also really fun. Playing games at school during the night-time can be mighty nice! We, as the lovely, young, lively teenagers we were, got tired awfully quick :L What else is there to talk about? Let's go back further.
Chem and physics tutter was okay. But... I didn't do my hw, and he asked me why I didn't and I said I didn't have time :( But I did, and I felt so guilty. If he had lectured me and embarrassed me in front of the class, I wouldn't have felt so guilty. But, instead, he just gave me a disappointed/slightly angry look and ugh. I can't wait 'til hsc is over. No more tutor and homework and kljgkj;lglkg;. I don't want to go to a uni either. I want to go to NIDA. It would be a dream to live my dream. .... :L
Apparently we are not as good friends as I thought. I never thought we were that great of friends, hardly at all, but I thought it was more than what you had shown. ... I'd make this clearer but arskenflarghendarhgen.
My neck is all wonky. I want a new neck. I'd like to look less like a vulture. And more like Zac Effron :L LOL, I joke. I feel as if his appeal [sex appeal, that is] kinda died down for me after the lucky one. I really liked him during his Charlie St Cloud time, but now. I don't know. He's a little less cute, and a tad bit douchier in my eyes, now. But it's probably just me and my muddled-up mind.
Long post, this one. I guess things need to end somewhere. From flames to ashes, and from ashes to forgetting - it's time to leave this mess, and simply walk away.
Three cheers for out-of-place and unnecessary italics!
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
So I just watched the trailer to The Great Gatzby and I must say, pretty alright trailer. I was afraid that after reading half of Gatsby (which I really need to finish soon), the whole story and whatnot wouldn't really appeal to the general public but it was actually pretty nice looking. LOL There's a better way of saying that. Anywho, I really like the really dramatic scenes with the love is blindness song (which really suits the book) and it's just so cool looking. It gets you excited. Although Gatsby doesn't look as good as the 70's version, Leo will suffice. If only he were like wine though. Anywho, I should start the article, since SOME PEOPLE have already finished it. I should also work on my script, since I'm not even halfway through my most current draft. I decided that I wanted to scrap Mr Mars :\ Also, I should study maths. I REALLY CAN'T BE BOTHERED WITH SEQUENCE, SERIES, INDUCTION AND SHM. Well, induction is okay but I run into so much trouble with apps of series. It will kill me in all the tests :\ I could always practise over and over again but the percentages always get to me and I'm so lazy :L
Monday, 21 May 2012
The ones we like the most are the ones we can't.
Hello, hello. Ca-can you hear me? THIS POST SHALL ATTEMPT TO SUM UP ALL THE POSTS I WANTED TO POST BUT DIDN'T. Okay, so let us start then, you and I, on Carnivale Athletica. Fun day, out in the sun, barbeque-ing with them blokes and sheilas. And dancing, rolling sausages in formation, talking about... stuff :L, dancing in cedar moonlight, stuff. Just stuff. It was a fun day. And I didn't do any sports! LOL .... I need to get into shape some time soon.MOVING ON.
TRUE BLUDDDDD - First off, attractions. That wolf boy, oh my god. That body. And that face. AND THAT BODY. He was all like "At least let me put on a shirt" and I almost threw somthing at the screen :( Also, Jesus is pretty cool. And eric made out with a man 8) AND SAM'S SEX FANTASY ABOUT BILL. They made it out so that it didn't look like a fantasy at first, bill asking for a shirt to wear becuase he got lost, and asking for a shower, and asking sam if he wanted to join, both shirtless since sam was giving his shirt to bill and oh my godddd. I was so happy until Sam woke up :( I still Jessica. She is so cool. And I hope her and Eric's child never die. They're so cool. As for the rest of the show, it's pretty alright. Let's see how this all plays out.
Um, what now? I'm sure there was more to talk about. Drama is going okay. DROPPED SO MANY RANKS. SO UNHAPPY. DAMN YOU ALL. WHORES AND HOES AND BITCHES AND HM. LOL But I will regain. I will get a band six. I'll place if I have to. I will redeem myself. Hopefully. I found out recently that my script or play only needed to go on for 15 minutes, so that was bad because I had written and prepared for like a forty minute play or something. Okay, maybe less but still. Lots o' cuttin' to do. And group performance is funnn. But I feel as if my fantasy, or my scene, is a tad bit cliche. Hm. I need to work on that.
I also need to work on Gatz. As in finish reading it. But from the info I have now, I think it'll suffice for the article. But, lol, I really should finish that darn book. The last pages were really nice. What a line to leave on. I should read more. I might find quotes to quote and stories to rip of off. Hm. :L Let us go then, you and I, to muttering retreats and restless nights in something hotels something something sawdust restaurants and oyster shells. Oyster shells can turn people on.
I need to start my generator soon. I think I have a slight idea of what it will look like. Here's hoping that it will work outsies. Time is of the essence. I have no idea what the chem one is about. I should read these notices :L And I should start my article. I need to get on top of things.
And oh my godddd, maths is going downhill! I have no idea what I'm doing with the money, shm and the applications of series is going to kill me in the topic test and assessment! aksjdklsdlkfjsfkgfk :( Darn, maths, go back to calculus. Oh my god, accidently closed this and freaked out because I didn't want to type it all out again. But it saved. Lucky ducky me.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
A Time in the Life of William Trab
Just click on the link, play the thang and read the bottom. By the by, these are real events that are told in a hopefully odd fashion. Hope you like it. And this happened on the 9th. I just never got around to posting it :\ Anywho, enjoy! This is part of series, by the way, and the series is called what the post is. And this is what I'm saying:
Time Number 1 – Burnt
I had always had a liking to
avocado, especially with large amounts of sugar sprinkled on top of the green
flesh of the fruit. And so it was on
this day that I claimed that I did not want just normal avocado. I wanted a
paste made out of it and spread upon a piece of toasted wholemeal bread. And so
I blended and I toasted. But as luck would have it, my toaster had
malfunctioned and I was left with a very black piece of bread stuck in my
toaster – and surely, if I had even dared to taste the thing, it would’ve
tasted just like cancer. But, I did not. And I had lived to see another day. I
had lived to see the wonders that had come out of that same toaster, on this
here same time. The sun was still up and still yellow and it shined brilliantly
through my kitchen window. It was like seeing bits of dust moving slowly in the
air, but so much better. The smoke had risen from the burnt toast, and it was
idly floating with the sunlight making it so visible and so lovely. It was a
beautiful sight to see. I pulled my hand through it as it wrapped itself around
my tongue. It was a marvellous sight, but it was suffocating. So I had to open
the doors and windows. Unfortunately, I was not in possession of a fan to blow
it out quickly, so I had to wait. But I couldn’t bear the smoke, so I shut the
blinds. Of course, that did not help, and I knew it would not from the start.
But the absence of sun had taken away the image of effervescing asphyxiation,
and I felt as though I could breathe a little easier. This was my afternoon,
eating avocado paste on toast.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
And I'd Do Anything To Make You Stay
LOL, okay, so one tiny note on true blood. That guy that Terra kinda gets with in that weird lady's house? You know that kinda-halfway house that Terra goes to with that weird chick who eats a lot? And there's that black guy who Terra likes? Well, I like him too. I mean damn, he handsome and he got it goin' onnnnn. But that's just me :L
Anywho, what did I do today and the day before that and the day before that. Well, lately, I've been feeling super guilty over not doing my maths exercises and always putting it off. And I've gotten into Magic: The Gathering. ... It's a trading card game :L Like Yu-Gi-Oh but the original. And yes, I know, it's kinda sad but I'm enjoying it. LET ME HAVE MY HAPPINESS. Anywho, my brother and I are tallying our wins and I am in the lead :D I'm very proud of myself because I can never beat my brother in anything. But I am now >:)
Also, the other day, I went to the Canley Heights Scouts' 20th year anniversary which was pretty alright. I was really worried about how it would go because I never really got along with any of the scouts back when I was part of it, and there'd be new people and I'm very bad with new people and yeah LOL But then I found Linda and An/Anh/Anne Vi. I talked to them pretty much the whole night and it was good. Not too many awkward remarks from my end and a lot of new things learnt from conversations. Oh, and the punch there, oh my god. SO GOOD. Fruit punch, by the way :L It was really sweet, and the fruits were sour and there were these chewy jelly squares. CHEWY JELLY SQUARES. I could've lived on that, oh dear lord. But I ended up drinking too much and I really needed to pee. And I also took one big step closer to diabetes :\ But my god, it was good.
Oh, and, here are the photos of Maria and Jess' gifts that I was supposed to show after the other post :L
My room may look like a mess, but that's only because it is :L |
![]() |
My nose is not that big.. :L |
Anywho, Drama has been fun. A few more ideas. We gon' have many good times. I like what my character is so far. Fun fun fun fun.
Welps, let's end this with one last picture [from tumblr]:
LOL Hey, I see it, Jess and Snez :L Chakkuchakkuchakku :L
And then we have this. It's a combination of a proverb, mcr and Blade Runner :)
"Watch me disappear in plain sight, and I'll watch you forget me like I'm tears in the rain."
Saturday, 5 May 2012
More On Tru Blud
Also, spoilers <-- imagine River Song. But seriously, spoilers :L
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
I don't get it either :( Anywho, remember that scene in Matilda where that kid was forced to eat a whole massive-ass chocolate cake? That cake looked gooood. And so did the kid ;D LOL I joke, guys, dammit. I wonder what happened to Matilda. Do you think she used her brain power to become a lawyer or maybe she's using her magical power to make a multi-billion dollar show where she does tricks. Or maybe she joined a circus. Or the government found out and stole her and are now doing multiple tests on her, in which they create a serum for the military and America becomes invincible with their super-soldiers. Orrrrr Miss Honey and Matilda decided to be a selfish couple of hoes and keep it to themselves and not save the world from super-villains and injustice. I mean, there have to be others like her. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AFTER THE MOVIE. LOL In year 7, we studied the film and we were supposed to write an epilogue to follow the movie so I wrote about Miss Honey, her new husband and Matilda going to France and on the way to the airport, they get into a car crash and Miss Honey dies. .... LOL Back then, I thought a good story was a sad one where the good people died. I still do :L Hey, I just remembered Matilda was a book first :L
Anywho, I watched that video on Cynthia's blog with the Lakyn guy and gosheth-doodly-hell, he is cyyuttttee [cute]. And he has a great voice. LOL The other guy was kinda sucky compared to him so poor guy :( But yeah. Dayum. LOL Moving on.
So I've been watching True Blood and I've always been intrigued by it, I've just never gotten around to watching it. And now that I don't have time, I've started watching and yeah. I like it. But, the thing is, I kinda already know things I shouldn't yet. [SPOILERS START HERE AND END AT THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH] Like how Terra gets shot. Terra brings her mother to some lady to try to rid her of her demons. Lafayette's bf gets killed by possessed Lafayette. Werewolves exist and I'm pretty sure Sam (?), Sookie's boss, is one. Sookie is a fairy (or a descendant of one?). Granny dies :( And I'll eventually start hating Bill and fall in love with Eric. [SPOILERS END HERE]
But Bill, oh my god. LOL People don't seem to like Bill but I don't understand why. I guess I just have to keep watching. But this is my current view on Biew. LOL I mean Bill. Fun fact, my old neighbour had a kid called Bill but we were told to pronounce it as Biew. ... Anywho, Bill (from true blood :L) is so damn fineee :L He's got this serious, ol', dark sex thing going on. Like when he sits and stands and stuff LOL Like, this thing! :L Also, he's dangerouss :L But seriously, it is smoking! And then, when he smiles or says something like "I've upset you.." it's so damn cute! He's so handsome too! AH. LOL I like Bill. I wonder if they'll KILL BILL :O LOL And then Uma Thurman comes in with her yellow, biker suit and slices his head off :L ... Bad joke, bad joke. MOVING ON. I also like Terra and her attitude. I don't like Jason. He kinda annoys me. Sookie is alright. I like the little flashbacks they have when they mention their childhoods. Terra's mother is Terra-ble :L And yeah, that's all I know so far. Oh, and there are a lot of very sudden sex scenes. Also, very vigorous ones too :L And gosheth, each ep is so long :L Not bad, but yeah. Most shows try not to exceed 40 minutes.
And this is where it all ends. But first, I shall explain the last part of the title. You see, in the song Video Games, Lana Del Rey sings "Pull up in your fast car, whistling my name." LOL How in the world do you whistle 'Lana'? I don't- I- Jess and I tried, and LOL we both failed miserably. So, LOL, Lana. :L By the way, tickets for her concert in aus is out tomorrow :O What shall I do? Hey, if you put an 'n' in 'aus', you make 'anus'. And if you put an 'r' in 'analogy', you make 'anal orgy'. ......... And with this note, I bid you adieu :L BYE.
Anywho, I watched that video on Cynthia's blog with the Lakyn guy and gosheth-doodly-hell, he is cyyuttttee [cute]. And he has a great voice. LOL The other guy was kinda sucky compared to him so poor guy :( But yeah. Dayum. LOL Moving on.
So I've been watching True Blood and I've always been intrigued by it, I've just never gotten around to watching it. And now that I don't have time, I've started watching and yeah. I like it. But, the thing is, I kinda already know things I shouldn't yet. [SPOILERS START HERE AND END AT THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH] Like how Terra gets shot. Terra brings her mother to some lady to try to rid her of her demons. Lafayette's bf gets killed by possessed Lafayette. Werewolves exist and I'm pretty sure Sam (?), Sookie's boss, is one. Sookie is a fairy (or a descendant of one?). Granny dies :( And I'll eventually start hating Bill and fall in love with Eric. [SPOILERS END HERE]
But Bill, oh my god. LOL People don't seem to like Bill but I don't understand why. I guess I just have to keep watching. But this is my current view on Biew. LOL I mean Bill. Fun fact, my old neighbour had a kid called Bill but we were told to pronounce it as Biew. ... Anywho, Bill (from true blood :L) is so damn fineee :L He's got this serious, ol', dark sex thing going on. Like when he sits and stands and stuff LOL Like, this thing! :L Also, he's dangerouss :L But seriously, it is smoking! And then, when he smiles or says something like "I've upset you.." it's so damn cute! He's so handsome too! AH. LOL I like Bill. I wonder if they'll KILL BILL :O LOL And then Uma Thurman comes in with her yellow, biker suit and slices his head off :L ... Bad joke, bad joke. MOVING ON. I also like Terra and her attitude. I don't like Jason. He kinda annoys me. Sookie is alright. I like the little flashbacks they have when they mention their childhoods. Terra's mother is Terra-ble :L And yeah, that's all I know so far. Oh, and there are a lot of very sudden sex scenes. Also, very vigorous ones too :L And gosheth, each ep is so long :L Not bad, but yeah. Most shows try not to exceed 40 minutes.
And this is where it all ends. But first, I shall explain the last part of the title. You see, in the song Video Games, Lana Del Rey sings "Pull up in your fast car, whistling my name." LOL How in the world do you whistle 'Lana'? I don't- I- Jess and I tried, and LOL we both failed miserably. So, LOL, Lana. :L By the way, tickets for her concert in aus is out tomorrow :O What shall I do? Hey, if you put an 'n' in 'aus', you make 'anus'. And if you put an 'r' in 'analogy', you make 'anal orgy'. ......... And with this note, I bid you adieu :L BYE.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
So today was good :L Things worked out better than I thought, what with the fantastic organisation skills we presented :L But hey, we have to get started for our group work - which reminds me, I'M SO EXCITED FOR SHOWCASE. It's gon' be so cool, and I love my group. Can't wait to see everybody sparkleee :L Anywho, today, there was the Robot Robot Revolution, and yay, twas fun. LOL I was a patrolman and I had to walk around the stage space and stop people from coming through, but LOL, all we did was create a bit of hype because nobody wanted to come any closer than a thousand metres away :L Hey, that's a kilometre... Anywho, should've done a few moves with Cat while we were out there :\ LOL When we were in our formation, I started freaking out LOL I just kept telling myself to not forget moves or go slowly, and LOL I hope I didn't. The wonders of tomorrow, today. Also, kids get scared very easily of psychotic, alien-looking robots who just want to be human but oh well :L And, like always, we went through that phase of hating the long process of costumes and rehearsals and then when it came to the final thing and we finished it, we're just like NOOOOOOOOOOOO, IT'S OVERRRR!! Followed by a short-lived LET'S DO IT AGAIN energy :L Gosheth, I am hungry. LOL I hope you guys heard the thing at the end. It was kinda hard to hear, but lol, it's over now. Whoever that sexy voice was, he should've slowed down when he was recording it :\ Oh, and a big thank you to GenEric Lamb for helping out with controlling the music. THANK YOU. And yeah, it was fun. It really was. And now, it's over. On to group performances and finishing up our IP's :O Anywho, be back later to talk about my experience with the first three eps of true as can true can be, redder than crimson, scarlet and ruby - true blood :O:O:O:O BYE!
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