Monday, 29 August 2011

"I'm cold."

Today was fun. Teased the hell out of Mai. So, okay, this was a while ago, but since Mai is blogging about how she fooled me twice, I will tell you about how I fooled her twice. 
Okay, so Maria told me about this thing, where if someone is coomplaining, you ask if they want a straw, and naturally, they'd go, "What? Why would i want a straw?" Then I would go, "To suck it up- HAHAHAHAHAHA!" And since Mai complains all the time, I thought I'd do it to her. And do it, I did. Twice. LOL I asked her once in the morning, and then later at hometime. I did the same thing, and she said "Why would I want a straw?" again LOL okay. That is all. Haha, I am such an ass :L

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Things that happened to happen today:

  •  I used all my money on a Bubble-Gum McFlurry. It was okay, but other flavours probably would've been better. But, now, I am wiser, and I know that anything bubblegum sucks ass.
  • I saw a man walk away from maccas with two cold drinks against his nipples. I guess it's hard to hold two cups at once, but LOL, really? :L
  • I watched another episode of friends. Joey the cute bastard bought an encyclopedia that covered the letter 'V' and chandler had sex with Rachel's boss and got stuck in a chair. Yeah.. weird show :L
  • I watched a bunch of fish go to school.
  • Tutti-Frutti is also a bad flavour for anything. My tastebuds despise tutti-frutti.
  • I attempted to study, but instead found a book competition on studywiz. And so, I decided to compete in it. I tried making something like super-pro with photoshop but I remembered halfway through that I suck at photoshop LOL So I gave up and I ended up with a mix of really REALLY random crap like this: 

LOL Oh my god, she has two left shoulders LOL
EDIT*** APPARENTLY, this poster thing is only for years 7 to 10 :(
  •   Everybody seemed to be in a really good mood today! I liked that :)
  • I've decided to stop assuming things now because I seem to end up wrong almost every time.
  • I signed up for the talent show but I don't know what I'm doing :S

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

LOL 2 vide0z 2 late~~

So this is what I did yesterday. Before my horrible 40 hour famine. Oh, by the way, I am dying. But, my parents gave me, like, twenty dollars so I am glad :L VIDEOS:


Friday, 19 August 2011


He walks among us. Among all the workers and prostitutes, but no-one ever notices. He’s not a flashy person, I guess. But, he exists, and for that very reason, you should be scared shitless. He is THE DAYWALKER :O:O:O [Apologies for the rude language, but i needed it for the effect. Also, i had this douchebaggy tone in my head when i was writing this.]

DAYWALKER presents to us a man without a fear, other than his one big, annoying phobia. DAYWALKER gives us your everyday, run-of-the-mill vampire who sucks blood, battles vampire slayers and avoids all the normal vampire weaknesses; i.e. wooden stakes, garlic, the sun. but, unlike every other vampire in existence, he is immune to the sun’s violent Ultraviolet rays. But, of course, he was never told this.

Battling all them slayers, Daywalker owns all the streets, and he gets all the vampire girls, except for one. And that one street is ROSEBENDER STREET. In this epic new movie-length feature film, Daywalker must fight all his fears, especially SUNLIGHT, his most powerful opponent.

So, he rules the whole city, rules every single street, because, even though all the businessmen and hookers don’t notice him, the vamps do, and they do NOT want to get in his way. Of course, they won’t tell him why he’s called DAYWALKER either. And so he rules all the streets; all but one. And that’s Rosebender street. Now, my writers often ask me why I keep telling them to leave the girl out of the movie, and I bet you’re wondering yourself. Well, every vampire movie has a girl, and so I made one up for the trailer. It’s as simple as that.


I rule this city. I am the head vampire. I make all the calls. I am the fear of this city. I am DAYWALKER.

Small sections of clips showing him walking around at night, sitting in his room during the daytime, him looking at the window, which has shut blinds, blocking him from the sunlight. These scenes are transitioned using fade-in’s and fade-out’s.

But, sometimes I wonder, why do they call me DAYWALKER? And when will I get that girl over there? AND WHEN WILL I FINALLY TAKE ROSEBENDER STREET? … How can I defeat the sunlight?

Scenes of him watching Rosebender st from far away. Frame of the street sign. Cut to him in room. He touches blinds, and then pulls it down, risking his fingers! :O No effect. Confusion, intrigue. Scene shows a medium shot of him in front of the blinds. He reaches to pull the blinds open. They open, he becomes a silhouette as the sunlight floods the camera shot.

I didn’t know why, but the sunlight didn’t hurt, and I wondered… until I realised that it must've been…

Close up of his face, close to the window.

… the glass.

Epic scene with him walking through Rosebender street in the daylight! Holding a giant piece of glass, pointing at the sun. EPIC HANS ZIMMER MUSIC! Quick changing frames of things like his boots, 'Rosebender St' sign, the sun, his face, etc etc. Then, he climbs the pole so he can right his name on the street sign. Raise the pressure and suspense by showing shots of his face sweating. And then he slips, and drops the glass onto the gournd where it breaks. Music stops.


‘DAYWALKER’ fills the screen, in bold, white block letters. The letters kind-of have a moon shade to it, you know? And black background. Cut to man again. Silence as he realises he is not dead.


'Coming to a cinema near you this summer' comes up. Fade out.

LOL, I should be studying for peak test, but I cannot be bothered! So instead I did this. By the way, this is a joke :L

Wednesday, 17 August 2011



My Wondondrous Day

Okay, so my day was quite good today. It was exciting, new and better than I expected it to be.

It pretty much consisted ooooooooof:

1. Morning walk with Trinh & Dono. Donovan has a new haircut. It really compliments his forehead :L

2. Roll call - SRC meeting :O "ORDER!!!" And then there was order :)

3. Physics - Casual teacher filling in. We were supposed to summarise, but instead Mai and I read over our speeches. The second half of my speech is so boring :L But it's true :) My god, this period was forever. Nerves are rising. Had to split them evenly so I'd have enough for Poppies.

4. :O 2012 STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE'S ELECTION! So many butterflies in my stomach. So much shaking. Couldn't stay still! Went up, did speech, earthquake on paper, panicked during second half - I LOST MY PLACE and missed a very important sentence :\ Went down and experienced quite a stomach ache. I think the butterflies decided it was a good time to start a riot.

5. Recess Recess Recess. Should've eaten spaghettio's. 

6. Maths! :O Did a chapter. I'm so slow at copying. Question 4 is so long and tedious. Well, actually, I think I had a bit of fun :O

7. Drama! Oh my god, so scared. Nerves increasingly rising. Getting ready, exercises, 1.. 2.. 3, 3! 1... 2... 3... 4-4! DAMMIT D:< Rehearsed Act II. "Aww-right". Bounce on the stairs. Eeh thinks it's a joke, that it ain't serious. "Bloody Bastard".

8. Army of children infiltrate school grounds. THEY'RE EARLY! Panic! at the Stage. Not quite sure what to do. Panic! So much Panic! Get props into places! QUIET, GUYS! Dance a little to release annoying, pain-in-the-ass nerves. :O Music and curtains. Heads down, calm down. SINGGGGG!!!!

9. All good. Hardly any problems at all! Had to change 'dickheads' to 'meanies' :\ Apparently, children don't understand sex. :O YEAR TENS HAD THE LIGHTS AND MUSIC ALL WRONG! But, other than that, good job, year 10 drama! OH, AND CATRINA FELL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Jenny couldn't stop laughing!

10. Take a bow, and wave like crazy. Bye, guys. Cheer like crazy. Bitch, we owned that hoe. Get out into the open. Say hi to children. Get asked questions. "Hey Theo, looking good." Why thank you random white kid :$ Too bad it was a joke. Actually, that was probably a good thing. Bye, guys. :O Everybody's changed! FINE! Change change change. Come out. Where... did everybody go? I only see children. "HEY, THEO!" Wave. Look around. All alone. Run to Hellen, asking for help. She's just as clueless. Apparently, all the gals are still changing. What slow hoes.

11. A little bit of spaghetti. Which reminds me, I've got to go get my spaghettio's. Wait here while I go get it. ... Okay, got it. Forks up, digging in. Leave for Thai food. Get to train station. Cabra? or Fairfield? Fairfield. :L I only have a train pass for Fairfield. The spaghetti smells weird now... Really long wait for the train. I think it was delayed. 

12. Train train train.  THAI FOOD! Ordered quail, ox tongue and some noodle thing. Can't quite spell it. Pa-tel? LOL So yum. Also got my first egg soda drink. It was quite good, but the way Huynh described it, it sounded like heaven. It wasn't... But it was still delicious :)

13. Pay for Thai food and leave. Get a soda. Buy a Pasito and lime-lemon Solo for Jess. Get back to the hall. On the way back, I decided to hide behind a tree with Tommy to scare the guys. Twas freakin' awkward. Oh, and by the way, Tommy makes the most retarded sounds LOL It's like this weird, low, hollow, pubescent, extreme exhale. LOL.

Thursday, 11 August 2011


SMALL POPPIES! Small People, Big Decisions. Year 11 Drama bring to you a heartwarming story about the troubles of being a kid on their first day at big school, and the coming together of three best friends. It's fun, childish and a little bit crazy.
The doors open at 6:15 pm, and the play starts at 6:30 pm and goes on until about 8:00 pm. It's free of charge, and it will take place on Wednesday, the 17th of August at the Canley Vale School Hall. Come, and have fun. :)