Sunday, 31 July 2011

My Day Today

This is pretty much what my day (31/07/2011) consisted of:


Yeah... That is all.

Saturday, 30 July 2011


DESCRIPTION: 2 minutes and 40 seconds of me playing with a balloon. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Friday, 29 July 2011

HELLOOOO, Blaggers.

This is a video :D Enjoy it, if you want to. That is all. "WE'RE GETTING A SLATE FLOOR" - Theo.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Remember this moment

A message to myself:
It is the 26th of July, 2011.
It is 4:43 pm.
It is a good time for you.
It is your time.
William Tran, this is a moment to remember.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Hey-o, video time. LOL I'm sorry. Nothing interesting today :\ Just a really boring video. Yeah, I'm serious. This is truly boring. :O I know, I know, why would I post something so boring? Well, because I have nothing else :D Yes, you could say 'if you have nothing good to blag, then don't blag at all', but you know what? I'm a rebel, I don't follow your rules. .................

Also, my brother has this rag for his project, and it was made from an old shirt and it had a nice pattern. I really liked it. It's probably not that great, but i want it. Too bad it was a torn-up shirt used to clean crap.Here's a picture of the pattern:



Friday, 22 July 2011

I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

Yeah! That's right! I used a lyric for my post title >:D
I could be your boy, you could be my girl.
You can run away with me, anytime you want. 
And when you kiss me, I am happy enough to die. 
And i'm crying all the time. I have to keep it covered up with a smile. And i'll keep on moving on for a while, but i have a broken heart.
Nevermind, I'll find someone like you. 
If this is what you are, then fire at will.
Bonfires of trust, flash-floods of pain.

See what I did there? Figure it out and get the GRAND PRIZE! (Nothing) This set of lyrics is linked to my blog post :O
If you don't have my blog link, here it is. I created the blog because I have sad feelings as well, and that is where I put them. My blag is for happiness. :) ... Yeah, the link :L

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

My Day

Hi, guys. Today was quite fun. In drama, we rehearsed 'Small Poppies' which is the production that us drama people are getting together. It may or may not happen during week five so save up or don't save up :L It's about the problems of children on their first days of school. The issues may seem small, but to these young kiddies, these are their toughest moments yet.
Also, recess was fun today. Maria, Jess and I (or 'me'?) played a game where we had to end all our sentences with a phrase. At first, I got 'Michael Jackson', which changed to 'orgies' which then became 'sperm cupcakes'. Jess got 'banana', then 'banana rape', which was changed to 'anal toad'. And Maria got 'Grandma sex', which was changed to 'Grandma orgies' due to a mix-up of phrases :L It was fun while it lasted; watching people gingerly staring. But, it soon became tedious, so we stopped during maths. Yeah, that was pretty much mah day. Yeah. :L What an eventful day.. LOL

I know, I know. No videos from moi today, but you do get two of my most beloved songs:

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Hey Jess, "bass, bass, bass, bass" :L

You're, like, slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye OH! :L
Hello. This was on ze 16th of July :) Enjoy.

Monday, 18 July 2011


Oh my god, LOL. I just can't get over this picture - "bitches love leaves" LOOOL OH MY GOD, HAHAHAHA ... Whatever, it's funny :L


LOL Hahaha, I'm such a sucker for cute pets doing things :L It's just that the captions go so well with the picture!! hahahahaha - "OUT." Look at the cat! LOOK AT THE GODDAMN CAT! LOL xD


Sunday, 17 July 2011

I have something to SHOW you

DESCRIPTION: Yes. These are my good ol' shows :) Warning: Very bad acting. I mean, it's horrible. I mean, oh my god, what is this kid on? bad.

Also, there will be a video of my cooking adventures with Jessica coming soon. Just don't have the footage yet :O Stay tuned? :L

Friday, 15 July 2011

Sister Benedron & Me :)

NOTE: This happened on the 14th of July, 2011.

DESCRIPTION: This isn't a review LOL It's a just a blag post :L


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

HP&ALICE + custard

DESCRIPTION: Guess it's all over now :\ Harry Potter, that is. Yeah.. OH, and sorry about the ending. When I sneeze, it kinda sounds like I'm saying 'expelliarmus'.
Also, I thought I'd try actually talking about my day this time. Yeah. I don't like it LOL And now, I shall leave you all, WITH A SONG LYRIC -
We could leave this world, leave it all behind.
We could steal this car if your folks don’t mind.
We could live forever,
If you’ve got the time.

Sunday, 10 July 2011


Hello, world. Yes, y'all are gonna learn about me :)

DESCRIPTION: Yeah... This eventually turned into things in my room LOL OH WELL :L Enjoy. Also, the zipper thing's probably not a fear. It's just weird paranoia :L LOL, awkward video frame to start off with :L

Friday, 8 July 2011

2in1!!! :O:O:O:O

Did someone say BONUS VID??! :O Okay, if that's what tickles your fancy. So, here ya go, yo. Have furnn and sturff :L Also, REALLY SORRY ABOUT THE HORRID ACTING LOL But suck it up, because I ain't changing it :L Enjoy!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


This is the picnic video. This picnic was fun. Enjoy.

DESCRIPTION: This is the picnic I went to today. Yes, yes it is. And I just realised how weird the 'GUESS WHO'S MAFIA' thing is LOL Brother was in room so I didn't want to recheck video :(

Sunday, 3 July 2011


YAY, I learned how to embed! :D Hello, Snezana. Enjoy. :) 
Happiest of birthdays, my dear Snez. Hope this makes up for my absence.. Haha, probably doesn't but OH WELL, that's all ya get :L So, enjoyyyyyy!
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queeeeeeeeeen!
Why? Because I can (H)

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Yeah, this vid is about mah day :) Enjoy my life, while you can :L :O Link won't change to red! :'(

This is what i look like when i say hi and i think im shooting a video..


Okay, so here's my new youtube video :D On my channel and stuff. Hope ya like. If ya don't, then.. go do something that's demeaning! Yeah, that's right, bitch... :L

Friday, 1 July 2011